1st Starmourn Alignment Poll!

ZhulkarnZhulkarn Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭
Figured that the forums have been a bit silent lately. What is better then a poll to make a noise, after all!

Question: What is the alignment of your character?

Those who are unfamiliar with tabletop RPG alignment system like Dungeons&Dragons or Pathfinder might be at a loss what all those options mean. A rough explanation of each of them can be found below link.


1st Starmourn Alignment Poll! 31 votes

Lawful Good
Deltrion 1 vote
Neutral Good
CubeyTomin 2 votes
Chaotic Good
SlanderRebekahWSDSammyFlipilariaRevelinTyphosOromoru 7 votes
Lawful Neutral
MatlkaelRylekZhulkarnKitrana 4 votes
True Neutral
JeromMilletteIlyosKeinna 4 votes
Chaotic Neutral
PoetIkchorPink_CandyflossAlbionSorenWydosBeauxXin 8 votes
Lawful Evil
EMDABuzido 2 votes
Neutral Evil
Zah 1 vote
Chaotic Evil
NykaraTallulah 2 votes


  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Good
    I went with CG because I guess that's the closest to what Slander is? Still not entirely accurate but she has an ethical code that she follows. Won't harm certain groups of people (friends, kids and the people of Oldtown), really hates slavery and other forms of oppression. But outside of that she doesn't have an overriding sense of benevolence - she's got no problem having people killed over minor irritations, is more than willing to steal from, cheat or lie to people she doesn't care about.
    I'm gone.
  • AlbionAlbion Member Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Neutral
    Slander said:
    I went with CG because I guess that's the closest to what Slander is? Still not entirely accurate but she has an ethical code that she follows. Won't harm certain groups of people (friends, kids and the people of Oldtown), really hates slavery and other forms of oppression. But outside of that she doesn't have an overriding sense of benevolence - she's got no problem having people killed over minor irritations, is more than willing to steal from, cheat or lie to people she doesn't care about.
    Sounds more like lawful neutral to me tbh
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Evil
    Slander said:
    I went with CG because I guess that's the closest to what Slander is? Still not entirely accurate but she has an ethical code that she follows. Won't harm certain groups of people (friends, kids and the people of Oldtown), really hates slavery and other forms of oppression. But outside of that she doesn't have an overriding sense of benevolence - she's got no problem having people killed over minor irritations, is more than willing to steal from, cheat or lie to people she doesn't care about.
    Well I know we both have similar opinions about D&D, but that sounds Neutral to Neutral Evil to me. 

    Nykara is chaotic evil. They do what they want, when they want, and rarely care who gets hurt along the way. Sometimes they even relish it. 
  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Good
    Yea I was really torn because I just don't think Slander fits into any of the DnD alignments. She definitely isn't on the lawful end at all and she really isn't a good person but she's also not (generally) malicious. I could see TN or NE.
    I'm gone.
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Evil
    In D&D 'evil' isn't indicative of outright maliciousness so much as patterned selfishness and a willingness to hurt people to get what you aanr
  • BuzidoBuzido Member Posts: 2
    Lawful Evil
    Linger is Lawful Evil, or that'd be closest to how I see his alignment.  I wanted to go NE, but he's inclined to follow laws even when they don't directly benefit him.  He observes the rule of law as a matter of self-preservation.  He usually only attacks those who are hostile, or have been marked for elimination by someone who is offering pay, and will generally honor agreements.
  • RevelinRevelin Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
    Chaotic Good
    It varies from day to day, and especially since becoming a Guardian but Revelin has always been on the good spectrum. He wants to lift those around him up, and has always been that way.
  • SammySammy Member Posts: 11
    Chaotic Good
    Kass seems the type to be chaotic good, I've been thinking about setting him up as the subversive artist type that's anti-propaganda, and judges harshly on those in power, especially abuses of it. Yet to work out if I go the underground unioniser route or the loud revolutionary route... 

    ... Or forgo the choice entirely, steal a battleship, convert it into a station hermitage in the middle of nowhere and start building a dyson sphere around a star while eating cheese and sipping wine. Tough call. 

    Oh no, It's Kass.

  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Neutral Good
    Ren is a pseudo-utilitarian hippy weirdo who believes everyone deserves love and happiness and wants to maximize the total amount of happiness in the world while minimizing suffering. By dnd's simplistic standards that is almost paragon Neutral Good. 
  • IlyosIlyos Administrator, Moderator Posts: 96 Starmourn staff
    True Neutral
    I am the Arbiter, after all...
  • IkchorIkchor Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Neutral
    Chaotic neutral, but less 'murdering NPCs on sight is what my character would do' and more 'what is the simplest solution to this, while ideally not endangering/risking my own freedom?'

    I don't really put alot of forethought into Zarrach's actions/activities, beyond the simple phrase of 'because I can'. Though I've yet to use that mantra in a definitively 'evil' sense since morality doesn't exactly factor into a CN's choices. Zarrach'll sell out anyone but immediate family to save his own hide if pressed hard enough, or may just withhold that key bit of info simply because your frustration amuses the hell out of him. In it for his own laughs, no one else's.
    I forgot I was going to call myself Ike while in chargen, so now I'm Zarrach.
  • KitranaKitrana Member Posts: 62
    Lawful Neutral
    Lawful neutral, one should live and die by their own code.
  • JeromJerom Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    True Neutral
    I hesitated for a long while between Lawful Neutral and True Neutral. Went with True Neutral because, ultimately I feel like my character could swing one way or the other depending on the situation.
  • RocketCatRocketCat Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    Every morning when I wake up I roll a d10 for morality of the day. Also one for each nanite. Goes well with porridge and coffee
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  • FlipilariaFlipilaria Member Posts: 128 ✭✭✭
    Chaotic Good
    Flip is usually pretty Chaotic Good. May lean more towards TN on occasion. She genuinely wants to help people as a whole. Sometimes that means a food bank. Sometimes that means killing bad guys and stealing their shit 
  • MilletteMillette Member Posts: 9
    True Neutral
    Millette is True Neutral. She does what she needs to do to promote her interests and the interests of those she's aligned with.
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