Scoundrel - Skill Feedback



  • MattiasMattias Member Posts: 9
    While I agree that damage creep should be avoided, on the flip side the impact to marks is pretty minimal. I farmed for 15 minutes and made -dozens- of IEDs. I don't think we need an increase to junk drops.
  • RkansasRkansas Member Posts: 136 ✭✭
    I did around 2 hours of bashing after the change last night I went through maybe 100+ rippers and yet I probably still made 2k marks, I think I was only out apx 200-300 marks from restocking IEDs. It really wasn't all that bad and it gave me a few minutes of down time if I wanted between bashing.

    The only issue I had was that it's easy to end up with more IEDs then you can put in your bandolier and you are now having to choose to drop the extra or risk fumbling them.

    Though I really like the idea of not running around with so many IEDs in my inv and I like the idea of using junk. 
    (Scatterhome): Cal says, "We're called Scatterhome after what everybody does at the end of the night when it's time for someone to pay the bar tab."
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Which by my calculations, it's your turn to pay."
    (Scatterhome): Brantar says, "That's what my calculations have come to."
    (Scatterhome): Paavo says, "My math adds up to that, yeah."
    (Scatterhome): Cal says, "Bastards."

  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    I agree with most people here - in reality the junk cost is negligible. On paper, yes, we have to pay for skills when no one else does, but unless you're bashing rockhoppers to 75 you really don't notice the extremely minimal cost.
  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    I think the bigger issue (if you want to call it such) is the mark economy as a whole, which this just adds to some of that stress. Repairs and clone costs seem high, so bashing now sometimes can even net a negative amount of marks with just one death. Charging for a class ability now makes that felt more because it wasn’t there from the start. 

    The cost is is pretty negligible for IEDs. 
  • TravelerTraveler Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    I love the bandolier (so much, all the love) but I hate the junk change. It doesn't really cost that much, but I have two problems with it: first, it's fiddly - I have to keep looking at my junk list and finding a new type of junk to construct from. And secondly, where bandolier is amazing RP, making IEDs from junk is the opposite.

    Exactly why can I make a bomb from a hunk of meat? Or why do I need raw meat to make it? Does Starmourn have some kind of magic technology where you can strip substances down to their base elements and then 3D print completely new substances? If so, that sounds more science lab than rogue scoundrel.

    That being said, I'm being nitpicky, and the change is not going to break scoundrel for me. I'm just giving my feedback on it.
  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    You can just type “JUNK”, not necessarily needing to specify which type, fyi
  • AristaArista Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
    Traveler said:

    Exactly why can I make a bomb from a hunk of meat?

    Why do you think the skill is called improvisation? :tongue:
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, it doesn’t matter what junk you use, the cost is the same in the end. The only advantage is saving time by creating more at once, but then again you wasted that time searching for a 50 value piece.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    ekary said:
    you wasted that time searching for a 50 value piece.
    Traveler said:
    I have to keep looking at my junk list and finding a new type of junk to construct from.
    OT: Personally I don't notice a difference. I make IEDs out of all junk worth less than ~15 or so. After an hour bashing I 'lose' maybe 300 marks (out of like 5000), and gain probably 4-5x the IEDs that I used in that hour.
  • kaeuskaeus Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2019
    At this point, the quality of life in crafting modded IEDs is super nice with the bandolier, and the junk cost does seem manageable (and thankfully flat cost). I am interested to see in if/how they plan on dealing with the super large time to construct modded ieds.
  • Pink_CandyflossPink_Candyfloss Member Posts: 56 ✭✭✭
    That's still marks that you are losing, and you're actively doing an activity that rewards you with junk. Good luck when PvP takes off and you're burning through your IEDs rapidly, at a cost, plus the inconvenience of having to leave the battle to farm again or fight at two thirds effectiveness.
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    Maruna said:
    ekary said:
    you wasted that time searching for a 50 value piece.
    Traveler said:
    I have to keep looking at my junk list and finding a new type of junk to construct from.
    OT: Personally I don't notice a difference. I make IEDs out of all junk worth less than ~15 or so. After an hour bashing I 'lose' maybe 300 marks (out of like 5000), and gain probably 4-5x the IEDs that I used in that hour.
    Yeah, I mean I literally just do IED CONSTRUCT RIPPER FROM JUNK and trigger that ish to repeat. Doesn't really matter in the end, you aren't going to sav
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    kaeus said:
    At this point, the quality of life in crafting modded IEDs is super nice with the bandolier, and the junk cost does seem manageable (and thankfully flat cost). I am interested to see in if/how they plan on dealing with the super large time to construct modded ieds.
    I grudgingly agree. I'm still pissed off that I lost 4K rippers on this "change" but there are definitely some QOL benefits that came with it. I still want my rippers back TECTON! *narrow*
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    That's still marks that you are losing, and you're actively doing an activity that rewards you with junk. Good luck when PvP takes off and you're burning through your IEDs rapidly, at a cost, plus the inconvenience of having to leave the battle to farm again or fight at two thirds effectiveness.
    I've fought a fair bit already. You don't use quite as many IEDs as you think you will. Think after 2 hours of sparring (probably 20-30 2 or 3 minute fights), I used maybe ~150 IEDs. That's like 5 minutes of bashing at most. In PvP it's also not always the best way to reload, so you likely won't use anywhere near that much in a group fight.
    By the time pvp 'takes off' if you don't have several hundred of every IED I'd question what you've been doing in the meantime. Hard to find sympathy from me when I've played resource-heavy classes for the majority of my ~13 years playing IRE games. Scoundrel is probably the least-offending of the ones I've played... Sorry but losing out on maybe 5000 marks in a week, but having enough IEDs to last several weeks, isn't a big deal to me. If they add junk costs to wiring/shrapnel/timers, then maybe it'll be worth complaining about.
    Pls don't Tecton.

  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Just be that person who fills their bandolier with 500 of every type of IED, just because you have the option to. Never know when those useless IEDs get buffed, right?
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    That's still marks that you are losing, and you're actively doing an activity that rewards you with junk. Good luck when PvP takes off and you're burning through your IEDs rapidly, at a cost, plus the inconvenience of having to leave the battle to farm again or fight at two thirds effectiveness.

    I had a longer response to this typed out but it was based on assumptions of PVP playstyle and reload usage that I can't confirm, so for now I'm just gunna say if you are running through hundreds of IEDs in one PVP occurrence, you have bigger problems than the marks spent on IEDs.
  • WyldeKardeWyldeKarde Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
    So, what I hear you saying Maruna, is that scoundrels need free marks? I'm not so good at maths.
  • WyldeKardeWyldeKarde Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
    Prone seems to be broken -- I filed a bug, but wanted to see if anyone else had an issue with it?

    My experience today:

    1) If I prone someone, I am not seeing a message that they have stood back up. I just repeated get messages that my target is not prone when trying to use bind.
    2) Guile trip takes a 2s balance to use, does not interupt, does not seem to stop someone from getting out of the room, and does no damage.
    3) Another scoundrel and I took turns pumping each other full of vertigo, but prone was still instantly cured and after 50+ bullets each and 30+ trips, no loss of balance happened as a result of vertigo.
    4) Since prone cannot be applied, neither of us could ever get bind to work -- without bind, forcefeed, strangle, and pummel do not work which leaves scoundrels with zero instakills to apply.

    Unrelated, but it seems fury has "balance" as a skill which allows them to never be prone -- even if hit with a sleeper?  Does that just negate every scoundrel instakill and we have no way to strip the defense? Correct me if I am wrong with the skill ability, but that seems like it would make scoundrel versus fury combat really difficult from an instakill route.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019

    Sleeper prones, as well. Of course then you run into the issue of bleeding waking them up once you get them to the point of being able to forcefeed. I did it by pushing mind first, to stick stupidity / distraction / forgetfulness... But currently vs Scoundrel, 90% of people die long before you get them that prepped.

    There's a lot of weird things with it, that hopefully get fixed soon. Sometimes you see them stand, sometimes you don't.
  • AristaArista Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
    You see them stand if they stand with STAND but prone can also be cured by wetwiring ticks, and is invisible if that happens, like all affs. Not sure if intended. Seems odd.

    Fury balancing is RNG, so you can prone them but it takes a while. Balancing probably shouldn't stop sleep from proning (but currently does).
  • ZhulkarnZhulkarn Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    Traveler said:

    Exactly why can I make a bomb from a hunk of meat? Or why do I need raw meat to make it? Does Starmourn have some kind of magic technology where you can strip substances down to their base elements and then 3D print completely new substances? If so, that sounds more science lab than rogue scoundrel.

    Because you are....

  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    Some way of knowing what ammo you're currently using would be nice, for screenreaders and just reminder.
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    @Admin any news on when we're going to get an update on adding shrapnel to IEDs? Just spent over half an hour staring at "Using a roll of spacer's tape that you happen to have handy, you secure a handful of sharp, broken salvage to a handful of explosive putty, which will serve as shrapnel when it explodes."
    I remember Tecton mentioning in the Discord that there's work being done on making adding shrapnel happen on IED creation, for instance.
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    Haven't gotten through testing most of the changes...what are people's reactions thus far. Anyone changing their hunting rotation around? 

    Cool that kneecap now seems to interrupt. Addresses the 'oh snap' effect when out of bullets. A bit bummed that pointblank is now melee, as that will pull us out of cover now to do...but suppose it makes sense from the definition of pointblank.
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2019
    The below is all from a PvE perspective:

    I'm low key annoyed that the kneecap changed basically made code I spent an hour yesterday fiddling with pointless, because I don't need to reserve ammo when fighting wind up mobs, I can just kneecap.

    Unload went from 1s per tick after a 1s windup, with a 4s balance cost, to 1.5s per tick. That bums me out, because I get far fewer shots than I normally would, and it's become a lot harder to find situations where unload is competitive to use. 

    I'm still never going to use haymaker, since the only thing Scoundrels can do that scales on muscular is kneecap.

    Here's the thing with binding: when you prone a mob with trip, it takes them longer to stand based on their internal subsytem damage. So by the time you can get a reliable prone/bind off, you can already forcefeed them, so there's no reason to use pummel, when you can instakill them. It does do a lot of damage though, and it's fun switching it up a bit. If nothing else, pummel is faster in terms of balance costs than forcefeed.
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    On an unrelated note, DAZED is the odd affliction out in Infused ammo for Scoundrel. All the other afflictions do 0 subsys damage and stack and have requirements, but dazed does not. It doesn't stack, it does 1.5% subsys damage, and it has no req. There's another aff in the Sensory pool called DIZZY that does have all of the above features... but you can't use it. Bug, or intentional?
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    @Thessia No matter what I do denizens always cure prone near instantly. Can never really use bind because of how fast they stand up...
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    Like I said, @Arsentar, it seems to scale with internal damage. If I use weakening ammo, at around 30-40% health they'll be bind-able.
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