They really only matter for purposes of flavor though, I should add. You could switch around manufacturers and the only thing that would have to change is the name of the manufacturer.
Every time you reveal a little more, I find myself having so many questions and desires. For the ships, I see that the player-org based companies only go up to interceptor. Is there a plan for eventual structures up to things like battleship and cruisers for them? I know it's all flavor and that other than name there's no difference, but I can't imagine Scatterhome's shipyards not building larger ships for defensive reasons.
Is there going to be a list we can peruse before release that shows the total available space/rooms in each ship or will we need to wait for launch and read about it through ingame files?
Not quite on-topic but the previous question made me think of it, will Starmourn have website access to its HELP files like Imperian does? MKO never had that and I find it absolutely awesome when I just want to check something out without having to log into the game.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
---- Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.
---- I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
And that is how Starmourn became more like Star Citizen
Actually, I was thinking FTL.
I am Groot (I tried to make a post referencing FTL immediately after the post (and referenced it in the starmourn discord) but it didn't post or it got deleted. oh well )
They really only matter for purposes of flavor though, I should add. You could switch around manufacturers and the only thing that would have to change is the name of the manufacturer.
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
It is a very strange comparison. I've played both games and they are totally different. I don't really like No Man's Sky but I do like Star Citizen. But I have to say, my favorite part of Star Citizen is probably reading the lore posts, lol.
Interesting story, Star Citizen is how I learned of IRE. On a Discord chat for another game, I was saying how excited I was for Star Citizen to come out, and this 16 year old kid was like, "I can't wait for Starmourn!" And that's how I started playing Achaea.
Every time you reveal a little more, I find myself having so many questions and desires. For the ships, I see that the player-org based companies only go up to interceptor. Is there a plan for eventual structures up to things like battleship and cruisers for them? I know it's all flavor and that other than name there's no difference, but I can't imagine Scatterhome's shipyards not building larger ships for defensive reasons.
There's no current plan, but we don't do have much in the way of firm plans post-launch, just lots of possibilities. Too much 'now' to focus on. Remember that those shipyards aren't like government ones. They're private companies (except for Ixodon Industries) building ships. I'm sure we'll introduce many new superstructures over time, and retire others, as we figure out what works and what doesn't.
Not quite on-topic but the previous question made me think of it, will Starmourn have website access to its HELP files like Imperian does? MKO never had that and I find it absolutely awesome when I just want to check something out without having to log into the game.
It is a very strange comparison. I've played both games and they are totally different. I don't really like No Man's Sky but I do like Star Citizen. But I have to say, my favorite part of Star Citizen is probably reading the lore posts, lol.
Interesting story, Star Citizen is how I learned of IRE. On a Discord chat for another game, I was saying how excited I was for Star Citizen to come out, and this 16 year old kid was like, "I can't wait for Starmourn!" And that's how I started playing Achaea.
Star Citizen has raised what, close to $150 million? And your favorite thing is the text lore posts. Chris Roberts is banging his head against a wall somewhere.
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
I'm afraid the Decheerans don't use living spaceships, though there are living creatures that can be space-born, like the eldest Lha Ti, and the Sarkeen form of the Cleax.
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
I'm afraid the Decheerans don't use living spaceships, though there are living creatures that can be space-born, like the eldest Lha Ti, and the Sarkeen form of the Cleax.
So you're saying there are "Decheeran" spaceships though? Cool. I can work with that. My environmental system will be a micro-swamp tricked out for zero-g (for emergencies).
Oh, that reminds me. Do we have artificial gravity or are we talking spin ships?
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
I'm afraid the Decheerans don't use living spaceships, though there are living creatures that can be space-born, like the eldest Lha Ti, and the Sarkeen form of the Cleax.
So you're saying there are "Decheeran" spaceships though? Cool. I can work with that. My environmental system will be a micro-swamp tricked out for zero-g (for emergencies).
Oh, that reminds me. Do we have artificial gravity or are we talking spin ships?
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
I'm afraid the Decheerans don't use living spaceships, though there are living creatures that can be space-born, like the eldest Lha Ti, and the Sarkeen form of the Cleax.
So you're saying there are "Decheeran" spaceships though? Cool. I can work with that. My environmental system will be a micro-swamp tricked out for zero-g (for emergencies).
Oh, that reminds me. Do we have artificial gravity or are we talking spin ships?
I see there's a Song shipyard there, but no mention of a Decheeran one. I had a secret hope that I would be able to pilot a living tree ship like in the Saga comics.
I'm afraid the Decheerans don't use living spaceships, though there are living creatures that can be space-born, like the eldest Lha Ti, and the Sarkeen form of the Cleax.
So you're saying there are "Decheeran" spaceships though? Cool. I can work with that. My environmental system will be a micro-swamp tricked out for zero-g (for emergencies).
Oh, that reminds me. Do we have artificial gravity or are we talking spin ships?
Artificial gravity is the future, man.
I always liked rock tumblers. Seems like an elegant solution and all that...
Now, how you would get a 3-dimensional, spinning cylinder of a ship to logically represent in 2d, well, I could see why you'd go for the artificial gravity...
I know this has been answered in the "not planned" capacity, however, after reading this post I must say again I hope IRE will consider eventually allowing for player owned ship yards!
Tiravoa = Celestines
Kurovani = Song
Wayland = random multi-species corporation
Thill = Tukkav corp
Sinseel = Shen corp
Ixodon = Ixodon corp
Relian = Amaian corp
Nakamura = Human corp
They really only matter for purposes of flavor though, I should add. You could switch around manufacturers and the only thing that would have to change is the name of the manufacturer.
Every time you reveal a little more, I find myself having so many questions and desires. For the ships, I see that the player-org based companies only go up to interceptor. Is there a plan for eventual structures up to things like battleship and cruisers for them? I know it's all flavor and that other than name there's no difference, but I can't imagine Scatterhome's shipyards not building larger ships for defensive reasons.
Is there going to be a list we can peruse before release that shows the total available space/rooms in each ship or will we need to wait for launch and read about it through ingame files?
Not quite on-topic but the previous question made me think of it, will Starmourn have website access to its HELP files like Imperian does? MKO never had that and I find it absolutely awesome when I just want to check something out without having to log into the game.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
(I tried to make a post referencing FTL immediately after the post (and referenced it in the starmourn discord) but it didn't post or it got deleted. oh well
Interesting story, Star Citizen is how I learned of IRE. On a Discord chat for another game, I was saying how excited I was for Star Citizen to come out, and this 16 year old kid was like, "I can't wait for Starmourn!" And that's how I started playing Achaea.
Yes it will!
So something like in the comic but not living, just shaped and colored like that.
So you're saying there are "Decheeran" spaceships though? Cool. I can work with that. My environmental system will be a micro-swamp tricked out for zero-g (for emergencies).
Oh, that reminds me. Do we have artificial gravity or are we talking spin ships?
Now, how you would get a 3-dimensional, spinning cylinder of a ship to logically represent in 2d, well, I could see why you'd go for the artificial gravity...