Lets talk about Nanoseers abilities. Nanoseer General

SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
Ill just go over everything I've kinda taken note of so far. seems to crash anytime I try to format it better or spell things better so, im just posting my unedited version.

-------------------------------< Abilities in Nanotech >-------------------------------
Ability              Info                                               Lessons        
Nanites              -- Recharges nanites: Good, but should be built into class
Recall                 -- Calls them back to you if you need them: has its uses
Miniaturisation    -- Generates more nanites at a cost of 35% of total :Good even though you lose a bunch because of this ability I haven't ran out of nanites yet
Swarm                -- a good bashing ability further amplified by other means
Confound            -- says nerves, applies mental damage? and affliction: decent ability doesn't apply any pressure with damage just stacks an affliction 
Distract             -- requires 3 mental afflictions applies periodic balance loss if it isn't cured instantly: I've tested it a little bit in the arena I don't have too much of a gauge on how good or bad it is
Multistrike          -- basically a slightly weaker swarm that applies while you cast 3 swarms: moderately useful good in bashing when paired with delay
Eyestrike            -- apply 1 of 3 sensory afflictions at the same time as canceling channels/crashes: not bad I suppose not sure where the sensory damage comes into effect if there really isn't anything else that goes off of sensory damage
Zap                  -- tested on a few different mobs, no players yet but didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever. SEE AFINITY
Sluggish            -- slows down balance costing afflictions I've applied it and seen it healed by the ww system instantly every time so i'm not sure how good or bad it is
Echoing             -- apply every sensory affliction then apply this to increase sensory damage. not sure why though what does building sensory damage accomplishes
Multiswarm        -- I haven't used this in any case other than testing in bashing in areas that were way lower bc if I tried in a proper area id get slaughtered: probs good in group combat unless it hits allies
Wireblock            -- my opinion so far is that this skill is likely your bread and butter if you want to go for any affliction based kill
Mindswap             -- I've tested this one and its kinda weird it will sometimes cure something and just give that exact same thing back. WW curing is automatic though so it will never mess up someones curing by making them cure the wrong thing not sure why it exists
Delay                  -- not too much of a use for this other than to delay things, Its not bad. but not amazing. It has its uses though.
Affinity             -- I cant get this ability to work no matter how hard I tried. Ive applied zap to a terraworm 30 times and tried no luck, thinking it was just the terraworm I tried it on a opal beetle same result. If it works on players its got the same problem as other things that just don't fit with the class what is it helping with?
Repair               -- Everyone's got one, moving on.
Protect              -- I'm not sure if it has an effect. I have it on 100% of the time though so it probably does. also 10% of max nanites for the possibility of this doing something.
Intercept           -- I'm sure this is great, just haven't been able to test it. 
Counterzap        -- I'm sure this will have an effect if anyone ever decides to use EM damage but 10% of nanites for protect but against EM damage.
Alertness           -- Imo this ability is the reason I love this class. I know who is around me at all times.
Scan                  -- Not really any reason to use this afaik
Mislead             -- I suppose for 20% of your nanites this would be useful if you are running from someone with a scan. AKA another nano not sure who else has scans. doesn't work on bugs though.
Analyze             -- Must have for mind stacking so you know your progress
Envelop              -- reconnaissance I suppose but they get a notification if you do it so possibly useless unless you just catch someone who isn't paying attention
Relay                  -- useful-ish, see ENVELOP as its a requirement but still a fun thing to do
Control              -- What even is this? You cant make people give you things so its not useful for stealing and anything else I've tried to get it to do has 0 effect so I BUG'd it
Rush                   -- SEE PROTECT I have it on 100% of the time hopefully whatever its intended to do it does. 5% of nanites used for this
Disarm               -- haven't had a use but i'm sure this is useful
Reconstruct        -- haven't had a use but i'm sure it could help somehow


  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    -------------------------------< Abilities in Oblivion >-------------------------------
    Ability              Info                                               Lessons        
    Channel              -- Allows you to actually use this tree
    Swap                 -- allows you to swap without having to drop your current one VGOOD
    Disrupt              -- disrupt, but costs sanity and why not just use eyestrike to apply a sensory affliction at the same time.
    Awareness           283 I assume this is literally amazing, best thing in the tree
    Affinity            708 constant drain on sanity not sure the consequences I cant even get below 60% but I assume this ability is amazing
    [The Conqueror]
    Conqueror           118 affliction-wise this is probably going to be your go to as it has a lot of things you want to use often but 30% sanity gain ouch I haven't tested pretty much anything in oblivion so I don't have too much of an opinion
    Frenzy              167 this ability sounds amazing for bashing I hope it also transitions the 25% damage increase to WW systems too atm i'm doubting it though
    Mindmelt            222 I wish this ability had a better tool-tip as "When facing a foe with at least 5 mental afflictions and a weakened mental subsystem, you may slay them instantly." doesnt quite let me know what "Weakened" means.
    Maladies            510 maladies, this ability. This one right here is in my opinion going to make affliction stacking insane as just about everyone inherently stacks afflictions somehow and you pop this right after an interdict and watch as everyone gets so many afflictions
    Jolt               1260 seems good, no testing so I cant comment that well
    [The Traveller]
    Traveller            -- really good for crashing
    Mark                 -- pretty self explanatory
    Speedup             351 not sure how much this affects things but its gonna be fun having speedbattles
    Slowdown            955 same as above, i'm not sure the affects on your WW curing though. if WW curing doesn't get slowed down as well you will likely lose afflictions faster than you can stack them
    Timeline           1099 50% of your sanity, but id say pop this right before you use pax to heal yourself back up, then continue where you left off
    [The Architect]
    Architect            -- 10% less nanite costs is a good thing 60% sanity regen is meh
    Invisibility         -- invisibility is pretty amazing, scans/bugs will still see you though
    Efficiency           -- if this works on oblivion sanity costs I could see some really good uses, if it doesn't I guess it can be useful on some nanite costs.
    Extend               74 no idea how good this is but from what I hear about the cost. You may as well just buy a new one. I suppose it will be worth it when you have AMAZING gear you just cant replace so easily.
    Distribution        825 this ability sounds devastating in group vs group hopefully you're solo against the two groups
    [The Progenitor]
    Progenitor           -- 20% faster nanite regen, 80% sanity gain pretty good.
    Cure                 -- This ability will likely save your life too one day.
    Grounding            -- so far, 0 people or things use EM damage, but this ability makes it seem like EM damage is insane from someone or something.
    Negation             -- It blocks an attack. I wish it would make it require two hits to stop suffocate but in and of itself this is pretty good ability. Put it up after every combat, and it can even be used mid combat to buy time for REPAIR. 10% sanity though.
    Interdict          1440 This is no, but on a room level. It sounds absolutely insane allowing you to continue applying afflictions while no one can damage you. LONG CD though.
    [The Sunderer]
    Sunderer             -- 5% nanite damage if you really need that little bit of an edge, but 0 sanity regen.
    Destruct             -- destroys a prop wall weapon or armor, not sure why you'd use it to destroy weapons or armor but hey to each their own. also why have this ability and hurl? seems like a waste for redundancy. but maybe you want a prop in the next room over. oh well.
    Ripples              35 I can see this being good in Group vs Group yada yada doesn't hit teammates?
    Quake               426 Interrupt your room and adjacent rooms not a bad ability at all IMO
    Breakdown           604 INSTAKILL based on total WW damage, guess we just needed another in case they slip away and heal up their mind subsystem I like it though
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    here's the major pvp skills laid out in no particular order, it doesn't seem like you did much testing at all @Soza

    We also have a third skillset called voidism, which wasn't mentioned lol

    The issue with nanoseer pvp right now is getting enough affs sticking on our target. With confound as unreliable as it is and our damage output so low, there's not much we can do in a 1v1 before we're just damaged out ourselves or overwhelmed by affs. We have a lot of nice hinder, but we can't access any of it without 45s of prepwork and pain, which is more than enough time for a competent scoundrel to just straight-up damage us out.

     I think fixing confound so it doesn't overlap affs that the target already has, and potentially increasing the subsystem damage of minddrain might make this a more viable class for 1v1s.


    Confound - Mental subsystem damage(2%) and a random mental aff, so far I've only seen it give stupidity, confusion, acrophobia, vertigo, and encroachment. The issue with this skill is it'll apply affs the target has, or even apply the same aff multiple times in a row, making it VERY unreliable to use, but also the backbone of our offense because mindmelt.

    Distract - cures 1 mental aff and knocks the target off balance periodically, also a pre-requisite for sluggish.

    Sluggish -  requires target to be distracted, applies sluggish aff(slow bal)

    I'm not sure what you're doing, but if you're at this point they shouldn't be curing it instantly. It's more likely that you're not meeting the pre-requisites for it to actually land on target, and they're shrugging it off like nothing.

    Eyestrike - Sensory subsystem damage(2%) and random sensory aff. I've seen blind, blurred vision, deaf, and I think one more but I can't remember it off the top of my head. Use this to help draw WW curing away from the mind affs we actually want to stick.

    Analyze - Most important skill you have. 1s balance, Gives you a readout of the target's DIAG exactly how they'd see it, here's a log of it's readout.
    ( "MIND IN KILLZONE - 0.0 - Eff: 100" -> this is a trigger, ignore that line. )

    Mindswap - important for sticking mind affs. Currently broken, so it doesn't give a random aff but instead gives the same one it cured. Also seems to get hung up on one aff instead of picking at random from what they're afflicted with.

    Protect - Reduces incoming damage at a 10% decrease to max nanites.

    Scan - not useful? This gives you a list of everyone in your area as well as their location(similar to scent/spyglass/whatever on other games). great for finding sneaky buggers that try to hide in your station or even just keeping tabs on that one sketchy guy that might jump you because you stole his junk.


    Minddrain - important for mindmelt. Does mind subsystem damage based on the number of affs the target has. Good for not only getting that last bit of damage needed, but also for getting them below 90% near the start of the fight. This gives you a free mental aff that can't be cured until they repair their mind back over 90%.

    Freeze     - Health damage and a muscular aff(frozen). not the greatest, but good for applying health and aff pressure at the same time.

    Pointzero - increases the damage of drain-type damage(Freeze, roomdrain, minddrain, drain, you get the point) Also necessary for barrage, but that's not a very useful skill unless you're cleaning up bots.

    Propgrab - steal their cover, then hit them with it using Propdrop. Can also suspend it for the entire duration of the fight, making it very powerful.

    Rattle       - another MASSIVE one. halves the effectiveness of wetwiring, requires sluggish, but at this point the target SHOULD be easy to kill. confound/eyestrike/mindswap -> distract -> sluggish -> rattle is what I've found works best but right now the class is just too spread out to actually be competent at anything other than meatshield.

    Extinguish - don't let those nasty beasts force you through firewalls. (other classes can also pull peeps through the firewalls, use it against them instead of just dropping them!)

    Groundfreeze - don't let them get away either! This seems to have a pretty high chance to cause any runners to be proned. Great way to keep peeps in the room. Flying lets you bypass it, and it affects EVERYONE including you so keep that in mind while using it.


    @Wuff you might be looking for something like this?

    This is a spreadsheet I did up of what the channels affect, and what skills are opened by each one. I'll add nanotech and voidism eventually, but wanted an easy way to compare the skills in oblivion.


  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    @Ronin Thanks for all that. I'm gonna read this all in more detail after work.
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • EiphyEiphy Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    Wuff said:
    Having to manually charge your Nanites is slightly annoying, and can be disrupted by enemies, which is even worse.
    Sanity as a feature feels completely out of whack. Completely. You're either full or empty.
    Gating stuff behind Empyreals is absolutely excruciating.
    Can we get a list of abilities that you would even use Oblivion Affinity for?
    Most of the Nanoseer abilities mess up your allies as much as your enemies.

    So... Oblivion abilities look REALLY strong at first glance, but when you actually come to using them, you're sort of like "Why am I expected to use up this many resources to accomplish this task?" 

    If anything, they look like abilities that you can only really use well if you're exploiting something.

    Many more complaints to voice.
    To add to this, it's too many lessons with too few skills. You need to spend hundreds of lessons to get 2-3 skills. It's daunting and discouraging to learn.
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    zap is useless which means affinity is useless.  drain is useless, interdict is useless the whole class is either broken or useless 
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    I had no idea you felt that way, @Sagex since you haven't stated that anywhere else.

    @Aurelius is already looking into making class changing a possibility with a full refund in these early days. But suggestions on how to fix what you think is broken would be A+
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Minion said:
    Sagex said:
    zap is useless which means affinity is useless.  drain is useless, interdict is useless the whole class is either broken or useless 
    I don't understand comments like this. It astounds me when people honestly believe they are furthering discussions with this sort of slippery slope. 

    Turn this thread into suggestions for improvement rather than whinging. Then you have something useful for the growth of the game.
    How is that whining when i'm bringing up that many of the major abiltiies is nanoseer is broken or useless? you can't even go into pvp and create afflictions because mindswap does not do what the desc says 
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Syaja said:
    I had no idea you felt that way, @Sagex since you haven't stated that anywhere else.

    @Aurelius is already looking into making class changing a possibility with a full refund in these early days. But suggestions on how to fix what you think is broken would be A+
    I've stated this in multiple other threads and the suggestion is to fix the skill so it does what it's designed 
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    That's the fun of open beta, though! Finding all the broken stuff so it can get fixed.
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Well since I can't delete comments i'm just frustrated with the lack of abilities vs other skills. The item abilities seem weird too me like they are meant more for a general skill. Interdict does not stop damage from occurring, zap is not stacking or doing anything which means affinity can't be used. For voidism vacuumsphere seems not worth it since it can do 500+ damage to you? and outside of eyestrike not sure of any other way fr afflictions to be used 
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Minion said:
    Sagex said:
    Minion said: no
    Sagex said:
    zap is useless which means affinity is useless.  drain is useless, interdict is useless the whole class is either broken or useless 
    I don't understand comments like this. It astounds me when people honestly believe they are furthering discussions with this sort of slippery slope. 

    Turn this thread into suggestions for improvement rather than whinging. Then you have something useful for the growth of the game.
    How is that whining when i'm bringing up that many of the major abiltiies is nanoseer is broken or useless? you can't even go into pvp and create afflictions because mindswap does not do what the desc says 
    If it was submitted as a bug in game, wait for the fix. If it hasn't, please do so. If your opinion of the class is that is broken, it is your opinion. If you want to see improvement, this isn't the way to do so.

    I personally don't care about how you express your opinion but I hate seeing people make a blanket statement like that after 2? weeks in game. It will get fixed eventually, stating it is useless fixes nothing at all and could drive away potential players if it isnt called for what it is.

    And i am not saying that the skill is working by any means, I have no idea. If it needs fixed, 10/10 it will be fixed.
    Your little attitude problem with other people's thoughts on the forums is kind of funny. My frustration and what you perceive as just whining is the fact out of the other three classes Nanoseer has more broken half end skills. Second, an opinion and facts are two different constructs. Fact nanoseers three trans skills are either not working or not feasible in a main situation I am not allowed to be frustrated that i'm tri trans and put those many lessons into? and third, i  saw the other skills of the other classes and they don't have some extreme path to either do an instant kill or for that matter have utility skills that don't  make sense 
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Syaja said:
    That's the fun of open beta, though! Finding all the broken stuff so it can get fixed.
    I'm all for open beta headaches, heck i'm suffering through that with hunting but it's just insane to pile that on with the skill tree of nanoseer and it's a unejoyable existance 
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    Sagex said:
    Syaja said:
    That's the fun of open beta, though! Finding all the broken stuff so it can get fixed.
    I'm all for open beta headaches, heck i'm suffering through that with hunting but it's just insane to pile that on with the skill tree of nanoseer and it's a unejoyable existance 
    Understandable, the hunting is frustrating, nanoseer is weak, and there's lots of bugs, but this is a beta.

     We are testing the game right now, working on balancing it, and they're working as fast as they can to fix stuff. There's only so many hours in a day, and devs for a game, give them time to get stuff sorted out and balanced. Skills are especially difficult, since the smallest change can make a massive difference balance-wise.
     That's what these threads and betas are for. Ideas and suggestions for improvements to the game.
  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    I'm actually really glad I gave Nanoseer a second chance. Granted, PvP isn't my thing but I have a lot of fun with it in PvE. Compared to Engineer just using claw and turrets being PvP only. I also prefer it to Scoundrel. No opinion on BEAST/Fury because those aren't my thing. But so far I've been shredding through shit with multistrike>freeze>swarm.
    I'm gone.
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    Wuff said:
    There's an issue with some lines not being returned for Nanoseers, like in Echoing and Sluggish. I'd rather Analyze not have a cooldown, and having maybe a shorter balance would be nice.

    Maybe some of our afflictions should carry some damage?

    Scoundrels can pick and choose practically any affliction in the game, and apply an affliction AoE in one balance that we need to spend 5 balances or so to apply to one person. Not really on.

    Oblivion skills should be used without channelling and Empyreal and incentives for channelling should be upped, perhaps favouring different playstyles or killpaths.

    Either that, or we need some of our current Oblivion skills tweaked, and we probably need a new skill for each Empyreal. I'm not sure if that's unreasonable, but the way it works now... It's just a bit egh.
    bug the lines that aren't being returned.
     Re:aff damage, we have freeze, which gives damage and an aff. Confound gives subsystem damage and an aff, eyestrike is similar to confound.  We're an aff/subsystem class, with health pressure via multistrike, swarm, freeze, and multiswarm. The way combat seems to work is your attacks affect 2/3 of the things that can be prioritized using WW PRIORITIES. 

    Scoundrels are OP right now. They have affs, damage, and subsystem damage, and can do a LOT of it at once. That's more an issue regarding that class than nanoseer. We can also apply 1aff/balance, and deal some subsystem damage at the same time. there's a difference between sticking affs, and giving affs. 

    Oblivion stuff: What tweaks, and why? Oblivion is powerful, and it's not difficult to use it as it is. get swap, learn what skills do what, and make aliases or just code it. Learn to use the class instead of trying to make it easier because you don't understand it. You also asked for a list of the useful abilites in oblivion, My table above should help you with this. 

    If they fix confound and up the damage on minddrain we'll be able to apply affs and deal significant subsystem damage faster, and in the process also hinder our enemies easier with distract, sluggish, rattle, and easier mind aff stacking. 

    we'd still have the lowest damage output, and be the slowest hunters because of it, but buffing oblivion's skills won't really change that.

  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    For some reason It didnt allow me to finish the post, as I had placed voidism correctly between the other two but at least here is the finished post.

    -------------------------------< Abilities in Voidism >--------------------------------
    Ability              Info                                               Lessons        
    Levitate             -- its a levitate, makes jet-packs redundant for you. a lot more useful than some abilities.
    Pull                 -- useful if someones trying to fly away
    Airgrab              -- cant use on NPC's was BUG'd did 3k damage before when you released players, tbh I just wanted to test if I could grab a scoundrel and he iron-sight from above. TLDR you cant
    Release              -- Lets go of the grabbed enemy.
    Propgrab             -- as your attacks are all ranged this stops people from evading basically all attacks by taking cover
    Propdrop             -- does decent damage if for some reason you had to pick up a prop
    Hurl                 72 gets rid of annoying prop people hide behind
    Drag                255 don't have this ability yet probably useful
    Freeze               -- use this before you hit with other things to amp other things damage, also freeze system so that's a plus
    Calm                 -- this can be a life saver read this and know what it does
    Limbdrain            -- i'm not sure on the req to break limbs it seems that at level 20's its about 5-6 hits and breaking limbs is really good as they cant force heal them easily
    Shatter             666 INSTAKILL
    Strip                -- I guess this is good against nanoseers and maybe the 1-2 defenses some other classes have basically useless against scoundrels though
    Soothe               -- this also can be a lifesaver read it test it know what it does
    Minddrain            -- seems about 5-7& mind damage based on afflictions but they lose afflictions as you use this so its almost better to just take the about 4% and apply one at the same time
    Drain                -- draining seems good on paper but you could be working toward your kill-con instead. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE IT AGAINST A SCOUNDREL MORE RELOADS = MORE DAMAGE
    Suffocate            -- good damage but gets canceled if you get hit. I guess if you somehow lock someone into a room with you and want to Darth Vader choke them it will build up quickly, useless in bashing unless you are with other people to tank for you. I think that OBLIVION NEGATION's first hit shouldn't stop this ability till after you take actual damage but that may just make people use it with interdict which would surprise some people when they take a smack-load of damage as interdict wears off
    Extinguish          156 contrary to popular belief this actually drains plasma walls, All of which i've seen one so far but it likely has a use in group combat
    Rattle              371 I don't have this ability yet but it seems really good for the mind damage kill if you can get sluggishness to stick long enough to apply this
    Roomdrain           852 I don't have this one either but as with most room attacks I suppose its good in group combat so long as it doesn't hit allies
    Pax                1070 looks like interdict but maybe its just a nope button so you can return to your mark if you have one. or maybe reset damage done to you.
    Groundfreeze         -- This ability is fun to watch people slip
    Pointzero            -- minor increase in your drain attacks and doesn't provoke aggro. I use it bashing in any room that has 2 or more enemies.
    Barrage             507 Yada yada yada room attack yada yada doesnt hit allies?
    Vacuumsphere  1325 ? what us this? ability description says "Frozen targets will experience your wrath most keenly."
  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Ronin said:
    here's the major pvp skills laid out in no particular order, it doesn't seem like you did much testing at all @Soza
    I tested for about 3 hours with what I had unlocked, and It didnt allow me to post the third set of skills here. The original post that somehow got deleted had all three with my comments on them. I made the post right before I went to bed and didnt notice that it held one post back to be reviewed by admins or something?
  • GarrynGarryn Administrator Posts: 61 Starmourn staff
    Awesome feedback, thanks!
    Some comments - will add these to the changes/fixes newspost later today, too.
    Confound repeating afflictions is intended - repeated afflictions still do mind damage, so the attack isn't wasted. I think the class would become too simplistic if the afflictions were guaranteed to hit, but willing to revisit once we have more experience with how the class works in PvP.
    Oblivion - we'll be tweaking things here more for sure, but being risky or with downsides is exactly how the theme of the skill is intended to be; if the sanity costs are too high, or the effects aren't good enough to be worth the potential downsides, we can change things some - again, going to wait and see how things develop.
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    Garryn said:
    Awesome feedback, thanks!
    Some comments - will add these to the changes/fixes newspost later today, too.
    Confound repeating afflictions is intended - repeated afflictions still do mind damage, so the attack isn't wasted. I think the class would become too simplistic if the afflictions were guaranteed to hit, but willing to revisit once we have more experience with how the class works in PvP.
    Oblivion - we'll be tweaking things here more for sure, but being risky or with downsides is exactly how the theme of the skill is intended to be; if the sanity costs are too high, or the effects aren't good enough to be worth the potential downsides, we can change things some - again, going to wait and see how things develop.
    Most other classes just spam their damage and kill peeps. Fury, scoundrel, and beast all do a lot of damage on top of affs and system damage. Making our affs straight-foward would simplify the class, but this class isn't even close to as simple as the others to pull off a kill with. As it stands we have little damage(without killing ourselves in the process), unreliable aff output, and minimal subsystem damage.
    It's the weakest class by far and the recent changes to multiswarm/multistrike only made it weaker. 
  • GarrynGarryn Administrator Posts: 61 Starmourn staff
    Ronin said:

    recent changes to multiswarm/multistrike only made it weaker. 
    Would recommend playing with the changes a bit more, it was an upgrade!
  • KerekKerek Member Posts: 8
    Definitely an upgrade. Multistrike -> Freeze -> Swarm -> Swarm is my current combo, and it's noticeably more damage now that freeze affects multistrike.
  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Garryn said:
    Confound repeating afflictions is intended - repeated afflictions still do mind damage, so the attack isn't wasted. I think the class would become too simplistic if the afflictions were guaranteed to hit, but willing to revisit once we have more experience with how the class works in PvP.
    Im not so much worried about confound repeating afflictions as Mindswap changing an affliction out for the same affliction or in most cases it will pick one affliction cure itsself and then reapply that same affliction for all four times.

  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Is there a way to capitalize on limbdrain legs? I can't seem to locate a nanoseer skill that knocks a target down.

    I believe BEAST has legclamp and hobble.

    Also, tried to limbdrain a few mobs so far and after 10 straight applications it doesn't seem to be "shattering legs like ice". Has anyone else had any luck with using it while hunting?
  • SozaSoza Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Minion said:
    Is there a way to capitalize on limbdrain legs? I can't seem to locate a nanoseer skill that knocks a target down.
    Only way ive found so far is to levitate, voidgrab and release them.
    With the new changes levitating up voidgrabbing and then levitating down will automatcially drop them.
    It does prone when you release

    Unfortunately you cannot voidgrab mobs, and usually it takes about 5-6 hits per limb to "Mangle"
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    Not sure if it's just me, but I see other classes bashing fine. Meanwhile, at level 23, Tabby Outpost (level 15-25) remains to be the only area I can bash confidently without dying (and dying puts me in negative marks, even after junking). I have multistrike, freeze, swarm, miniaturisation, protect. 200 in lifeforce and regen, 171 in techcraft. My weapons and armour are for level 19-22.
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2018
    For PVE it's a nice change, and brings our damage up closer to par with the other classes.

     For PVP we have even more damage relying on the frozen aff, which is annoying since shatter is painfully bad solo, and on top of that it's all RNG where confound is concerned. This makes fighting as a nanoseer horribly unreliable and difficult.
  • IllidaenIllidaen Member Posts: 40
    Sagex said:
    Well since I can't delete comments i'm just frustrated with the lack of abilities vs other skills. The item abilities seem weird too me like they are meant more for a general skill. Interdict does not stop damage from occurring, zap is not stacking or doing anything which means affinity can't be used. For voidism vacuumsphere seems not worth it since it can do 500+ damage to you? and outside of eyestrike not sure of any other way fr afflictions to be used 
    Unfortunately, the style of the class is played as a bit of risk/reward. I do agree however that several of the skills aren't doing as it intended too from what I tested and another nanoseer tested with me in the arena and came to similar or if not, the same conclusions. Mangled limbs though varies from what I last recalled AND there's not a visible message that lets either of you know that a limb is broken without having to, of course, use analyze responsibly due to nano resources and the cooldown(which I don't agree with and should have either none or bring it down to 2s). Anyway, I'm not sure, but yet seem to have a hypothesis that your armor resistance to draining plays a role as well as your points placed in the psyche(which for sure increase voidism's damages). From what I noticed though is voidism attacks will do 100+more damage to mobs than to you. Which again I'm thinking it's their resistance is lower than yours. I personally find voidism damage output worth it though, but that's just me. Its mostly in how you manage your resources and how well you handle a risk style class.
    Soza said:
    Minion said:
    Is there a way to capitalize on limbdrain legs? I can't seem to locate a nanoseer skill that knocks a target down.
    Only way ive found so far is to levitate, voidgrab and release them.
    With the new changes levitating up voidgrabbing and then levitating down will automatcially drop them.
    It does prone when you release

    Unfortunately you cannot voidgrab mobs, and usually it takes about 5-6 hits per limb to "Mangle"
    On mobs yes, it would take 5+ drain on a limb to mangle it. By then, unless the mob is super tanky and you're tanky as well, the target will die before you "prepped" both legs if that's what you're intending. In pvp though, tests I did with a fellow nanoseer seemed to always mangled him at 3 drains on a limb. Probably want to test that out on people that wear different armor types to check for consistencies. I'm thinking that knockdowns aren't applied to mobs or seem to have any effect on them. Hallucinations from when I did fury, did frequent knockdowns, but they still at it like it had no effect and this is immediately after they're knocked down. Battleflow attacks that knock them down and stuns were in the same situation. 
  • IllidaenIllidaen Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2018
    Wuff said:
    Do we have a viable way of freezing rooms? 

    I'm not sure if this is hideously OP or out of balance, but an over time freeze move that stacks up the freeze affliction would be really, incredibly useful and make Shatter viable.

    Blizzard? Pointzero upgrade? 

    I don't know what Vacuumsphere DOES still. Does it do something like this? If not, could it do something like this?

    I feel like I've done a LOT of complaining with little input, and now I feel like I'm asking too much. Damn.
    In a sense, yes, but 99% ineffective. Roomdrain is what gives -everyone- but you, a stack of frozen and that's it AND it has a 3 minute CD. This only has a possible potential effect for pvp and it sounds like you have to time the room drain with another room effect that capitalizes off the 1 stack of frost alongside point zero being down in the room. You can play that with a well-timed vacuum sphere. (Which has a 7s delay) before the stack of frost is cured. Vacuum sphere does what barrage do, but does twice as much damage to everyone in the room and you, but slightly less to you on a delay timer. Barrage, on the other hand, would be more reliable, but half the damage and it persists until you do any action or die. I'm all for improving frozen to become more attrition based as you drain a limb, to make the instakill even work as intended.
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