
ZaoulZaoul Member Posts: 14
Post your quotes here!!

Doot doot, blowing up props

You fire a blast of super-heated plasma at a tall power station, burning it.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [-W-] plasma burn station
You have recovered your balance.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [BW-] 
You fire a blast of super-heated plasma at a tall power station, burning it.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [-W-] plasma burn station
You have recovered your balance.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [BW-] 
You fire a blast of super-heated plasma at a tall power station, burning it.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [-W-] 
You have recovered your balance.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [BW-] plasma burn station
You fire a blast of super-heated plasma at a tall power station, burning it.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [-W-] plasma burn station
You have recovered your balance.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [BW-] 
Massani enters from the east.
A crane-armed carrybot and an aerodynamic drone follow Eoko from the east.
Eoko follows Massani from the east.
Health: 640/640 PL: high [BW-] 

You fire a blast of super-heated plasma at a tall power station, burning it.
Massani falls lifelessly to the ground, dead.
Massani has died to misadventure.
A long bone, 2 bloody lumps of meat, a leathery wing, a polished bezoar, a scientific tracking chip,
and a length of scaled hide fall from Massani's lifeless hands.
Eoko falls lifelessly to the ground, dead.
Eoko has died to misadventure.
2 single kidneys, 2 strips of mottled leather, a length of scaled hide, 2 scientific tracking chips,
4 polished bezoars, a small gland, a tangled heap of entrails, and a dollop of black goo fall from 
Eoko's lifeless hands.
A tall power station is consumed in a firey explosion.
You collapse to the ground, dead.
An alien tissue sample, a length of scaled hide, 2 jointed spines, a bunch of feathers, a handful of
splintered bones, a handful of fur, a meaty joint, a clear envelope of biomatter, a handful of 
strange ooze, 2 dollops of black goo, and a collection of sinews fall from your lifeless hands.


  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    Impeccable timing on those two. 
  • JeromJerom Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    -- Trump, Once-President ------------------------------------------------------
     Race: Elgan Experience Rank: #814
     Gender: Male Exploration Rank: #0
     Faction: None Captaincy Rank: #0
     Lawless: No Honors Rank: #0
     Marital Status: Unmarried

    There's no escape, no way out.
  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    You acknowledge Poletia Tadios in greeting.
    Poletia Tadios rolls her eyes at you. "I have a boyfriend. Sorry."
    Straight girls amirite :neutral:

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • SkaraSkara Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2018
    One of these days, the game's 'IT folks' will take security seriously and choose more intelligent passwords, like "it&#%2J./".

    Then we'll all be sad.
  • TravelerTraveler Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    Or, thispasswordisreallylongbecauseiwantittobeandalsoiwillmispellawordjustforfun
  • AebruaAebrua Member Posts: 27
    (Song): Ekary says, "If you are going to make something with the ability to go haywire and start a
    killing spree, wouldn't you choose something better? Perhaps a electromagnetic funnel cloud filled 
    with mechanical sharks."

    (Song): Quark says, "Sounds like we have our first volunteer to test out our new electromagnetic
    funnel cloud filled with mechanical sharks!"
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    If we're going to have a quotes thread we can't not include this from the very beginning of Starmourn. lol

    (Newbie): Christoff says, "Hello. I am excited."
    (Newbie): Pollivar says, "EVERYONE IS."
    (Newbie): Nydryxia says, "Me too."
    (Newbie): Kay says, "Hello."
    (Newbie): Capthan says, "Hi."
    (Newbie): Bairloch says, "Woo!"
    (Newbie): Exos says, "Greetings all."
    (Newbie): Arxus says, "Let's rock this server."
    (Newbie): Zil says, "The excitement is real."
    (Newbie): Renjue says, "Hii."
    (Newbie): Mita says, "Off]."
    (Newbie): Gyn says, "Oooooo."
    (Newbie): Awruun says, "It's happening!"
    (Newbie): Kamdian says, "Hi."
    (Newbie): Ronin says, "Woot!"
    (Newbie): Vaelan says, "Hello!"
    (Newbie): Mistral says, "Hi!"
    (Newbie): Odyn says, "LET'S GO BOYS."
    (Newbie): Elias says, "Hi there."
    (Newbie): Qitorien says, "WOO."
    (Newbie): Lundin says, "Yepp indeed."
    (Newbie): Tensor says, "Wow!"
    (Newbie): Balthazar says, "Bruh."
    (Newbie): Gyn says, "So many of yall here !!!"
    (Newbie): Ucara says, "Hello!"
    (Newbie): Avae says, "Sudden noise."
    (Newbie): William says, "Woooooooo."
    (Newbie): Merovek says, "Hello world!"
    (Newbie): Kiva says, "Please no, stop."
    (Newbie): Vandal says, "Ahh the spam."
    (Newbie): Ashley says, "HIIII."
    (Newbie): Decker says, "Yes, omg."
    (Newbie): Oliant says, "Hello!"
    (Newbie): Capthan says, "Did you see kestrals shoes."
    (Newbie): Victoria says, "NOISE."
    (Newbie): Sythiorn says, "Whyyyy."
    (Newbie): Hurbacious says, "Yaya."
    (Newbie): Narshuel says, "HI!"
    (Newbie): Zil says, "Hahaha."
    (Newbie): Jeran says, "Hey everyone!"
    (Newbie): Noni says, "Hola."
    (Newbie): Hikino says, "Ohhh gosh."
    (Newbie): Xia says, "Woohoo!"
    (Newbie): Akarvi says, "Heya."
    (Newbie): Dylan says, "My life."
    (Newbie): Zaoul says, "Who are you people and what are you doing in my game?"
    (Newbie): Ovi says, "Hi everyone haha."
    (Newbie): Odyn says, "HELP I SHOT SOMEONE."
    (Newbie): Azlyn says, "Why.."
    (Newbie): Solus says, "Jeez Chat just got lit."
    (Newbie): Miralla says, "Oh sweet jesus."
    (Newbie): Dragara says, "O!"
    (Newbie): Harlem says, "Living that dream!"
    (Newbie): Eletta says, "Dear GOD!!! THE NEWBIE SPAM!!"
    (Newbie): Decker says, "So much spam xD."
    (Newbie): Pifu says, "Heyooo."
    (Newbie): Kelen says, "Hi all!"
    (Newbie): Mrithun says, "Trying to quest here. Shush."
    (Newbie): Qitorien says, "Laggy :P."
    (Newbie): Kyra says, "Yoooo."

    You can not do that at this time. Lost? Stuck? Try checking for a HINT.

    (Newbie): Christoff says, "I am sorry I spoke >_>."
    (Newbie): Kitty says, "Oh my god the spam."
    (Newbie): Hurbacious says, "We are just exited lol."

    Cassandra Min says to you, "You're an explorer...I need someone with a curious mind who's willing to go to dangerous places and do dangerous things. See, I've got a mission..."

    (Newbie): Narshuel says, "CHRISTOFF!"
    (Newbie): Balthazar says, "T-pose on these beginning NPCs."
    (Newbie): Ovi says, "The flooood."
    (Newbie): Tzur says, "The horror!"
    (Newbie): Mita says, "I SHUT IT OFF AND IT STILL SPAMS ME."
    (Newbie): Canoza says, "Reeeeeeeeeeeee."
    (Newbie): Scarlex says, "Stop please."
    (Newbie): Aurantinidin says, "..."
    (Newbie): Gyn says, "Is everyone here new then?"
    (Newbie): Dylan says, "Do you wanna build a spacemaaaaaan."
    (Newbie): Krory says, "Hai i'm new."
    Cassandra Min glances at the Elgan corpse sprawled out on the sticky cantina floor. "Let's just say I had my own reasons for not wanting Elzi Sprickle to get a win... I bet I have something better to offer than her, anyway."
    (Newbie): Ashley says, "Lol Gyn."
    (Newbie): Qitorien says, "Everyone is new, lol.."
    (Newbie): Gyn says, "Cmon lets fly away..."
    (Newbie): Zaoul says, "No, I've been here about a year or so."
    (Newbie): Victoria says, "Oh no newbie off doesn't work."
    (Newbie): Qitorien says, "A hundred million newbies."
    (Newbie): Chronoxi says, "Hi I'm new."
    (Newbie): Katherine says, "Hey all."
    (Newbie): Zaoul says, "Nobody let me off the ship."
    Suddenly, the flickering holographic news screen over the bar flashes with a red, scrolling warning beacon that interrupts a transmission of the local Gravball championship.
    (Newbie): Tecton says, "NEWBIEOFF to silence this channel, for those interested."
    (Newbie): Vandal says, "How to disable chat temporarily?"
    (Newbie): Pollivar says, "That doesn't WORK tecton."
    You can not do that at this time. Lost? Stuck? Try checking for a HINT.
    (Newbie): Vandal says, "Thanks."
    (Newbie): Dragara says, "Thanks, Tecton!"
    (Newbie): Desmond says, "Thanks Tecton, you're a lifesaver."
    (Newbie): Qitorien says, "We can't in the intro, lol."
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    And this has been posted elsewhere but it still cracks me up every time I think about it:

    Asteyr says, "The line is Jarrhn. Sinturion, Maalbyst, Renjue, Aeolus, Asteyr, Pumkin, Onreon, Edon, Nirrain, Tasp, Perfect, Naldan, Annaya, Aurora, Althedir, Ascdren, Ziazapojira, Jekkana, Soza, Jako, Kurdock. If you are not on the list, speak up. The rest of us will kill you if you if you attack the master slaver and it is not your turn. Once on the list stay in this room please or risk being removed." 

    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • SeladorSelador Member Posts: 31
    Race: Xariel Gender: Female
    Affiliation: Unknown Status: Healthy
    Description: Looking somewhat like an oversized teddy bear, this young Xariel is only three or four years of age. Several strings of wooden beads painted in bright colors are looped around her neck, but like all immature Xariel she is covered in a plush layer of protective fur, so wears no additional clothing.
    Strength: You estimate that she is about as strong as you.

    Strength: You estimate that she is about as strong as you.

    That's ice cold.
    Character: Edon
    Race: Elgan
    Class: Engineer
  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    You acknowledge Siet Minke in greeting.
    Siet Minke rasps out in a hoarse voice, "I am the night."
    Siet Minke adjusts his cloak.

    You acknowledge Siet Minke in greeting.
    Siet Minke lurks expertly, peering down over the small, squalid bourough with an attitude like a paranoid hawk.

    You acknowledge Siet Minke in greeting.
    Siet Minke mutters in a hoarse voice, "Where would they be without me watching over them?"

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    (Song): Isandira says, "How do I inflict hypertension?"
    (Song): Xylem says, "Get married."

  • LuciusLucius Member Posts: 21
    [ S | GigaOps: 198/209 | Password: P*RN ] 
    Infect.Result("firewall_south", 9)
    PasswordUpdate("O") -> Display($pass) -> PORN

    Call me juvenile, but I laughed.
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Lucius said:
    [ S | GigaOps: 198/209 | miPassword: P*RN ] 
    Infect.Result("firewall_south", 9)
    PasswordUpdate("O") -> Display($pass) -> PORN

    Call me juvenile, but I laughed.
    Some of the passwords I have found would make Scatterhome blush.
  • ZaoulZaoul Member Posts: 14
    [Amumu]: Wetwiring regen begun, even though it's not going to save you from going to the grave
    eventually. I so look forward to its black embrace.

    <3 Marvin
  • QitorienQitorien Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    market order list elessium
    4594 Elessium 1/1 The Pinnacle of Creatio 6 5

    ship travel to the pinnacle of creation
    The ship's rotational thrusters fire, swinging it toward a northern bearing.
    Your set up your ship's autopilot to travel to CA-0808 (105, 59).
    Estimated distance: 10753.
    As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
    GrootToday at 2:16 PM
      if there's no kittens in space
      I'm going on a rampage
    TectonToday at 2:17 PM
      They're called w'hoorn, Groot
      sets out a saucer of milk
  • OrionOrion Member Posts: 19

    Here's 8+ characters, because the forums require it.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Orion said:

    Here's 8+ characters, because the forums require it.
    You can just hold down spacebar. Blank spaces count as characters.
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    Maruna said:

    You can just hold down spacebar. Blank spaces count as characters.

    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • JoscelinJoscelin Member Posts: 45
    [nw] -> Circumnavigating a colossal pie

    So that's where Song is keeping all their goodies.

  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    The Ship Graveyard.                                             
    Blocky and armored, a small but heavy minitank squats here. A crane-armed
    carrybot rumbles along here. Sinuous and articulated, a knife-mawed burrowbot
    coils here. An aerodynamic drone is hovering in midair here.
    There are no obvious exits.

    I oopsed @Tecton
    Got myself out though!

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