Hey everyone,
Just a quick post to let you know about some upcoming PVP-centric changes that will be going live soon:
- We're going to be increasing the time taken in the regeneration sequence by a factor of 3
This change will give death a bit more gravity, as well as allow a bit more opportunity for engineers to use HEARTSTART.- INRs will be encrypted for (tentatively) 30 minutes after death, preventing anyone bar the owner from being able to scan them.
- INRs will drop on logout/death.
- MS TRACK will show the location of your INR while it is still in the corpse.
Gives the victim a chance to recover their INRs from those who may have stolen it. This allows some counterplay and conflict around these, rather than just get/scan INR without and risk.- If a player dies in PVP defending their faction (in an area that's affiliated with their faction org), reduce the cloning fee by 90%.
General reduction in penalty and encourage people participating in org-vs-org conflict.
I had assumed so since I've PKed people for taking my INR... but it hadn't been put to the issue test. I guess they also accepted that it probably wouldn't hold up.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
This is a bad idea as well, for any number of reasons. I'm in full agreement that PKing someone for no reason is not acceptable, and should be punished. However, if you just immediately ban any player that does it even once, you're going to quickly find yourself with a lack of players who want to pvp. For one, people will be incredibly nervous to kill anyone for any reason, because even if they think they are in the right, what if the admin disagrees? They stand to risk losing their character entirely if they are wrong, and so I'd be willing to bet most people just wouldn't bother anymore. You can say goodbye to any sort of dangerous world outside of things like cosmpiercers. And org raids? Yeah, that definitely wouldn't happen anymore. Secondly, while I am sure the admins do their absolute best to provide fair rulings on all situations, they are still human, and can make mistakes. How much would it suck to kill someone for a perfectly reasonable reason, only to have the admin reviewing the case miss something and then decide to ban your character? There are so many things that could go wrong with a policy like this, and there is very little positive benefit to it. If someone is being a dick and going around killing people for no reason, they're quickly going to find themselves banned from the game anyways; no reason to make a public zero-tolerance policy that will do nothing but scare people away from playing.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
ETA: Maruna posted as I was typing, but I concur with her last paragraph. This comment was mainly aimed at Matlkael.
Being killed, even just once, already carries a notable cost, so the old IRE policy of "one death is fine and permissible" is not tenable if killing players also gets you a reward. The temptation to both cause a loss to another player in addition to getting something for yourself would be too great (not even counting junk theft, if you happen to jump someone who's bashing).
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Achaea seems to have a healthier pvp scene than Aetolia, and the two games share the same pvp rules although population size is not equal.
No one that PKs regularly will advocate for consequence free PK. The entire reason we PK is for the fighting, so you bringing me more fighting is just fine by me. Rewarding PK is not going to suddenly result in people killing people wantonly, as those who do will get handled rather quickly. IRE has overall been pretty good about punishing cases that deserve it. The problem with the issue system is people use it immediately, instead of working on solutions in other ways.
In Achaea, if you're a non-combatant that gets killed, the popular solution that you're told is to hire a mark on your killer. But that person, as you said, already sees fighting as a reward, so the assassin you sent after him or her is like a cherry on top of a sundae. Marks/assassins are not a solution for non-coms to not get attacked; in fact, it is a faucet through which PKers can get their fill. It is essentially a reward for people who attack others who cannot fight on their own.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
"Weak reasons" result in administrative punishment, they always have and always will. Just because you think it is a poor reason doesn't mean other people do.
Lastly, if two parties are so conflicted on what they think is a valid enough reason, odds are they are going to stop interacting with each other and end any RP conflict they have. If someone is trying to harass you consistently into giving them what they define as justifiable cause, you have ignore and you have issues. Harrassment isn't allowed, PK is, don't mix the two up.
Mechanics were changed to stop further incidents, but the players involved, as far as I know, are still playing and have suffered no other consequence other than they now have to try harder to get 10 easy kills. This is why plain RP-based PK will not work; there needs to be more regulation around it.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Edit: changed to a more appropriate curse.