<pre>From: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Subject: Faction Engagement Missions.
We're very happy to announce that we've just finished and released the Faction Engagement Missions - The Cerebral Augment Chambers. Each faction houses one of these titanic contraptions, the purpose of which is to enhance the mental and physical capabilities of all faction members via their mindsims and wetwiring.
The Cerebral Augment Chambers (CAC for short) have been added to the LANDMARKS of your cities so that you may easily find them.
Interacting with the CAC is done through the 'CAC' verb. Inputting that by itself will list the interaction syntax for all operations.
You will want to start performing CAC TASKS in order to obtain Report Slivers. The current task list is:
1. Obtain Samples - You will be given a random kill quest that you need to carry out. These are level 65+ quests, so bear that in mind.
2. Maintenance and Upkeep - Similar to station missions, you will be required to obtain and deliver some commodities
3. Market Analysis - You will be required to fulfill a small number of MARKET ORDERs.
4. Combat Data - You will be required to kill a number of enemies in space incursions
5. Operating Costs - You will have to pay for monthly operating costs (10,000 marks)
At any time, you may check CAC TASKS to see your exact progress and requirements. You may undertake any number of these tasks, but you may only complete a certain task only once per RL day. Completing a task will grant you a Report Sliver that you may use to CAC AUGMENT <bonus>. CAC STATUS will show you what your faction's bonuses are. Currently, each bonus goes up to 5% in 1% increments (basically, each bonus can be augmented five times). Bonuses apply to all faction members and reset daily.
We will be working to continually develop this system with more tasks, bonuses and flavor in the near future. Have fun making your faction stronger and let us know what you think on the forums!</pre>
- Ilyos (August 2019)
- Consider adding other temporary powers/perks that the faction can buy