Upcoming PVP changes



  • KareliKareli Member Posts: 7
    This is not a roleplay enforced game. It is a roleplay encouraged game. Any IC punishment should come from the players, not the admin. You should have a reason to pvp with someone. If you do not, you are liable to be attacked and kill in return. Simple as that. 

  • AntidasAntidas Member Posts: 24
    Wow this blew up, lol. For all you PVP haters out there arguing about how terrible of an idea it is to add an incentive to combat, just look at Achaea. My experience in MUD pvp comes from there, and I'm essentially just advocating for a similar system, wherein you actually gain something tangible from successfully killing another person (in Achaea, you get a decent chunk of XP). The system there has not resulted in absurd numbers of people roaming around killing people for literally no reason at all. Certainly it has had its people who have done so, but they have quickly found themselves turned into shrubs by the admin team. I don't see any reason at all to suspect the same wouldn't happen here if @Tecton and co added something to actually make PKing worthwhile; considering he was bossman over at Achaea for a good number of years, I'm sure people here would be met with the same response they are met in Achaea with.
  • ZhulkarnZhulkarn Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Though one thing I am optimistic about is that nearly most deaths despite their appearance can be used to validate our roles in the game and spark more RP opportunities.

    Let us say someone in Dregs of Litharge shanked another player and even if the killer does not RP being a black whisper addict we have several options:

    -For a RedeemerCorps agent it can give a reason to launch an investigation of death or put a bullet in the head of the instigator.
    -AICo people can proceed to -rehabilitate- the person with proper counsel and nanopills.
    -If it is an outsider, the Guardians can put sanctions upon that person for their transgressions.
    -Meanwhile LFB will count the expenses regarding this incident and crunch some numbers with utterly neutral face (I suspect LFB people might be artificial intelligence actually)

    Similar scenarios can be made for other factions as well. We as players have many tools to steer anything happening in the game towards proper RP and while doing so we validate our roles. If someone goes to issues, rather then their org-instutions first, they are doing a great disservice to the game on the whole.

    Now, returning to giving feedback about INR changes;

    Personally from RP-PvP standpoint it would not affect me much because I play a character with the mindset "If someone learns from my mistakes, so be it." Meaning that he will not consider losing INR as stealing but might appreciate its return nonetheless and take it as a sign of goodwill. 
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    I'd personally be more engaged in the RP-resolution of PK if dying didn't cost 1 hour of bashing. As it is, if I get killed, I go sit on my ship until my killer logs out (or I log out myself, and just come back when he or she is gone) because further contact is just an increased chance to double my mark losses.
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Matlkael said:
    I'd personally be more engaged in the RP-resolution of PK if dying didn't cost 1 hour of bashing. As it is, if I get killed, I go sit on my ship until my killer logs out (or I log out myself, and just come back when he or she is gone) because further contact is just an increased chance to double my mark losses.
    I have to believe  that you are doing something to provoke being killed repeatedly. That is on you at that point. Part of the challenge of a game with any sort of open pk areas is that you have to be on your toes and at least practice escaping effectively. 

    Get really good at running your ass away and people will likely go for easier targets.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Just closing this up, since it's way off track of the original topic - great discussion though.
This discussion has been closed.