If you check HELP INFLUENCE you'll discover that promoting people to admin positions is literally the first thing listed for what calls are to be used for.
"You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here."
Lemme at em!
Right now, Scatterhome is filled to the brim with folks who refuse to have any form of governance even if it is beneficial to everyone around them. We came up with a charter or consensus that folks should not kill novices or go insane on faction comms but were told by these same people that we can't control them because it's their freedom to talk or kill whoever they want. Even though HELP IC AND HELP PK clearly stated these rules were there. They used Scatterhomes no rule policy to not follow it.
Some people have taken this whole I have the freedom to do anything and I want no form of people in positions thing way too far. It is literally part of the game folks!!! Lol. We need people in these positions to progress as a faction. I am all for personal freedom but don't drag us down in the mud with you.
Then we have people who lose something in the result of a call or referendum and scream that it shouldn't count because 90% of Scatterhome did not vote. Which more than 70% of them will never wake up from cold storage again. While the others could have voted but have not reached level 10 or they refuse to take the time out their day to read about the 130+ news post that we've discussed every political move on. The calls take 24 hours to pass and the referendum takes 40 hours. Folks, I had my entire family over for Christmas but I was able to log in and read everything and vote before going to bed. Stop using this as in excuse to reverse calls and referendums that you don't like.
First sentence in this is : "While there's no government, the citizens of Starmourn have worked out a system of governing themselves, for regardless of their antipathy for formal government, someone has to be able to command their armada, someone has to be able to spend Marks on the city's behalf, and so on.".
Someone HAS to do it, folks, so can we put people in these positions and let our faction progress, please?
Second important sentence: "Essentially, this system means that those who work to help Scatterhome (in the ways that can be measured at least) will have vastly greater influence over the goings-on in the city than those who don’t, and anyone can submit Calls to do a variety of things.".
Stop getting mad when votes don't go your way, please. If you don't like the results then raise your influence higher and gather people who agree with you so that the next time you put up a call you can influence our faction the way you'd like.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Scatterhome for life!
I mean, I can see trying to John Wayne it up, bring the Law to the frontier and all that. But if you want to try that, at least have the decency to do it properly, with fistfights and shootouts.
Someone had to say it!
(insert shameless ads for drugs and escorts)
And to cast shade in the other direction, it's also the people who believe that the positions should be so heavily restricted as to be useless.
But beyond that, preach my fellow Scatterhomie.
Thank you for understanding.
The problem is we are trying to define a system that should have been refined for over 500 years already. Help from the higher ups right now would clarify so many things but we've been dropped into this mess to fix it alone. Quite frankly, this system has been admitted to being experimental and it has caused nothing but struggles. At this point, I heavily suggest someone from higher up to lead us on a direct path.
There are too many voices claiming this is what Scatterhome should be without even reading the lore and history behind the faction. These voices are powerful enough to change the way things are done even if it is for the worse. I can see nothing but Scatterhome falling behind the other factions and becoming an empty shell of a faction. As of now the only reason we have numbers is that people think of this faction as a place they can do whatever they want. When the faction finally falls from that it will be too late to fix.
@Tecton @Aurelius
Send us help in form of a denizen or something, please. There have been 500 years of this experimental government in place already. We shouldn't have to try to build this from scratch.
Or could you at least correct us on how you envisioned Scatterhome to be?
Right now, things are way too vague and everything is up to self-interpretation. If it was at another point in time I would agree with such innovation but given the nature and culture of Scatterhome, it has become more of a problem. Even if everything I said up until this point IC has been wrong I would gladly accept that outcome if it came from one of you and I'm sure the many other voices would be quelled as well.
Tecton basically said we needa figure it out ourselves. Lore stands though from what he knows that Scatterhome is still running the same government from 500 years ago. It might be a flop? but he wants to let it play out. Dunno how to link discord comments but there's that.
I've spent 45 minutes failing to figure out a way to convey what I mean exactly.
But the gist is, if you're upset that a referendum wasn't fair/wasn't representative/didn't properly cover all the options/didn't go the way you wanted...too bad.
Stop trivializing the system. It's suppose to be for important shit. Not hey I wanna honor steve for petting my turret, he's a cool guy that I met an hour ago.
Here is a pro tip from someone who has played these games for the past 20 years...if you want people to engage politically, try going up to them or sending them tells and engaging with them directly. It will help you and your cause tremendously.
I have always seen it as a litter of puppies who fight and wrestle and gnaw on each other until something shiny distracts them and they attack it together then fight over the scraps.
Stability is necessary for a faction to thrive. Then again, maybe Scatterhome will be different.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Scatterhome straight up bucks the idea that you need a government to survive. The problem is people coming in and expecting it to be stable. It obviously isnt intended to be.
The problem, mechanically is that it can't work in such a game. There has to be some order, or it'll eventually be just a bashing ground for song
The expectation that bothers me most is that everyone will be consulted on every detail of every decision.
No one's calling a referendum on how many ships and guards to hire or where to station them. We chose our marshals, we expect them to be competent and make it work. But people aren't letting the rest of the government do the same.
We should have had at most one referendum about ambassadors: yes or no? If yes, the paperpushers should have requested the position to be added with the powers they felt appropriate.
Instead, FT and news are wasting bandwidth and disk space because, "Oh no I wasn't properly represented, now ambassadors might be able to edit FHELP even though most people don't want them to and that is absolutely a hill I must die on."
People will say, "Even if FHELP powers aren't that important, it's the principle of the thing. We should let the people decide!"
I say the Scatterhome attitude should be, "Principle be damned!" If the government's constantly pestering us with questions about trivial details, we should view that as an unwelcome intrusion and a sign of incompetence on the part of the administrators.
Meaning a full reset. Getting rid of ambassadors position completely if it gets voted out. Which I support if the role is to be neutered.
For those of you who keep supporting total chaos, there are people in Scatterhome who aren't there for total chaos. The link I provided in my earlier post even says there are other types of people residing in Scatterhome such as revolutionist, criminals, and etc. To base the entire system anarchy alone is wrong because there are clearly other people here to maintain a semblance of self governing stated in my previous post.
Second paragraph, first sentence from the provided link: It's a rallying point within the Starmourn sector for anarchists, revolutionaries-in-hiding, criminals on the run, and other rule-breaking, lawless misfits, but also contains a healthy population of wealthy mining magnates, heads of interstellar corps, and others who appreciate the finer things in life in an environment light on regulation.
That's right! There are more than just anarchist who lives in Scatterhome. We also see that it says light on regulation which implies that there are regulations, it's just light regulations though.
It's canon. Get over it.