What's your favorite player race, and why?



  • ZylvynZylvyn Member Posts: 1
    Probably Jin, for me.  Or Hooman.

    As with others, the highly ritualised culture of worshipping death is interesting.  I'm already starting to think of a backstory.
  • PhadeosPhadeos Member Posts: 2
    Jin definitely. Though Nusriza reminds me of space Skeksis. 
  • DemarcusDemarcus Member Posts: 14
    Nath'el because they're a Hive-mind. I like that they basically say, "Well, you're ill therefore you suck, too bad for you!" #NoMercy #InsectLife

    I also like the Krona.
  • HailfireHailfire Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    My vote is Shen because they are alien enough to be exotic but similar enough to the aloof corporate characters I have played in the past that I believe I'll be able to play them.

    I have made a go of counting up votes cast towards each race up till this point. If you mentioned two or three races I divided your vote and split it two or three ways accordingly, thereby making the number you'll read below. Anyway, what follows is the races in order of most to least popular by approximate votes cast. I hope it provides some interesting reading.

    1. Elgan: 8 2/3rds
    2. Ry'naari: 7 1/2
    3. Humans: 7 1/3rd
    4. Jin: 4 5/6ths
    5. Decheerans: 3 1/3rd
    6. Shen, W'hoorn: 3
    7. Nusriza, Tukkav: 2
    8. Amaians: 1 5/6ths
    9. Krona: 1/2
    10. Nath-el: 0

    ^These are accurate as possible at the time of posting.


    Edit: It would be kind of cool to see how many players are using X class/race when creating a character. I'm always disappointed when I create a character archetype on a game thinking I've come up with a really unique concept only to realise that actually it's common enough to be cliched.

    Edit 2: Amaians added with the data gathered at the time of the initial count. Thank you for pointing that out TextWrench.
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Zylvyn said:
    Probably Jin, for me.  Or Hooman.

    As with others, the highly ritualised culture of worshipping death is interesting.  I'm already starting to think of a backstory.
    Phadeos said:
    Jin definitely. Though Nusriza reminds me of space Skeksis. 
    Good to see more people interested in the Jin race. :)
  • tarktark Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Decheeran and Ry'nari for me. Both as B.E.A.S.T.s. Because there's something about a tree or a velociraptor in a mech suit that just makes me giggle. And I'm a big ass man. I don't giggle.
    I play Cervantes. Approach me for RP IF YOU DARE. Just kidding. I love RP. Please approach me!
  • VillanoxVillanox Member Posts: 112 ✭✭✭
    Not seeing enough Shen love D: Am dissapoint
  • tarktark Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Shen look too much like Eldar in their armor for my taste.
    I play Cervantes. Approach me for RP IF YOU DARE. Just kidding. I love RP. Please approach me!
  • KalafaxKalafax Member Posts: 1
    I favor the Decheerans over all the others, but I really like almost all of them lol. 
  • KabaalKabaal Member Posts: 12
    Jin is going to be my jam. That or human.
  • TextWenchTextWench Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
    Hailfire said:
    My vote is Shen because they are alien enough to be exotic but similar enough to the aloof corporate characters I have played in the past that I believe I'll be able to play them.

    I have made a go of counting up votes cast towards each race up till this point. If you mentioned two or three races I divided your vote and split it two or three ways accordingly, thereby making the number you'll read below. Anyway, what follows is the races in order of most to least popular by approximate votes cast. I hope it provides some interesting reading.

    1. Elgan: 8 2/3rds
    2. Ry'naari: 7 1/2
    3. Humans: 7 1/3rd
    4. Jin: 4 5/6ths
    5. Decheerans: 3 1/3rd
    6. Shen, W'hoorn: 3
    7. Nusriza, Tukkav: 2
    8. Krona: 1/2
    9. Nath-el: 0
    There is a disturbing lack of Amaian on this list. 
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Decheeran, then Elgan second.
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    I haven't decided but what surprised me is how much I like the non-human races. In other IRE games I tended to play humans or their offshoots and had no desire to play something bestial or alien-like. 

    Here though, where the different races are fleshed out from the start and the humans are almost a minority, almost anything is up for grabs. There are definitely different races that are aesthetically or culturally attractive, and it means that I can put a lot more thought into what race I choose at character creation. That's appealing to me right there.

    So thanks! I guess is what I'm saying. I can't actually decide.
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • VerriakVerriak Member Posts: 12

    Infinite possibility and a drive to carry on despite the risk!

    See you in the stars space cowboys!
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    So, after further research, I've decided I also like the W'hoorn and the Tukkav a rather fair bit in addition to the Jin and Elgians. Seems like its going to be a real toss-up to choose one in the end  :3
  • HailfireHailfire Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    Thanks for pointing out the error TextWrench. Whilst I had counted votes to them i had forgotten to copy the data across. Done that now. I might make another list at a later date to include votes put in after the initial list.
  • QitorienQitorien Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    I like them all. I'm really interested in the death culture of the Jin. I'm thinking that's where I'll probably start...

    There are some really interesting NPC races too. It makes me a bit sad I can't play them, but there are probably various reasons, including some static background RP and history.
    As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
    GrootToday at 2:16 PM
      if there's no kittens in space
      I'm going on a rampage
    TectonToday at 2:17 PM
      They're called w'hoorn, Groot
      sets out a saucer of milk
  • ArcherArcher Member Posts: 80 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    I hope that stats aren't as relevant to race as in other MUDs because I'd really like to play Jin for everything. They look awesome and I dig the death theme!

    Congratulations on the forums! Wewt!!
  • TextWenchTextWench Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
    Poor Nath-el. 
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
    If I wasn't set on being human, I'd definitely be a Jin. THeir physical appearance reminds me of the Tau and I find their culture incredibly amusing, and they're just ripe for further expansions to focus on them because of their god-king.
  • MundaneNameMundaneName Member Posts: 14
    Hailfire said:

    Edit: It would be kind of cool to see how many players are using X class/race when creating a character. I'm always disappointed when I create a character archetype on a game thinking I've come up with a really unique concept only to realise that actually it's common enough to be cliched.
    I would like to strongly second this. Being able to see the general active population of a race/class/city/whatever at character creation time would be so valuable. Even if it was not absolute numbers just a retaliative ranking I would be happy.

    Some days I want to play the super popular class/city/race and have a big WHO list to interact with and others I want to be the unknown underdog that tries to revitalize an unpopular choice.

    This is not as relevant to a brand new game of course and I am sure you have a thousand higher priority topics to work on. But still, endorsed ;)

    Also "They don't tend to like being alone, and prefer to live with many other Nath-el around them when possible." Poor unloved Nath-el :( Not sure I could play an insect based race though, they always creep me out too much.
    This statement is false.
  • VesheVeshe Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2017
    Great to see the forums opened!

    I really enjoyed the Jin lore and that will most likely who I choose. Though Elgans are a close second.
  • JeromJerom Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    I'm actually surprised that Elgans are so popular. I thought everyone else would just pick 'badass' races like Ry'naari and Tukkav and that I would stand out with my tiny Elgan. Guess not.
  • GmyzaGmyza Member Posts: 18
    Playing an Elgan trader seems like a fun idea to me, the picture is already very enticing.
  • JekkJekk Member Posts: 15
    With stats not being tied to race, I'll have to re-read all of them! That's great.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Member Posts: 14
    Aw! Super poor Nath-el, my half vote didn't even count for them. Big tear. Guess I'll just go over here and have a hive of 1... is it even a hive then? Hmmm... maybe I can make robots to be my underlings. 

    This seems like a terrible idea.
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Demarcus said:
    Aw! Super poor Nath-el, my half vote didn't even count for them. Big tear. Guess I'll just go over here and have a hive of 1... is it even a hive then? Hmmm... maybe I can make robots to be my underlings. 

    This seems like a terrible idea.
    @Demarcus Daaww.. I'll be your friend :awesome:

    Someone should start a poll...
  • SunshineSunshine Member Posts: 3
    Jin... I love their connection with death and the third eye. Cannot wait to send my first creature to its honorable death!  =)
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Sunshine said:
    Jin... I love their connection with death and the third eye. Cannot wait to send my first creature to its honorable death!  =)
    Honourable* death :awesome:
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