Perhaps 'stuck' is the wrong word here, but after accepting the L20 quests where one has to go around flying to different zones to accomplish certain tasks... Once I get to the zone, it's not clear what to do anymore. The QUEST information doesn't get updated when you go to the zone and scouring every inch of it doesn't seem to further it either. Going back to the quest giver to find out more information doesn't work since they don't repeat their tasks. I'm at a bit of a loss here
Perhaps 'stuck' is the wrong word here, but after accepting the L20 quests where one has to go around flying to different zones to accomplish certain tasks... Once I get to the zone, it's not clear what to do anymore. The QUEST information doesn't get updated when you go to the zone and scouring every inch of it doesn't seem to further it either. Going back to the quest giver to find out more information doesn't work since they don't repeat their tasks. I'm at a bit of a loss here
CONTINUE STORY when you're in the zone. It should give you a prompt when you enter the zone, saying that. Albeit it can get lost very quick while in space.
Interesting, I haven't seen that prompt at all personally but I do my own thing map wise though so it likely got lost in translation there. Thanks for the heads up!
I discovered a problem in the intro last night. Characters 1 and 2 couldn't make it through, character 3 did. Everything is fine until flying off the planet with Cassandra and her crew but at some point all dialogue and quest prompts stop appearing. Typing hint will say what to do and I could progress that way until it says 'sit back and relax' and the Welcome Home quest opens, then I just sit immobile in space. Happened both with relinquishing controls at first opportunity and with going through the ship tutorial. Can't deleteme either. Like I said, got through on my third attempt but figured I should give a heads up.
Edit: This was fixed for my characters while I was asleep I suppose.
I had just completed the tutorial today (Welcome Home quest) when the whole server got kicked. When I got back in it looks like time had rewound a little bit but I'm now unconscious and can't do any actions and it won't progress in the quest automatically like it previously did. Is there anything I can do or do I still have to delete my character at this point?
I had just completed the tutorial today (Welcome Home quest) when the whole server got kicked. When I got back in it looks like time had rewound a little bit but I'm now unconscious and can't do any actions and it won't progress in the quest automatically like it previously did. Is there anything I can do or do I still have to delete my character at this point?
Myself and a few others have gotten stuck on quest 179, the quest to get level 5 and rescue Cassandra. It seems to be getting stuck at this point.
Description: Kotha has told you to grow in strength. Do so, by whatever means necessary. Giver: Kotha Braal -- Objectives ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Reach Level 5. See HELP QUESTING and HELP BASHING for some ways to do that! 2.) Return to your faction's space station You receive a message from Kotha, telling you to meet him on your faction's space station. He says to find some out of the way corner and wait - they'll find you. -- Rewards -------------------------------------------------------------------- - 500 Covenant marks
We were instructed to go to the broken lifts left of Reynolds Space port and to wait but it never activates.
@Eukelade I think I broke the main quest again, but this time I am stuck. During quest 205 - Escape from the Vendal I accidentally killed the denizen I need to finish the quest and it does not seem to respawn. The denizen(trying not to post spoilers) died in a single fury combo so that might need to be looked at too. But now I'm stuck.
I'm stuck in Quest 62 myself. There seem to be a distinct lack of Cleax soldiers, and none are respawning, nor am I able to find my way to any other area that might have them. Maybe I'm just being blind about something, but having pondered on it for a while while searching around and waiting for respawns, it feels as though there's something wrong with the quest itself right now.
The Into The Fray quest is the part where you have to shoot down a platform and its defenders. It's also the first salvo into ship combat, if I remember correctly.
I've found that a lot of people have trouble with it, simply because it might be too much too quickly. You're instructed on how to handle ship weapons, ship repairs, ship targetting, and ship positioning all at once.
My suggestion is to divide it into two parts. First will be the basics: weapon activation and firing, hull and component repairs, and targetting. Maybe make this a half-destroyed platform; a target that can't move and can't call on backup. It'll deal minimal hull damage.
The next part will be the current Into the Fray quest: a fully-functional platform. This will teach people about positioning and switching targets as they come.
Hopefully this will make it easier for people to digest ship fighting.
Mereas Eyrlock "They're excited, but poor." - Ilyos (August 2019)
Edit: This was fixed for my characters while I was asleep I suppose.
Thanks for the speedy reply! I sent you a message though. Unfortunately I am still stuck
Giver: Kotha Braal
-- Objectives -----------------------------------------------------------------
1.) Reach Level 5. See HELP QUESTING and HELP BASHING for some ways to do that!
2.) Return to your faction's space station
You receive a message from Kotha, telling you to meet him on your faction's space station. He says
to find some out of the way corner and wait - they'll find you.
-- Rewards --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 500 Covenant marks
I think I broke the main quest again, but this time I am stuck. During quest 205 - Escape from the Vendal I accidentally killed the denizen I need to finish the quest and it does not seem to respawn. The denizen(trying not to post spoilers) died in a single fury combo
The Into The Fray quest is the part where you have to shoot down a platform and its defenders. It's also the first salvo into ship combat, if I remember correctly.
I've found that a lot of people have trouble with it, simply because it might be too much too quickly. You're instructed on how to handle ship weapons, ship repairs, ship targetting, and ship positioning all at once.
My suggestion is to divide it into two parts. First will be the basics: weapon activation and firing, hull and component repairs, and targetting. Maybe make this a half-destroyed platform; a target that can't move and can't call on backup. It'll deal minimal hull damage.
The next part will be the current Into the Fray quest: a fully-functional platform. This will teach people about positioning and switching targets as they come.
Hopefully this will make it easier for people to digest ship fighting.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
There was this newbie who had his ship completely destroyed because he must've incorrectly done the insurance purchasing the first time he blew up.
Could ships have maybe 5 free/automatic insurances? Similar to how sub-10 people get unlimited free clones.
- Ilyos (August 2019)