Fury Thread - Stay on topic.



  • AspieAspie Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Maruna said:
    StarFiry said:
    @Maruna, thank you!

    Switching the he subject, any reason to invest stat points into Psyche? I have Lifeforce, Strength and Regen all “maxed” out at 200, was thinking Evasion as next priority, but wanted to check with those who are further along..? Any thoughts?

    +50 (200 total) is just went DRs kick in. The actual cap is 400 (+250) - by the time you hit 75 you have enough points to fully max out 2, with a good amount of stats in a 3rd.
    I've just been putting every single point into lifeforce so far because it seems to work the best. Regen is next to useless at lower levels, base regen is 4% and caps (at 250) at 8%. Strength is negligible increases to damage at lower levels, I can see it being good once you get higher though and have mods etc in weapon. Evasion sucks, Psyche is kinda pointless because Battleflow/Rage bashing is significantly greater than Fulmination bashing.

    EDIT: disregard the below since I've noticed the help files have been updated to indicate more precisely how evasion works! I'd say it's probably not worth adding into right now.

    I'm not sure that this is correct. Assuming my math is correct, dumping all into life force will net you slightly more effective health but much less healing per second. The difference is such that a few ticks of regen will make up for the difference. Mixing lifeforce and evasion will give you more effective health for about the same healing per second, and mixing all three nets you less effective health than either but more healing per second. The differences in effective health are less than about 70 with a difference of about 9 healing per second.

    Lifeforce is easily the most winningest of stats for survival, but dimishing returns makes it worth adding into the other two.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Aspie said:
    Lifeforce is easily the most winningest of stats for survival, but dimishing returns makes it worth adding into the other two.
    Never disagreed on that. Just... Not at lower levels. I would probably put 50 into regen for softcap if I could be bothered resetting, but otherwise so far I've found max lifeforce has helped me more than any other build I've tried. Evasion is pretty garbage considering it doesn't increase the proc rate for evades, just the damage decrease when it does proc. It could definitely do with some tuning.
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018
    @maruna and all - got the unstoppable slice flow going and, oh wow, damage is devastating. Takes some getting used to, to keep the flow going, but once it flows, it’s pretty amazing. 

    EDIT: As a follow up, when rage is at 80%, what’s the quickest sequence to enter unstoppable when done with the combo #2 discussed in this thread:


    ans what’s the quickest sequence from neutral (no stance)?

    Edit2: I think I got it. Rupture takes you to symmetry, from there its flare or ember, so anything from those two that takes you back into symmetry can be coupled with unstoppable. 

    For no stance, again, whatever brings you into symmetry. 

    Sounds correct?
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Symmetry is 'no stance'
    swiftcut/flyinglash opener -> wound/rend -> rupture/strike (which puts you back into symmetry to start over). If the rupture puts me over 80 rage I use unstoppable instead of strike, then replace flyinglash/rend/strike with slice until unstoppable wears off.

    eta: Bleed damage is now 1/3 of what it used to be... Will be interesting to see if it's still the goto combo. It's free damage, but it's still a pretty big hit.
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    Maruna said:
    Symmetry is 'no stance'
    swiftcut/flyinglash opener -> wound/rend -> rupture/strike (which puts you back into symmetry to start over). If the rupture puts me over 80 rage I use unstoppable instead of strike, then replace flyinglash/rend/strike with slice until unstoppable wears off.

    eta: Bleed damage is now 1/3 of what it used to be... Will be interesting to see if it's still the goto combo. It's free damage, but it's still a pretty big hit.
    If you have 80 rage and landed on your feet (back to no pose aka symmetry), you can’t do <whatever in symmetry>/unstoppable. You’d have to pick something in symmetry to go somewhere to immediately come back into symmetry with unstoppable. 
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Maruna said:
    Symmetry is 'no stance'
    swiftcut/flyinglash opener -> wound/rend -> rupture/strike (which puts you back into symmetry to start over). If the rupture puts me over 80 rage I use unstoppable instead of strike, then replace flyinglash/rend/strike with slice until unstoppable wears off.

    eta: Bleed damage is now 1/3 of what it used to be... Will be interesting to see if it's still the goto combo. It's free damage, but it's still a pretty big hit.
    Still is if it stops the mob from ww regen hp. 
  • DeltrionDeltrion Member Posts: 27
    StarFiry said:
    Maruna said:
    Symmetry is 'no stance'
    swiftcut/flyinglash opener -> wound/rend -> rupture/strike (which puts you back into symmetry to start over). If the rupture puts me over 80 rage I use unstoppable instead of strike, then replace flyinglash/rend/strike with slice until unstoppable wears off.

    eta: Bleed damage is now 1/3 of what it used to be... Will be interesting to see if it's still the goto combo. It's free damage, but it's still a pretty big hit.
    If you have 80 rage and landed on your feet (back to no pose aka symmetry), you can’t do <whatever in symmetry>/unstoppable. You’d have to pick something in symmetry to go somewhere to immediately come back into symmetry with unstoppable. 
    Which is what she's saying. Rupture leads to symmetry, so instead of using strike as normal, she'd just do unstoppable, landing her in symmetry unstoppable and ready to slice slice slice 
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    function sysBasher_furyBashing()<br>	local r = sm_charStats.rage<br>	starsys.defences = starsys.defences or {}<br>	local command = ""<br>	local fs = furyStance or "Symmetry"<br>	local bflow, rage = "", ""<br>	if sm_charStats.hp < 75 and not furySuffused then<br>		command = "kith suffuse"<br>	else<br>		if fs == "Symmetry" then<br>			bflow = "swiftcut"<br>			if starsys.defences.rage_unstoppable and r >= 5 then<br>				rage = "slice"<br>			else<br>				rage = "flyinglash"<br>			end<br>		elseif fs == "Flare" then<br>			bflow = "wound"<br>			if starsys.defences.rage_unstoppable and r >= 5 then<br>				rage = "slice"<br>			else<br>				rage = "rend"<br>			end<br>		else<br>			bflow = "rupture"<br>			if r >= 75 and not starsys.defences.rage_unstoppable and (curHealth == nil or curHealth > 500) then<br>				rage = "unstoppable"<br>			elseif starsys.defences.rage_unstoppable and r >= 5 then<br>				rage = "slice"<br>			else<br>				rage = "strike"<br>			end<br>		end<br>		command = "combo "..bflow.." "..rage.." "..target<br>	end<br><br>	send(command,false)<br>end

    Spoilered for length, that's how my bashing is setup. Ignore the suffuse.
    If in symmetry -> swiftcut (if rage > 5 and we're unstoppable, swiftcut will give enough to slice, so slice, otherwise flyinglaash)
    If in flare -> wound (if rage >5 and we're unstoppable, wound will give enough to slice, so slice, otherwise rend)
    If in eruption -> use rupture (if rage > 75 and we're not in unstoppable, and the mob is gonna live for long enough, use unstoppable. If we're already in unstoppable and rage >5, use slice, otherwise use strike)

  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Idea # 3092                                                        Archived[ ]
    Reported 2018/12/23 23:28:55 by Maruna
        Fury stances showing up in gmcp.Char.Vitals.charStats, or just .Vitals.
    Health: 2601/2625 RG: 0.00% ST: Symmetry [BWC]

    -- Updates - #22 --------------------------------------------------------------
    Date:     12/24/2018 at 00:53
    Author:   Tecton, the Singularity
    Subject:  Small QOL improvements.

    2) Fury's stance has been added to prompt and GMCP. You can use the @resource2 token for custom prompts.


  • IzrithIzrith Member Posts: 28
    Not sure what black magic you use to make that script work because I tried it out on a whim on both Nexus and Mudlet and it seems to do nothing.

    Then again I have absolutely zero clue how to script even the most basic of things so what do I know.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    It is part of my basher, I posted it to show the kind of logic it uses to determine what to do. It's not plug and play.
  • AspieAspie Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    Maruna said:
    Idea # 3092                                                        Archived[ ]
    Reported 2018/12/23 23:28:55 by Maruna
        Fury stances showing up in gmcp.Char.Vitals.charStats, or just .Vitals.
    Health: 2601/2625 RG: 0.00% ST: Symmetry [BWC]

    -- Updates - #22 --------------------------------------------------------------
    Date:     12/24/2018 at 00:53
    Author:   Tecton, the Singularity
    Subject:  Small QOL improvements.

    2) Fury's stance has been added to prompt and GMCP. You can use the @resource2 token for custom prompts.


    Although, stance was already provided through gmcp.IRE.CombatMessages, except for symmetry for some reason.
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    Deltrion said:
    StarFiry said:
    Maruna said:
    Symmetry is 'no stance'
    swiftcut/flyinglash opener -> wound/rend -> rupture/strike (which puts you back into symmetry to start over). If the rupture puts me over 80 rage I use unstoppable instead of strike, then replace flyinglash/rend/strike with slice until unstoppable wears off.

    eta: Bleed damage is now 1/3 of what it used to be... Will be interesting to see if it's still the goto combo. It's free damage, but it's still a pretty big hit.
    If you have 80 rage and landed on your feet (back to no pose aka symmetry), you can’t do <whatever in symmetry>/unstoppable. You’d have to pick something in symmetry to go somewhere to immediately come back into symmetry with unstoppable. 
    Which is what she's saying. Rupture leads to symmetry, so instead of using strike as normal, she'd just do unstoppable, landing her in symmetry unstoppable and ready to slice slice slice 
    Oh, I am not arguing, I was just thinking out loud :) Tis how I learn :)
  • IzrithIzrith Member Posts: 28
    This thread got me to spend 4 hours trying to make Nexus do something similar to what Maruna's thing does. All I got out of it was a massive headache. I think I'll just stick to typing it out and complaining about how short the rage attack window is.
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Izrith said:
    This thread got me to spend 4 hours trying to make Nexus do something similar to what Maruna's thing does. All I got out of it was a massive headache. I think I'll just stick to typing it out and complaining about how short the rage attack window is.
    I've got a pretty raw one that I use on Nexus, works well enough given that I made it in like under 5 minutes. Probably could be cleaner but idgaf I'm only gonna do it properly on mudlet when I move over. 
  • IzrithIzrith Member Posts: 28
    Albion said:
    Izrith said:
    This thread got me to spend 4 hours trying to make Nexus do something similar to what Maruna's thing does. All I got out of it was a massive headache. I think I'll just stick to typing it out and complaining about how short the rage attack window is.
    I've got a pretty raw one that I use on Nexus, works well enough given that I made it in like under 5 minutes. Probably could be cleaner but idgaf I'm only gonna do it properly on mudlet when I move over. 
    I tried to get one going that would incorporate unstoppable and slice in the standard bleed combo. Then I gave up and just tried to get it to do the standard bleed combo on a loop. Then I gave up on that too and just tried to get it to do ONE attack. Couldn't even get that to work.

    I did manage to get the F keys working though so I have F4 F5 and F6 set to output the combo attacks. I have no clue how any of this coding stuff works, at all.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    I don't think I'll tinker much with it in the next few days because of Christmas, but I have my bashing combos as F4 F5 F6 or Alt+U, Alt+I, etc. kinda like you do. My next step was to try to make it work with a single alias that loops kind of like what was shown in the thread.

    If I get something working I wouldn't mind sharing it. Are you Izrith in game too? 
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Id put it up if it wasn't so embarrassingly shoddy.

  • EMDAEMDA Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018
    @Izrith: My wrists are prone to inflammation so when I switched from kith burn to the combo I aggravated them really badly, so for the past few days I've been learning enough javascript to make a basher to take most of the typing out of it. You're welcome to use the package HERE if you want, with the caveat that I have absolutely no experience with the language and everything is probably done really poorly. I've also never made a package before but I'm pretty sure everything that it needs to work is in there. I made a set of buttons that will override your F1-4 keys, so you can replace those as long as you make aliases with the same code. Right now it's set up to take a target from tab or "st " and then hit F1. It doesn't track windshape so you'll have to keep an eye on that yourself. It also isn't really death-tested so try to not die, or if you do hit F4/whatever you make turn it off and don't mind it trying to suffuse while you're cloning.

    Right now it incorporates the use of unstoppable and slice, but I've left in the code before I trained up to those for just the repeating combo that you could switch to by uncommenting. It should also work with regular messages or combatmessages brief on.
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018
    Did bunch of arena fights today with a nice chap (scoundrel), who was a bit lower level. And my fury didn’t stand a chance. Can post logs if interested. Basically, fury lacks in anything defensive. It’s an explosive class (imo) and you just have to keep pushing with attacks with suffuse mixed in. Ww regenerate is out of the window as it breaks your flow and takes too long. Unstoppable is out of the window, as you never get there. Tried different combos and all were ineffective. Tried mixing disruptions in (fever) to no avail. I am puzzled. Either this is due to class balancing being off or me being a crappy combatant. Pinging  @Tecton, so this is not lost in the thread. 

    Any furries had any success in 1v1 PvPs? What ya used?
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    @StarFiry what level was this at? 
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018
    Squeakums said:
    @StarFiry what level was this at? 
    I am level 28ish with level 19 kithblade (great drops! hehe) and guessing the opponent was low 20.

    Look at the excerpt from the log, in time it took me to do 1 (ONE!) combo, he attacked 6 times! Even if you ignore him attacking first, after my input was accepted to do the combo, he was able to squeeze 4 attacks between my single BATTLEFLOW and RAGE combo.

    Name replaced to conceal identity to OPPONENT. What's below is what happened in the period of 1 ballance for me:

    "Okay," you declare.
    OPPONENT: cricks his neck and looks slowly around, adopting a more casual, unthreatening stance...but his fingers tighten on the grip of a Flashfire 1.0 piece. He looks vigilant and prepared.
    You have barely moved towards OPPONENT before you find yourself staggering back, clutching a new bullet wound in your gut, your ears ringing from the sound of his weapon.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 98.00%
    [Wetwiring]: Hypertension detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by hypertension.
    Your movements are a blur, an Axyr T-1-Pro kithblade humming and flickering with grace and power as you swiftly cut into OPPONENT's weakened body.
    Damage Dealt: 135 impact
    You have barely moved towards OPPONENT before you find yourself staggering back, clutching a new bullet wound in your gut, your ears ringing from the sound of his weapon.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 96.00%
    [Wetwiring]: Staggering detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by staggering.
    You will execute the flyinglash rage maneuver when you can.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system damage repaired. Subsystem health: 96.50%.
    You flow smoothly into the Flare stance.
    You have barely moved towards OPPONENT before you find yourself staggering back, clutching a new bullet wound in your gut, your ears ringing from the sound of his weapon.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 94.50%
    [Wetwiring]: Hypertension detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by hypertension.
    You follow by lashing out at OPPONENT from above with an Axyr T-1-Pro kithblade.
    Damage Dealt: 124 impact
    You have recovered your balance.
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    Continuation; this is next from above, in the sequence below, I provide no input, my script is running to execute next BATTLEFLOW/RAGE, so no operator error here due to slow input. While I do 1 attacks, he pulls 7:

    You have recovered your balance.
    You have barely moved towards OPPONENT before you find yourself staggering back, clutching a new bullet wound in your gut, your ears ringing from the sound of his weapon.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 92.50%
    [Wetwiring]: Sickness detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by sickness.
    An Axyr T-1-Pro kithblade hums and sparks ominously as you cut OPPONENT multiple times, the blade flashing brightly as wounds open all over his body.
    Damage Dealt: 108 impact
    You have barely moved towards OPPONENT before you find yourself staggering back, clutching a new bullet wound in your gut, your ears ringing from the sound of his weapon.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 90.50%
    [Wetwiring]: Hypertension detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by hypertension.
    You will execute the rend rage maneuver when you can.
    OPPONENT is no longer focusing on shooting down attackers.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system damage repaired. Subsystem health: 91.00%.
    You flow smoothly into the Eruption stance.
    Precisely cutting a figure-eight with an Axyr T-1-Pro kithblade, you rend OPPONENT down to the bone.
    Damage Dealt: 77 impact
    Placing his hand on the hammer of a Flashfire 1.0 piece, OPPONENT quickly fires off two shots at you.
    [Wetwiring]: Sepsis (L1) detected.
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 89.00%
    [Wetwiring]: Sickness detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by sickness.
    You skillfully avoid some of the damage!
    [Wetwiring]: Internal system now stands at 87.00%
    [Wetwiring]: Staggering detected.
    The bullet slices into your body in a burst of pain, and a wetwiring warning flashes across your vision to alert you that you have been afflicted by staggering.
    You have recovered your balance.

  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    On the topic of furies, can we stop typoing it as furries please
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2018
    Just did another fight v level 31, we both knew the outcome, logged it as well. Even the opponent commented, furies are just fluff now. I am so frustrated at the moment. This needs to be rebalanced. I want to love the class, but currently, all it's good for is bashing rats.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    StarFiry said:
    Just did another fight v level 31, we both knew the outcome, logged it as well. Even the opponent commented, furies are just fluff now. I am so frustrated at the moment. This needs to be rebalanced. I want to love the class, but currently, all it's good for is bashing rats.
    Neither of you are even remotely close to max level, I doubt either of you even have all of your skills. Of course the class that does more baseline damage is gonna be the one that wins. You simply cannot judge whether or not a class sucks, when you're not even at least level 60-odd. That's simply how it is.
  • kamdiankamdian Member Posts: 37
    Once you have enough health to soak up the initial damage onslaught, you’ll have time to rack up afflictions and unlock unstoppable, which will help tremendously I imagine. Nothing’s wrong with Fury for pvp, it just is a setup-based class which requires time. If you have 2000 health say, yeah, you’re probably going to die against someone that is blitzing damage against you. In addition to that, Fury’s going To rely on strength for damage mainly (aside from a Psyche build for AoE damage maybe?) and you just don’t have the stats to invest by level 30 to get both decent offense and defense. 
  • StarFiryStarFiry Member Posts: 32
    Coupe things... I’ve never declared Furies as a sucky class, I do enjoy it quite a bit, even with all the squashiness.

    To to the point of “you have to beef up your char before participating in any meaningful combatting”, I, wholeheartedly disagree. Even levels should be even against each other. It’s not like I fought level 60, but rather someone 2 levels below me and 3 levels above me.

    To sustain the environment and attract new players, it has to be balanced. If someone comes into the game 18 months from now and it will take them years to catch up, do you think we’ll see a lot of new faces that can be retained? Doubt it. They should be able to PvP equal levels in a balanced way from the get-go. 

    Still dont understand how they’re able to squeeze so many attacks while I run one on a single balance?! Am I missing something?

    May be I am not curing correctly, but ww mend, cure skill, all take balance, during which you receive another 6-7 hits, which negates the purpose, all while you’re not hitting back. 
  • kamdiankamdian Member Posts: 37
    Scoundrel has an ability that is basically a riposte I think (could be wrong there, but that is what it looks like) so their active attacks are not going as fast as what it seems. 

    Also going for wounds is a bad idea in pvp at present with the nerf to bleeding. I don’t have access to look at my skills at present, but you can get to Sunder in 3 combos which will do 250+ against a scoundrel probably all on its own, assuming you have no hindrance against room-wide abilities. Or go for an affliction-heavy strategy to try and slow them down. Probably arms or head would be best. I can mess around in the arena later if you want to test things out. 
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    StarFiry said:
    Coupe things... I’ve never declared Furies as a sucky class, I do enjoy it quite a bit, even with all the squashiness.
    You said it's only good for bashing rats. That's sugarcoating saying it sucks.

    To to the point of “you have to beef up your char before participating in any meaningful combatting”, I, wholeheartedly disagree. Even levels should be even against each other. It’s not like I fought level 60, but rather someone 2 levels below me and 3 levels above me.
    The damage system in IRE games doesn't work this way. Never has. The class who does more damage at a low level is gonna win 10/10 times. If you rely on affs, you're unlikely to be able to get those affs in time before you pop (and fury relies on affs [modifiers]).

    To sustain the environment and attract new players, it has to be balanced.
    This is rather false. DotA is far from balanced (and I say this as someone who's played it from the start), and it's got boat loads of players. Every class being equal always, is how a game dies. Not thrives. Devs who don't strive for parity know this.

    If someone comes into the game 18 months from now and it will take them years to catch up, do you think we’ll see a lot of new faces that can be retained? Doubt it. They should be able to PvP equal levels in a balanced way from the get-go.
    It won't take them years to catch up, because there's a level cap. I said it already: Parity is bad. If you're developing for a pvp game and you have parity at every point, pvp is going to stagnate and die if everyone is always equal to one another. If you want to survive damage, you get more health and/or use afflictions to mitigate that damage. This has literally been a thing since IRE's inception.

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