Scatterhome Administrators



  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Squeakums said:
    Enter the Scatterdome
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • RylekRylek Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    @Solus it should really be respected that referendum votes weighted by influence is an idea you and I may like, but the vast majority do not. The call passed, the referendum was handily shot down.

    So its basically up to admin to decide which path they like more for the faction. The current population does not support the idea. Like you've stated before, you might just need to accept that your idea is not the idea the faction selects
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    What's the purpose of Scattermourn influence if it's not used for calls?
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    Solus said:
    Ho ho ho. We've brought it to the forums and we're aiming ironsights at folks??

    Lemme at em!

    Right now,  Scatterhome is filled to the brim with folks who refuse to have any form of governance even if it is beneficial to everyone around them. We came up with a charter or consensus that folks should not kill novices or go insane on faction comms but were told by these same people that we can't control them because it's their freedom to talk or kill whoever they want. Even though HELP IC AND HELP PK clearly stated these rules were there. They used Scatterhomes no rule policy to not follow it.

    Some people have taken this whole I have the freedom to do anything and I want no form of people in positions thing way too far. It is literally part of the game folks!!! Lol. We need people in these positions to progress as a faction. I am all for personal freedom but don't drag us down in the mud with you.

    Then we have people who lose something in the result of a call or referendum and scream that it shouldn't count because 90% of Scatterhome did not vote. Which more than 70% of them will never wake up from cold storage again. While the others could have voted but have not reached level 10 or they refuse to take the time out their day to read about the 130+ news post that we've discussed every political move on. The calls take 24 hours to pass and the referendum takes 40 hours. Folks, I had my entire family over for Christmas but I was able to log in and read everything and vote before going to bed. Stop using this as in excuse to reverse calls and referendums that you don't like.
    Pretty much this. Scatterhome is a wreck, I keep FTOFF 90% of the time because it's just going to be stupid things and arguments over stuff that doesn't matter. I think though that eventually those people will get weeded out by saying too many OOC things and the admin will step in, they will burn out on the game, they will rage quit etc. and Scatterhome will be a fun place to be a part of. That's what I keep telling myself at least. The potential for Scatterhome to be a great environment is there, but it is being ruined by people that take this lawlessness too far. You can't have an organization without SOME sort of government, even a very minimalist one. 

    P.S. How many ambassadors are there now?
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    It is used for calls but not referendums.  Important distinction.
  • RylekRylek Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    People keep going on about "The wiki says this!" and ignoring the other half of that exact same point. The admin set up Scatterhome to run a particular way. THEY ALSO SET UP THE IN GAME MECHANICS. Referendums included. Until such a point as the Admin step in and say, yo we didn't meant it to work this way, this is the way IT WAS MEANT TO WORK. It ties in with how they imagined things working, including what they wrote on the wiki.

    People are just selecting what supports their narrative and ignoring the rest. Until we're told otherwise, the system in place IS the RP SYSTEM left in place by Scatterhome before our time.
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Rylek said:
    @Solus it should really be respected that referendum votes weighted by influence is an idea you and I may like, but the vast majority do not. The call passed, the referendum was handily shot down.

    So its basically up to admin to decide which path they like more for the faction. The current population does not support the idea. Like you've stated before, you might just need to accept that your idea is not the idea the faction selects
    Tecton already mentioned adding influence to referendums as soon as they can.

    No clue how to add pictures or whatever.

    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I also said that I will do what's voted said until otherwise as well, check SCATTERHOME 180 to see where I said it in the summary 2nd sentence. Also, it's not the wiki, it's the main page where it literally defines Scatterhome on how it's supposed to be.  I take this in for its entirety which is why I vehemently oppose to running the faction as a pure anarchist state because it says in black and white that there are light regulations. After I made my post on the news, I abstained from any political matters and am now just waiting to see the changes, meaning IC Solus is still following the current referendum system until he finds out IC.
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • RylekRylek Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    That'll certainly make things smoother for one way of operation
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    The wiki is canon so while the system let's you do whatever we should keep in mind what its been historically based on the wiki
  • KaxKax Member Posts: 102 ✭✭✭
    Just to clarify, what are the actual points of contention between anarchists and...archists(?) right now? I don't feel like there's been a strong explicit call for NO GUBMINT, but maybe I'm not on at the right times, or I'm not reading news carefully enough.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here."
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Solus said:
    It doesn't matter anyway. Once referendums start counting influence we might have to reverse all these decisions. If that does happen the best course of action is to discuss the jurisdiction and expectations of a position should be. This way they are allowed to do their job that they were voted into.

    Meaning a full reset. Getting rid of ambassadors position completely if it gets voted out. Which I support if the role is to be neutered.

    For those of you who keep supporting total chaos, there are people in Scatterhome who aren't there for total chaos. The link I provided in my earlier post even says there are other types of people residing in Scatterhome such as revolutionist, criminals, and etc. To base the entire system anarchy alone is wrong because there are clearly other people here to maintain a semblance of self governing stated in my previous post.

    Solus said:
    Do me a favor folks and look at and scroll down to "How is Scatterhome "Governered"

    First sentence in this is : "While there's no government, the citizens of Starmourn have worked out a system of governing themselves, for regardless of their antipathy for formal government, someone has to be able to command their armada, someone has to be able to spend Marks on the city's behalf, and so on.".

    Someone HAS to do it, folks, so can we put people in these positions and let our faction progress, please?

    Second important sentence: "Essentially, this system means that those who work to help Scatterhome (in the ways that can be measured at least) will have vastly greater influence over the goings-on in the city than those who don’t, and anyone can submit Calls to do a variety of things.".

    Stop getting mad when votes don't go your way, please. If you don't like the results then raise your influence higher and gather people who agree with you so that the next time you put up a call you can influence our faction the way you'd like. 

    Second paragraph, first sentence from the provided link: It's a rallying point within the Starmourn sector for anarchists, revolutionaries-in-hiding, criminals on the run, and other rule-breaking, lawless misfits, but also contains a healthy population of wealthy mining magnates, heads of interstellar corps, and others who appreciate the finer things in life in an environment light on regulation.

    That's right! There are more than just anarchist who lives in Scatterhome. We also see that it says light on regulation which implies that there are regulations, it's just light regulations though.

    It's canon. Get over it.

    Yes, it is canon that Scatterhome is chaotic and organized by whomever has the most power at the moment. The "light regulations" are in constant flux and should be. I do understand the trepidation at the idea of a non-stable org but I really do see this being really interesting.

    The major, overarching concept needs to be that we may be snarky or backstabbing to each other in Scatterhome but if you flak with one of us, you flak with all of us...

    Sounds a lot like my siblings and I growing up.
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Minion said:
    Solus said:
    It doesn't matter anyway. Once referendums start counting influence we might have to reverse all these decisions. If that does happen the best course of action is to discuss the jurisdiction and expectations of a position should be. This way they are allowed to do their job that they were voted into.

    Meaning a full reset. Getting rid of ambassadors position completely if it gets voted out. Which I support if the role is to be neutered.

    For those of you who keep supporting total chaos, there are people in Scatterhome who aren't there for total chaos. The link I provided in my earlier post even says there are other types of people residing in Scatterhome such as revolutionist, criminals, and etc. To base the entire system anarchy alone is wrong because there are clearly other people here to maintain a semblance of self governing stated in my previous post.

    Solus said:
    Do me a favor folks and look at and scroll down to "How is Scatterhome "Governered"

    First sentence in this is : "While there's no government, the citizens of Starmourn have worked out a system of governing themselves, for regardless of their antipathy for formal government, someone has to be able to command their armada, someone has to be able to spend Marks on the city's behalf, and so on.".

    Someone HAS to do it, folks, so can we put people in these positions and let our faction progress, please?

    Second important sentence: "Essentially, this system means that those who work to help Scatterhome (in the ways that can be measured at least) will have vastly greater influence over the goings-on in the city than those who don’t, and anyone can submit Calls to do a variety of things.".

    Stop getting mad when votes don't go your way, please. If you don't like the results then raise your influence higher and gather people who agree with you so that the next time you put up a call you can influence our faction the way you'd like. 

    Second paragraph, first sentence from the provided link: It's a rallying point within the Starmourn sector for anarchists, revolutionaries-in-hiding, criminals on the run, and other rule-breaking, lawless misfits, but also contains a healthy population of wealthy mining magnates, heads of interstellar corps, and others who appreciate the finer things in life in an environment light on regulation.

    That's right! There are more than just anarchist who lives in Scatterhome. We also see that it says light on regulation which implies that there are regulations, it's just light regulations though.

    It's canon. Get over it.

    Yes, it is canon that Scatterhome is chaotic and organized by whomever has the most power at the moment. The "light regulations" are in constant flux and should be. I do understand the trepidation at the idea of a non-stable org but I really do see this being really interesting.

    The major, overarching concept needs to be that we may be snarky or backstabbing to each other in Scatterhome but if you flak with one of us, you flak with all of us...

    Sounds a lot like my siblings and I growing up.
    Sure, I could agree with that but not right now when the faction is still in its infancy. Right now we're dtill trying to stabilize our economy while pushing forward the growth of the faction overall. Once we have a stable foundation do what ever you want. 
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Except stability isn't the point!  If you want stable government, collect a majority of inluencial people to support it but expect a lot of push back from those who don't want to be governed. And who dictates what is stable? Who decides when it is good to stop governing and actually let people be the lawless badasses they want to be? Will those in power give it up when some one artificially decides it is time?

    The other option, besides leaving for Song or CA, qould be to work within the current structure. Find a way to see past or work with this structure as is. I think the constant debate is entertaining and mostly meaningless. The quicker people see through the rhetoric, the better. For the most part, people have seen through it and are starting to see how to work the system. Which, again, is the point of the system.

    What you want is for mechanical changes to the game to sate your desire to be governed. Many of the people in Scatterhome came there exactly because they don't desire to be.

    In my opinion, this is some flakking beautiful daka and i don't want it to change. The chaos is great.
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Chaos is great until the Song Dominion with their massive amount of wealth and firepower come to crush you for being dissidents. (overdramatic, but point stated)
  • KaxKax Member Posts: 102 ✭✭✭
    I'm curious why people think Song is a huge threat. What're they going to do, keep having all the cosmpiercers at us? 

    Of course it's a danger in an IC sense, but in terms of game mechanics I don't see how it would play out barring a huge dev-created event, and I don't see one of those happening until at least official release.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here."
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭

    They are (were?) a military dictatorship and Scatterhome is a chaotic rabble. We need a boogeyman of some sort!
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    wHAT! We are a choir of peaceful singers.....we only want to sing....
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • zacczacc Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    Factionless is the way to go. Just saying.
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Kax said:
    I'm curious why people think Song is a huge threat. What're they going to do, keep having all the cosmpiercers at us? 

    Of course it's a danger in an IC sense, but in terms of game mechanics I don't see how it would play out barring a huge dev-created event, and I don't see one of those happening until at least official release.
    You guys own many of the cosmpiercers right now meaning your faction is generating marks without the need of people pouring marks into it by donation or tax. Meaning your faction will be able to afford armadas and guards which will be able to defend itself also because of this your taxes would be lower which means more marks in the player's pockets. Sooner or later there's gonna be so many armadas on each piercer that none of the other factions will be able to compete. The only way this would change is by the game mechanics or by events pushed out by the devs.
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Alright, so as of now the economy of Scatterhome has been built up by those who are trying to make things stable for our faction. I question how you expect our faction to be able to pay for guards, armadas, refineries, autofactories, and compensation to those who capture them and risk losing thousands of marks each time in the process. The fact is Scatterhome cannot run on donations alone. Yes, you can buy your own refineries and autofactories but the prices are set by the owner meaning taxation anyways but none of it goes back into the faction. You ask for 0 stability the expect the faction to be poor as shit. You think only of it at the present but not for the future. If we were to continue on this path that you seek then there would be no benefits of being in our faction compared to the others which will vastly outpace us in every economic and militaristic way. The faction itself will die out and be left with very few would be left, leaving it as an empty husk comparable to Mhaldor(Got told recently there are a decent amount of players**) and that one shapeshifter clan in another IRE game.

    Want no laws? Go factionless. Wanna talk to other folks who think like you? Make a rogue clan. Because everything you want? It's called factionless. So many of you came to Scatterhome whilst not understanding a dime about its history, selectively picking, and choosing which part if the lore you think to be true while ignoring everything else. Honestly, you folks are like a bunch of teenagers who wants to be adults but know nothing about how much of a struggle it takes to be one.

    If you can come up with a way to overcome the things I've mentioned then please so and speak up. Scatterhome may be chaotic but it's supposed to be comparable to the other factions not worthless. The people who realize this are trying their best to make Scatterhome better. Mechanical changes? That's given it is literally close beta things need to be changed for the better.

    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Lol. If you think Mhaldor is a negative comparison then I don't know what the fuck you are on. If Scatterhome ends up as Mhaldor (One of the Faction in Achaea that routinely performs the best) it would be a fucking good thing.

    Being populous ~= being worth shit.

  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Arsentar said:
    Lol. If you think Mhaldor is a negative comparison then I don't know what the fuck you are on. If Scatterhome ends up as Mhaldor (One of the Faction in Achaea that routinely performs the best) it would be a fucking good thing.

    Being populous ~= being worth shit.

    Played a LONG time ago. During that time I would play for like 9 hours straight and not see a single person around.
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • KaxKax Member Posts: 102 ✭✭✭
    @Solus Breathe in....breathe out. It'll be okay.

    To be clear, I don't advocate anarchy or instability of any sort. If anything, I favor a slightly more authoritarian approach to the status quo:
    • Administrators are allocated all and only the powers necessary for their jobs (I don't care if this creates overlap or redundancy);
    • There is no structural limit on the number of administrative positions people can hold, or the number of people appointed to each position;
    • The general population's input is restricted to major decisions (via referendum) and promotion/demotion of administrators (via call);
    • Administrators are kept in line by the fact that they can be demoted at any time for any reason.
    I have to ask, what element(s) of governance do you feel are not being adequately handled by the current system? Funding is clearly an issue, yes, though I think Cise and Millette are doing good work in that area. 

    We obviously could be doing more to be competitive on piercers, but I think that's largely incumbent upon the (space)marshals to organize. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of people willing to go on runs, so I think it's a matter of more frequent runs and deciding how to hold onto piercers we've taken. If doing that requires more funding, then yes, we need to get on that.
    "You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here."
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭

    Solus said:
    Alright, so as of now the economy of Scatterhome has been built up by those who are trying to make things stable for our faction. I question how you expect our faction to be able to pay for guards, armadas, refineries, autofactories, and compensation to those who capture them and risk losing thousands of marks each time in the process. The fact is Scatterhome cannot run on donations alone. Yes, you can buy your own refineries and autofactories but the prices are set by the owner meaning taxation anyways but none of it goes back into the faction. You ask for 0 stability the expect the faction to be poor as shit. You think only of it at the present but not for the future. If we were to continue on this path that you seek then there would be no benefits of being in our faction compared to the others which will vastly outpace us in every economic and militaristic way. The faction itself will die out and be left with very few would be left, leaving it as an empty husk comparable to Mhaldor(Got told recently there are a decent amount of players**) and that one shapeshifter clan in another IRE game.

    RESPONSE: - Stability, long term, is a facade at best. The whole history and everything written about it speaks to that fact. You cannot harbor criminals, anarchists, gangs, and numerous mercenary groups in a stable law abiding community. I'm sorry, not possible. Every quest and description of every location in Scatterhome speaks to the fact that it is a fractional community of people who work hard to take care of themselves first.
    - Laws will come and go, Scatterhome is not a truly lawless faction but the laws will constantly change to protect the interests of whomever is in power.
    - What makes Scatterhome work even though no one wants authoritarian government and too much interference with individual business is that if someone threatens the faction, they threaten the way of life everyone has built. At that point, everyone ought to be coming together, kicking ass and taking names. It is far from perfect and at times it will inspire stability in the short term but there is no overarching power structure like Song or CA for a reason. The people that live there don't want it or they would go to those factions.
    - Mhaldor is a horrible comparison. They are a strict hierarchical theocracy where every action and deed is dictated by a god and his teachings. Scatterhome is an amalgamation of people who don't want to be ruled by anyone but will accept that some people have more power than others at different times.

    Want no laws? Go factionless. Wanna talk to other folks who think like you? Make a rogue clan. Because everything you want? It's called factionless. So many of you came to Scatterhome whilst not understanding a dime about its history, selectively picking, and choosing which part if the lore you think to be true while ignoring everything else. Honestly, you folks are like a bunch of teenagers who wants to be adults but know nothing about how much of a struggle it takes to be one.

    RESPONSE: - I personally never said that there should be absolutely no laws. The law is created and enforced by whomever has the power, influence, and might to back it up. There may even be some unwriten laws that everyone abides by without being told they have to. If that creates short-term stability, great! Long term though, it cannot stay the same because everyone in Scatterhome is there for their own reasons. They don't have a common goal or pursuit like Song or CA. Everyone is out for themselves or the best interests of their tribes. Sometimes, that's going to work really well, sometimes it won't. Them's the breaks.
    - Life IS a flakking struggle, mate. Everyone is out for themselves. I've worked retail for almost 20 years. You don't know how daka-ey people really are until you work in retail. I've watched people bite other human beings to get something off the pile of daka at Walmart. It's mostly organized chaos. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. Them's the breaks.

    If you can come up with a way to overcome the things I've mentioned then please so and speak up. Scatterhome may be chaotic but it's supposed to be comparable to the other factions not worthless. The people who realize this are trying their best to make Scatterhome better. Mechanical changes? That's given it is literally close beta things need to be changed for the better.

    RESPONSE: - I don't think it's NEARLY soon enough to be able to tell whether the faction is going to work or not. You're literally trying to make the faction operate like the other two because this style of government is inconvenient or might actually take more work than the others. CA is by far the easiest style to operate under yet has the smallest population. Song is less easy to operate in because it can easily devolve into a power struggle. Hell, they've already had a Commander change three weeks in.
    - I highly doubt that MOST people want the faction to fail. They came to Scatterhome for a reason. If they want their way of life protected, they'll show the flak up. What we need to do is be patient enough to realize that there is going to be a lot more work involved to make this work and constant work to make something of it. Having played in Lusternia for 8 years, I've seen the constant cycle of rising and falling power in games like this. It doesn't matter WHAT structure of government you have or how it is lead, there are going to be times when you're in power and times when you are at the bottom of the dung heap and getting more kicked on.

    What everyone needs to realize about Scatterhome is that written in every room desc and every quest is the underlying and never ending flux of power and tribes. Structures built on structures, forests taking over abandoned machinery, gangs constantly killing other gangs and taking turf that has been fought over since the beginning. It is all one giant, beautiful mess that works because everyone wants to survive and no one wants to be ruled. 
  • asimovasimov Member Posts: 8
    Zhulkarn said:
    I think it might be a good idea to let the evolution take place before Admin intervention. 

    My expectation would be that people of Scatterhome would create sub-factions first to become pockets of power and influence then for the benefit of all they start to cooperate. Obviously if they do not they will either join the singing choir of Song military or become a fulltime wage-slave at a Celestine factory. 

    Small pockets will form into bigger pockets and control other small pockets in this vying for the ultimate power. It would be reasonable if two or three major sub-factions cooperate because it is a necessary evil, while there could be several anarchist pockets who are doing their thing while not harming Scatterhome on the whole. 

    At least that is what would be the outcome of this social experiment whether it is painful or painless. A no-pain path with Admin intervention would be the real failure of Scatterhome.
    Couldn't agree more especially with the bolded. I do hope people will try to push their vision either in game or here in the forums but not try to lobby the devs for mechanical changes. I think it's healthy that here in the forums now, there are view points from both sides presented because I believe after some time, only the loudest will remain.

    A statesman I believe will always want a controllable and orderly population, in order to compete and hopefully win against other states. That would be the measure of their career achievement. You can say also they want the best for their people, that it is not selfish. But in a game with strong roleplay elements, is it really?

    Song may have their military style that arranges its people to be an orderly military powerhouse. But maybe Scatterhome can be the bedrock for some intra-faction intrigue. Or another way to look at it is, maybe there can be more than 3 factions in the galaxy.
  • EthcarEthcar Member Posts: 3
    You have to accept that Scatterhome may never be what you want it to be. It is never going to be what anyone wants it to be. It will be infuriating and will end up resembling the worst banana states and third world republics rules by warlords. But the other two factions should be wary of every giving them a reason to unite cos a united competent Scatterhome will go through them like a barbarian horde

    What it needs is that someone to grasp power, push through laws that everyone can moan about but will grudgingly follow. What it does not need is a referendum or faction call on every thing (including referendums about the results of other referendums).

    You state what you are going to do, you gert elected. Now you have a mandate to do it. You do not need to check on every matter after that!

    Strong economy and military are probably not words that people want to hear.

    Strong economy = taxes and work. If someone wants to build up the economy, they are welcome to get a group together and do so, but don't assume everyone wants to

    Strong military = fighting and work. If someone wants to build up a military force, they are welcome to get a group together and do so, but don't assume everyone wants to

    Leaving you to do your own thing under a minimum of regulation (or at least a bunch of poorly worded laws they can work around) = happy Scatterhome

  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    The problem with that kind of thinking (disclaimer: not a Scatterhomie) is that it will translate to a small, productive, actually-contributing section of the population that keeps Scatterhome running, with a far larger disinterested and non-contributing populace that also reaps the benefits of the productive people's hard work. It will burn those people out, and that's not something we, as a game, should want to happen.
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
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