<pre>From: Ilyos, the Arbiter
Subject: The Future of Shipforge Supplies.
Greetings, Starmourners!
It has always been our intention that you, the players, become the main drivers of the economy and that you would all rely on each-other for supplying the goods that make the sector run. Such is the case for the shipforge supplies as well: ammo, repairkits, astromechs, probes, tethers, etc. Having all those items readily available at fixed prices from a non-player entity does not do much to encourage the manufacturing and trading of those goods.
As such, the shipforge supplies will be slowly phased out. Over the next few days, we'll increase the price of all consumables sold at the shipforge and then, over another set of days, we'll start phasing out the consumables from sale. From that point on, the supply of ship consumables will rest solely in your hands!
We will be monitoring this transition closely to ensure that everything goes well and that we aren't left with a sector-wide shortage of ammo, repair kits or mining supplies.</pre>
It's better, but it's still a struggle to keep production going. I can't search for resources because I can't afford to refine them so I have to hunt for money so to get more resources, which means, since I don't have time, I have to hunt for more marks to afford the market orders.
At least with the shipforge supplies, we'll be getting some money coming in, unlike the guard and station upkeep. I'm not involved with the farms, so I don't know if that's impacting what we can find out in the open, but gases seem to have gotten a lot harder to come by the last few months. And I had to fly around quite a bit to find a titanium asteroid.
* Adjusted asteroid / gas cloud spawning rate, it should now adjust faster to higher demand
There are a few possibilities, first, regarding spawning rate:
- That there's a single, collective 'spawning' of resources. IE, there's only a maximum of 35 asteroids spawned per hour. It starts with an equal spread of asteroid resources (7 total, so 5 asteroids each). If, at the next spawn tick, vandium is determined to be in higher demand, then the spread changes to something like 11 vandium and then just 4 asteroids for each of the other resources.
- That each resource spawns on its own. IE, each of the 7 asteroid resources spawns at a base rate of 5 asteroids each. A higher vandium demand increase that resource's rate to 11, but the rest will still remain at 5 (supposing their demand isn't high enough to warrant an increase).
Furthermore, there are a few possibilities regarding the "higher demand" factor:- That it's determined by how much a resource is refined. IE, the starting rate for vandium is at 500 per tick; if 250 (50%) of that vandium is refined before the next tick, then the next tick will be 50% higher (from 500 at the first tick to 750 at the second tick).
- That it's determined by supplies use. IE, using more repairkits will increase the demand (and thus, spawning rate) for all its base materials: diamene, tritium, titanium, magnaril, helium11, duramine, and vandium.
Of these possibilities, I like #2 of the spawning rate and #2 of the higher demand factor more. Especially considering the constant drain of station missions (plus NPC orders, when they happen), the supply should be as reasonably liberal and generous as possible. In any case, hoarding concerns are few: there's a mark drain to storage, after all.- Ilyos (August 2019)
- Ilyos (August 2019)
That being said I have some major concerns before this is done.
- How are players going to be able to purchase these supplies?
- How are players going to be able to sell these supplies?
Using market orders would not be ideal, market orders are a passive system for purchasing resources. We need something more akin to a shop where players can put their good for sale. I can already imagine players getting frustrated because someone undercut their order and now they have nothing to go do space stuff with.if you do a market offer list tether you can see where people are selling tethers and for how much.
In any case, it's a terrible system if it relies on players to be dumb and harvest trash resources in order to work.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
A lot of the vandium and tritium are reserved for station missions, which means none of them actually get to the stage where they can be crafted into kinetic_batteries or thermal_missiles. That is what I think causes the depression in stuff like stesium and ultarine, not because there's "too low an incentive" to harvest them.
The problem is in the demand. There's too much of it for certain resources. Conversely, the problem is in the supply. There's too little of it for certain resources.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
You're not going to see stesium being used because it's only for kinetics and thermals, and of those, missiles use vandium and tritium (in rglass) and batteries use titanium (in paristeel).
All of these are used in station missions, and only a small fraction of them (if there's any at all) make it to the stage when they can be used for missiles and batteries (and thus, stesium).
- Ilyos (August 2019)