


  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    @Ilyos clenches their fist before his face, focusing all of his fury on you. A
    sickening sensation grows within you and you feel your whole body vibrate and
    quiver. In a moment, your consciousness ceases to process information as your
    whole body dissipates into nothingness, the bonds in your molecules having
    You collapse to the ground, killed by Ilyos.

    Y E E T
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    That was in response to:

    You initiate a scan on Ilyos, and the nano-MRI lasers project a matrix over
    Overall Health:                    0/4800
    Mending operation available:       Yes
    Muscular System                    100.00% Health          100% Efficacy
    Internal System                    100.00% Health          100% Efficacy
      Bleeding x7 (damage over time)
    Sensory System                     100.00% Health          100% Efficacy
    Mind System                        100.00% Health          100% Efficacy
    Wetwiring System                   100.00% Health          100% Efficacy
    External Effects
    Drug Intoxication Level

    A crane-armed carrybot claws Ilyos, shredding his skin.
    Damage Dealt: 253 impact, melee

    Damage Dealt: 327 unblockable, none
    Ilyos collapses, drained of his lifeblood.

  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    So Xiru played with the claw machines, not anticipating how creepy he'd find the toys... discovered PUSH TOY would push them off on someone else and literally just distributed them to everyone his mindsim detected. Reactions were mixed, but this one cracked me up:
    Astraeus tells you, "Excuse me, but may I ask why I have received this toy scorptail?"

    You tell Astraeus, "They creeped me out."

    You tell Astraeus, "So I gave them all away."

    Astraeus tells you, "Ah. Then I will cherish this small nightmare as if it were my own child."

    You tell Astraeus, "Perfect."
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • SorenSoren Storyteller Posts: 61 Storyteller
    They've got laughs.

    Argo gives something to a Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl.
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl says, "My guy, you just handed me a piece of meat."
    A Ry'nari wearing a long-beaked white mask breaks into hearty laughter.
    The edges of Argo's lips curve up briefly into the faintest semblance of a smirk.
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl gives something to a Ry'nari wearing a long-beaked white mask.
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl says, "Is that Phryxi's?"
    Poet takes a long drag of a half-smoked joint of leesa skins, inhaling fragrant lavender smoke into her lungs.
    The last few millimeters of a half-smoked joint of leesa skins sizzle into embers and ash, and Poet discards the smoldering stub.
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl says, "Looks like it might have been their leg."
    Frixxi glares angrily at a Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl.
    Argo licks his sharpened teeth in a sinister manner.
    Frixxi says, "That is not funny." 
    Poet says, "Ooh, violence."
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl says, "I thought death cultists would have appreciated the morbid humour."
    A Jin wearing a face-shrouding cowl says, "Guess not."
    A Ry'nari wearing a long-beaked white mask says, "It's a little raw..."
  • XinXin Member Posts: 4

    Xin sniffs at the expensive, fancy rootwine, and orders instead something so cheap it isn't even on the menu.

    You wield a frosted glass filled with grishki in your right hand.

    Ata peers at your purchase, scratching at his tentacles in thought.

    Ata gives you a simple wooden cup filled with fermented vuu honey.

    Ata says to you, "Please, do accept this instead?"

    Ata takes a sip from a simple wooden cup filled with fermented vuu honey.

    Knocking back nearly half their grishki, Xin flashes Ata a shit-eating grin before sliding the remainder of the cup over to him, accepting his vuu honey instead. "Reckon we'll swap, whaddya say?" they suggest.

    You take a drink from a frosted glass filled with grishki.
    The strong bite of salty seaweed fills your mouth, followed by a hot burn in the back of your throat.

    Ata peers at the frosted glass cautiously. He digs through his belongings, producing a small, empty vial, carefully pouring the grishki into the vial. He nods slowly, capping the vial and tucking away in his personal effects.

    Ata gives you a frosted glass filled with grishki.

    Ata says to you, "Thank you, a scientific marvel indeed."

  • Pink_CandyflossPink_Candyfloss Member Posts: 56 ✭✭✭
    (Scatterhome): Senaku says, "Shen are strict vagitarians."
    (Scatterhome): Senaku says, "Mis..."
  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    You throw a tiny stinkbomb at @Damiel.
    A loud hiss fills the room as a tiny stinkbomb breaks on contact with Damiel's body. You gag and choke as a greenish mist covers Damiel's body, leaving a horrible smell in its wake that clings to his frame.

    Damiel clenches their fist before his face, focusing all of his fury on you. A sickening sensation grows within you and you feel your whole body vibrate and quiver. In a moment, your consciousness ceases to process information as your whole body dissipates into nothingness, the bonds in your molecules having vaporized.
    You collapse to the ground, killed by Damiel.

    Got em
  • LainLain Member Posts: 13
    Tremble before his might.

  • LainLain Member Posts: 13
  • EukeladeEukelade Administrator, Moderator Posts: 177 Starmourn staff
    Overheard on channel:

    (SDCC): Isabella says, "A group of volatile anomalies collectively clear their speech apparatuses and break into a heartrending dirge about being the last of their kind. You feel strangely moved."

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