A question to those who are already 50+. How do you do it? In my youth I could grind no problem, but now it just seems mind numbing. Do you have things you do to entertain yourself while you're trudging through it?
I had to take a break due to life and I've fallen behind. Just curious!
If you reach the point where a game starts to feel like work, you’ve defeated the purpose of playing it. It’s supposed to be fun. There’s no rule that says you have to keep chasing the highest level. Find out what makes the game fun for you, and do that instead.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Level to 75.
Beat them.
Starmourn -fin-
remember: every good villain needs someone to punch up
The point is, relevance is what you make of it and has little to nothing to do with being at the top of anything. If that is your goal, great. Don't feel like you're lesser than anyone simply because of your level. There are plenty of other valid reasons to feel irrelevant.
Help automation: "Basically, if you can walk away from your computer and your character will go on without you, there's a problem."
But I don't make or enforce the rules; I'd just be more cautious about what you advise other players is and is not acceptable.
21000 IEDs? This is my sad lha-ti face.
Your system sounds like cryptocurrency mining.
21000 IEDs? This is my sad lha-ti face.
I hate the one button room clearing systems. They can still walk away for the most part. All they have to do is set up in a non-aggro area and it pings you to come back. You don't have to pay attention whatsoever.
Maybe I am in the tiny minority of purists here and I'm sure all the coders will jump me for it but I am far from giving shits. It would be impossible to regulate out of the game, I realize. I can still think it is bullshit.
Gaming isn't, and shouldn't be, about how much of an unpleasant thing you can put up with. It's meant to be enjoyable, so if you have a tool available to you that can make something more enjoyable, it makes sense that people are going to use it.
You will get smooshed by higher levels in just about any game. If automate to this level the grand majority of mmos out there, you would be ip banned.
Your interest in the grind does not matter, honestly and stating that as a reason tells me you need a different genre of game.
The fact that the admin can't regulate it out of the game without a lot of time and effort doesn't make it any less of an advantage. While I realize people have released systems to do this for you, it doesn't justify a thing. I still believe it to be a shitty way to play this game. Again, my opinion.