Because I refuse to call it bashing and you can't make me.
I know this isn't the devs' priority right now but are we going to do something about balancing endgame pve? This isn't about classes which are mostly fine in this aspect. It's about areas. A significant number of them are simply not worth the trouble because they're more difficult or annoying to hunt in without offering any incentive to do so. Let's go through them one by one:
Deisk Underground - out of the way (need to take a ship to the middle of nowhere with no voidgates nearby), multiple aggro mobs per room when fighting more than 2 is suicide, only 1 quest which requires you to kill all mobs including the packs of 3+ per room
Jelle - best example of what I'm talking about. Sure it's got a lot of quests. It also has multiple aggro mobs per room, moving mobs so you never know if someone won't join the fight you're already in and fuck you up, ridiculously overtuned channeled attacks that will always one-shot you unless interrupted.
Before I continue I wanna say: that last one is especially bullshit. Mobs in Arrizuri don't do it, mobs in Ixsei, Prugita and instanced hacking areas don't do it. Only Jelle and Thait has one-shot channeled attacks which makes me suspect something was made too strong on accident since those attacks were added later. And if this is intended behavior: rethink what you're doing with your game because this isn't fun and just makes players avoid these two places. And don't you dare change mobs in those other areas to one-shot with their channeled attacks as the vines do.
Prugita - mostly fine but lack of working quests really hurts it. Also with changes to EM damage hunting bots is suboptimal because EM attacks are almost always weaker than normal hunting rotations. Whether you use EM attacks or not, you lose out on kill time. Bots also have the same multihit attack that felled many a newbie unwise enough to attack malfunctioning drones, but at level 70+ it's slightly less deadly.
Tranquility Deepness - we've been over this. A giant deathtrap nobody gets into unless they want to read the room descriptions. Mobs here are almost unkillable not because they are so strong (though they still have a very damaging no-windup attack which is bullshit) but because you will almost always get thrown into a new room before your fight ends, usually summoning a fresh hostile mob in the process. Rinse and repeat until you're dead.
There are more urgent things to work on right now and the game isn't unplayable just because these areas are the way they are right now. But if you're wondering why (almost) no one uses them and sticks to Ixsei or hacking instances for their PvE needs - well, now you know.
Here are my reasons why:
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Still need boss mobs, as well.
And it's weird how mobs here have less complicated attack setups than other places. I remember 'something something engine issue' but
The EM change was blah.
+1 to the ih change.
I think that covers my general PvE opinions.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
You can make trash mob group grinding then via packs of aggro mobs (cough TD), and their durability sets a suggested group size (eg a squishy pack of 20 L75 rockhoppers would be good for 2-3 folks, then 4-5 L75 cyborg mecha ninja warriors could have enough hp/sys durability for larger groups to all get credit, and megabosses can be faction-wide).
I considered having it just be anyone in crew gets flagged, but the combination of minimal 'support' skills in the game and the usefulness of it to manage group sizes won out.