I’ll start by saying this. I like the idea of decay, it’s necessary to drive a player market for weapons and armour and affects other parts of the economy in game. I get why we have it and I get why we need it.
That said, I stopped playing Starmourn some time in January, I’m now feeling the pull to return and logged into my B.E.A.S.T to find I had around 7k marks, no clothing, no armour and some heavily beat up weapons. I know this isn’t world shattering, but it’s an added stress for someone who just wants to get back into the game. After dropping my 7k on three pieces of armour about 20 levels too low and heading out into a zone 10 levels too low and subsequently dying just to find myself in debt to HETE when I could be tracking down some cool roleplay or flying my ship has put me in a mood. Anyways, i digress. What I wanted to suggest was maybe a grace period on Armour decay for inactive players, IIRC Midkemia Online had something similar, whereby if a character didn’t log in for 2 real life weeks, decay would stop at that point and resume on return. This would be fantastic. Another suggestion could be that decaying stops maybe 7 real life days before destruction, giving a returning player one weeks grace to kit up, so to speak.
Thanks for your time,
That being said, strong opinions to come...
- Ilyos (August 2019)
That's the point.
If all your equipped gear stopped decaying after 14 days of inactivity, this would allow you to come back fully equipped and continue where you left off. I fail to see how this can be abused because the gear is bound to the character wearing it and decay will start again as soon as you log in. It doesn't affect the economy in any way because that player has been completely out of the equation during their time away, they haven't been generating marks, haven't been using or generating supplies.
Otherwise I actually agree with you @Cubey, sort of. I feel like inactive player equipment not decaying means that people who aren't actively playing can pop in once in a while with a super set of gear and do some wild shit, then bounce again. It removes the transience, it breaks the flow entirely. I say this as someone who left for a while and came back and lost some really good equipment just after popping back around, too: yeah, it was annoying, but also it's the way the game is designed. We're not supposed to have our Good Shit forever, we're supposed to work for it.