Fight Club



  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    BeepBoop said:
    My point is that damage aside (which I think is the first thing that will be nerfed) Beasts cannot possible instakill anyone in 21 balances with absolutely 0 subsys healing. 
    Don't need to instakill when everyone just dies to raw damage. In less than that.
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Maruna said:
    BeepBoop said:
    My point is that damage aside (which I think is the first thing that will be nerfed) Beasts cannot possible instakill anyone in 21 balances with absolutely 0 subsys healing. 
    Don't need to instakill when everyone just dies to raw damage. In less than that.
    Yeah, and I said I think it will be nerfed. Thing is that aside, beast has one of the slowest offences with an instakill that is much more difficult. My point is that by starting with being able to pull off an instakill that easily, nanoseer is already in a much better spot than some people like to claim.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I don't think you're understanding very well, how some afflictions and the like work in this game. A 1-minute time to kill versus someone who's not mending / defending at all, is not particularly noteworthy. You can do that with every class in the game right now except maybe Fury. And even then you probably could.
    Forcefeed can be done in 21 bals, theoretically you could probably Hard Lock people in 21 bals if they're just letting things sit.
    Squash can be done in 21 bals (less, actually, with turret going). Heartbreaker probably can't because EM damage is still rigged.
    Sunder for Beast can be done in 21 bals because of mangles giving a ton more subsystem damage, as well as more chances to pound + discharge. You could probably incinerate as well, given how much muscular damage beast does. I've honestly wanted to try Beast a lot, they have a lot of neat skills. Alas armvice/legclamp is superior to everything else atm.
    Heartrend for Fury might be hit or miss, I didn't get to really test that out.
    You're greatly underestimating what can be done in 21 bals, when people aren't actively trying to not die.
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Beast can do 17% muscular every 6 balances. 18 balances and you have 51%. To sunder you would need another 49% between internal and muscular with the remaining 3 balances.  
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    BeepBoop said:
    Beast can do 17% muscular every 6 balances. 18 balances and you have 51%. To sunder you would need another 49% between internal and muscular with the remaining 3 balances.  
    You forgot the part where damaged muscular subsystem will steadily lower internal on its own.
    Mangles also aren't the only source. Hobble (for weak knees) on top of mangles allow for pretty easy pounds. Provided the bug (I'm assuming it's a bug) gets fixed where Wetwiring can cure prone with the periodic affliction curing. (if it's not a bug that's silly lol) Pound RNG until then, tho.
  • MavisMavis Member Posts: 9
    Here's a fight between Maruna and I.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    A better one.

    Nothing really fancy you can do with Beast. If you try and play the long game, you end up getting outpaced by every other class. Tunnel in on Muscular, or don't play Beast seems to be the goto at the moment. Can possibly damage out with plasmablade + scorch stacks once you're higher level. Will be interesting to see how things unfold as more and more reach higher levels. I should probably settle on a class soon; it was a fun project to play through each of them, though.
  • MavisMavis Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2019
    Here are a few more. My problem seems to be that anyone actively curing against heartrend will get twice the value out of mends as they can alternate mends from muscular and internal. Efficacy for me will drop at double the rate while a BEAST can push a single system and punish much faster than I'll be able to mend. What's the suggested course of action for this?
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Those are the ones I just posted :P
  • MavisMavis Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2019
    Yeah I forgot to refresh before I posted
    ... Sorry
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭ (Versus Arista. BEAST vs Nanoseer.)
    - I got rid of all my damage stat investments for this fight, but there was still a 25 level difference between me and her so take it with a grain of salt. Forced her to use her heal quite a bit. (Versus Albion. BEAST vs Fury) (Versus Albion. BEAST vs Fury) (My Perspective) (His Perspective)
    -There were a couple times in the fight where we ended up breaking apart and just using WW REGENERATE to reset. So my side only has the last sorta portion of the fight. Really close fight, I maybe could've sundered before the heartend, spoolups internal damage doesn't show on WW MESSAGES.

    Really fun spars, thanks you two!
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Fury PvP in a nutshell: pray for overwhelm to rng you into a heartrend. Although, I realise if I changed some of those overwhelms into slices I could have gotten a throw kill far more easily than Heartrend. Gotta write an alias for that I guess. 
  • MigiMigi Member Posts: 18
    So "heavily damaged" for muscular means below 50%? And how do you know you've done spool enough?
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
    So judging by these logs it takes like seventy balances for BEAST to kill now? Nice...
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    Each spoolup does 5% at a minimum if their muscular is below 50% so you can kinda count it out. You just sorta guesstimate with spoolup, you can only really tell they are below 75% internal when you see the unblockable internal bleeding ticks happening. 
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Pollivar said:
    So judging by these logs it takes like seventy balances for BEAST to kill now? Nice...
    No? You're not counting how many times other non-attacks are used. Even still, me and Darios both gave logs where it's done in less than that including things like wetwiring mend and class heal.
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    There were about 3 resets in that fight 
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2019

    beast vs. nano

    Nykara(43) vs. Ronin(55)

    edit: oh, and when the WW systems show on the prompt in red i'm at 91%, I should really put everything there so you guys can see in logs.

    edit2: Used eyestrike a lot more in the second spar and it definitely helped with building affs to get the MM faster(also added WW systems to prompt for that one)
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Fury vs Nanoseer

    I equipped a level 55 kithblade for this, and Ronin was level 55. Suddenly decided to try the rage throw route this time.

    If someone knows why some of my combat messages are getting eaten I'd appreciate it. I only have my own brief combatmessages gagged with deleteLine().

  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2019
    got greedy and forgot to watch my health, here's the other side of the spar Albion posted:
  • RocketCatRocketCat Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    Ronin said:

    beast vs. nano

    Nykara(43) vs. Ronin(55)

    edit: oh, and when the WW systems show on the prompt in red i'm at 91%, I should really put everything there so you guys can see in logs.

    edit2: Used eyestrike a lot more in the second spar and it definitely helped with building affs to get the MM faster(also added WW systems to prompt for that one)
    Still learning... why eyestrike? Eyestrike only deals sensory affs which don't count for mm or mindswap?
    Hi, I'm Ata. Oh and maybe some other people, too. o:) Check out my various packages for Nexus: Vuu combat system, Global Pathfinder, Slicer Tools, Ship compass, JS from command line, Vitals Tracker, and Equipment Manager.
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2019
    RocketCat said:
    Ronin said:

    beast vs. nano

    Nykara(43) vs. Ronin(55)

    edit: oh, and when the WW systems show on the prompt in red i'm at 91%, I should really put everything there so you guys can see in logs.

    edit2: Used eyestrike a lot more in the second spar and it definitely helped with building affs to get the MM faster(also added WW systems to prompt for that one)
    Still learning... why eyestrike? Eyestrike only deals sensory affs which don't count for mm or mindswap?
    eyestrike deals sensory subsys and aff both, and doesn't overlap the affs. forces their curing away from mind affs sometimes, if you're lucky, which can make sticking them a bit easier.
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43

    Another vs. Albion using a Lvl. 55 kithblade
  • MavisMavis Member Posts: 9
    Holy shit that was close Ronin. You’re lucky he used a few too many overwhelms.
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Mavis said:
    Holy shit that was close Ronin. You’re lucky he used a few too many overwhelms.
    And that I cancelled my ww regenerate after the pax. That was a big mistake, it almost went off.

    H:25 NN:1.27M SN:100.00% X:55 54% REPAIR Muscular Internal
    Albion flows out of his stance, landing on his feet.
    Albion: Rage Slice -> you.
    You see Albion rushing directly for you at breakneck speed, a Rowan T-5-A kithblade held in both
    hands. You are helpless to stop the devastating attack that follows, intense pain blooming from your
    wounds as the hot wind of their passage buffets against you.
    H:17 NN:1.27M SN:100.00% X:55 54% REPAIR Muscular Internal
    Albion: Blade Gutrend -> you.
    Albion pivots in place, slashing you horizontally across your body with a gutrending strike of a
    Rowan T-5-A kithblade.
    H:13 NN:1.82M SN:100.00% X:55 54% REPAIR Muscular Internal
    Albion is no longer overwhelmed by rage.
    Could have rage thrown on the first, think he was slightly above critically wounded range and didn't dare to risk the failure. Then the unstoppable fell off when I did try to rage throw.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    @ronin during your fights with Nykara you seemed to be healing 6% hp with some frequency. Just checking, since a lot of messages were gagged--this is because you had WW priorities set to Health > Subsys > Affliction correct? 
  • RoninRonin Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2019
    Squeakums said:
    @ronin during your fights with Nykara you seemed to be healing 6% hp with some frequency. Just checking, since a lot of messages were gagged--this is because you had WW priorities set to Health > Subsys > Affliction correct? 
    against Nyk, yes. I was also changing up my stats between these fights, so the regen numbers are gonna be skewed between them.

    That was mostly because i was still in bashing prios and forgot to change though :P
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    Actually seems to be pretty effective though. There is little in the beast kit that scales with sticking many afflictions, and unless the four damaged limb debuffs have been fixed, you might be better off saving some HP curing by using WW for it instead.

    Of course this might be less effective if you were closer in levels, but still maybe still worth considering 
  • MigiMigi Member Posts: 18
    Have any BEASTs tried rushing down internal instead of muscular yet?
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