Random Questions



  • QitorienQitorien Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    Are there plans for newbie areas and/or volunteer guides? I noticed somewhere else in the forums something about the intro. I realize it's a little early on for that question since the game will likely be running a while before that sort of thing is set in stone.
    As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
    GrootToday at 2:16 PM
      if there's no kittens in space
      I'm going on a rampage
    TectonToday at 2:17 PM
      They're called w'hoorn, Groot
      sets out a saucer of milk
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    I dunno but it may be where everyone can speak common but also have their own language like the other ire games did. Certain races in those games could not speak common and obviously you can learn others through artifacts and lessons

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Qitorien said:
    Are there plans for newbie areas and/or volunteer guides? I noticed somewhere else in the forums something about the intro. I realize it's a little early on for that question since the game will likely be running a while before that sort of thing is set in stone.
  • DodgerDodger Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    I really frigging love AI/robotic characters, and all the philosophy and quirks that come with exploring them (see: Prometheus/Alien Covenant). Will I ever get the chance to roleplay as or interact with an AI, or androids, or anything of that nature? Could I be an android, or have a fully cybernetic/prosthetic body with a human brain or consciousness? If not mechanically, could it at least be roleplayed?
  • uric17uric17 Member Posts: 27
    Aurelius said:
    Aurelius said:
    Pollivar said:
    2. Will the admins be taking any IC roles in this game beyond possessing NPCs? Important characters, like Gods in other games? Perhaps you're intending them to be members of Elder Races?

    For #2, there's no plan for us to be playing chararacters, nope.

    This is surprising to read. I know in other IRE games the divine roles seem to be extremely popular. 
    They're popular with players as players. They aren't so popular with volunteers any more. It's become very difficult for our games to get and retain volunteer roleplayers as the years have gone on, leading to few gods ever being played, and most just being dormant. 

    This has been an ongoing conversation on our end though, and we're kind of wavering back and forth, so we'll see.
    who can be a volunteer for the the god role?
    There's too much blood in my caffeine system
  • ClydeClyde Member Posts: 1
    So, Cybernetic enhancements is a thing right? I can have a bionic arm?
  • DodgerDodger Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
    Clyde said:
    So, Cybernetic enhancements is a thing right? I can have a bionic arm?
    I'm hoping that even if you can't have them in terms of game mechanics, you could at least roleplay it out. I mean, people do that even in the fantasy IRE games.
  • DodgerDodger Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    This seems like it'd be important for Jin roleplayers: How is the lore of Jin culture revolving around death going to translate into the game mechanics of one's player character, and other player characters, never really staying dead?
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    bairloch said:
    Aerry said:
    Personally housing seems like a really cool area for this game. You could have like Asteroids or tiny little mini-planets people claim as their own and mould into their own little paradise. For example somewhere in Scatterhome you could have like an asteroid belt that serves as a residential area.
    Personally, I would hope that our ships are our homes. Like the Falcon, Moya, Eagle 5, and, of course, Serenity. Wouldn't be bad to have a space on a rock somewhere, but I'd prefer my ship to be my home.
    I hope that player housing is an option, even if not at launch. Something better than subdivisions in Achaea, that's part of the actual world. Because really, who wouldn't want to have their own tunnel in the asteroids of Scatterhome, or live in the subnet of the Celestine Ascendancy? (I really hope that can be a thing.) 
    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • MalMal Member Posts: 14
    I am not sure if you are ready to release this info yet, but will there be tradeskills? If so can you give us a little hint on them? I get the impression things like Mining might be one but will there be things like say Refining the mined material to make it into something or and here is the big question, will players be able to create Black Nova, Whisper Dust, Vitalis and the like? Would creating these things be in a Tradeskill if they are able to be player created?
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Mal said:
    I am not sure if you are ready to release this info yet, but will there be tradeskills? If so can you give us a little hint on them? I get the impression things like Mining might be one but will there be things like say Refining the mined material to make it into something or and here is the big question, will players be able to create Black Nova, Whisper Dust, Vitalis and the like? Would creating these things be in a Tradeskill if they are able to be player created?
    Oh... yes... this.
  • GmyzaGmyza Member Posts: 18
    Will there be Laws/Law Enforcment and if yes, will there be prisons?
  • XiruXiru Member Posts: 501 ✭✭✭✭
    Gmyza said:
    Will there be Laws/Law Enforcment and if yes, will there be prisons?
    Don't know about law enforcement but there's definitely prisons:
    Hyndoh Prison
    Many cities have a 'bad part of town.' On Glisal II, Hyndoh Prison is often referred to as the bad part of the planet. More of an enclosed and fortified city than a prison, this gulag is filled with the scum of the Ascendancy. Located on an island in the middle of a highly acidic inland sea, Tamiko Lane was briefly interred here before her execution.

    Vote for Starmourn! Don't hurt Poffy.
  • MalMal Member Posts: 14
    Depending on the game mechanics and all I am really wanting to RP a escapee or a "leadership" position in Hyndoh Prison. If you can move freely in and out of the prison and "harass" the Ascendancy while on their planet. It would certainly make for some fun times
  • GmyzaGmyza Member Posts: 18
    Mal said:
    Depending on the game mechanics and all I am really wanting to RP a escapee or a "leadership" position in Hyndoh Prison. If you can move freely in and out of the prison and "harass" the Ascendancy while on their planet. It would certainly make for some fun times
    I can imagine some good prison RP already
  • BaedundarielBaedundariel Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Gmyza said:
    Mal said:
    Depending on the game mechanics and all I am really wanting to RP a escapee or a "leadership" position in Hyndoh Prison. If you can move freely in and out of the prison and "harass" the Ascendancy while on their planet. It would certainly make for some fun times
    I can imagine some good prison RP already
    Don't drop the soap..
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    Mal said:
    I am not sure if you are ready to release this info yet, but will there be tradeskills? If so can you give us a little hint on them? I get the impression things like Mining might be one but will there be things like say Refining the mined material to make it into something or and here is the big question, will players be able to create Black Nova, Whisper Dust, Vitalis and the like? Would creating these things be in a Tradeskill if they are able to be player created?
    Haven't said anything about tradeskills yet and not ready to I'm afraid!
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    That said there have been plenty of classes in IRE with some support skills (I would say most, to varying degrees) and some players have played them more as support classes.

    So I wouldnt be surprised if you can find a way to play some of the classes in starmourn in support roles if that is your particular fantasy. Maybe BEAST wouldn't  be the obvious choice though. 

  • MalMal Member Posts: 14
    Aurelius said:
    Haven't said anything about tradeskills yet and not ready to I'm afraid!
    Ok. Cannot wait to hear more about it though. So I am sure we will all stay tuned!
  • DodgerDodger Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Another barrage of questions!
    1. The art of Maddox has got me thinking: How wide of a selection of firearms will we get? Does the Scoundrel's PIECE, for example, have to be a pistol, or could it be 'customized' as a rifle?
    2. Personal shields. Do we get personal shields? Or will it just be a 'health' system?
    3. Titles? Could I be "Dread Captain Dodger McScoundrel, Scourge of Starmourn Sector" or will we only get first/last names?
    4. Will there be admin-created player-run organizations other than the big three factions, such as guilds/houses/orders/companies/corporations/fleets? Will we get clans?
    5. Any idea what the PK rules will be like? Will it be "you need a valid in-character reason to kill someone" like the other IRE muds, or more complex (or lenient!) than that? Will there be "lawless" open PK planets/sections of space where we can basically be pirates and gank people UO-style to our hearts' content?
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    I imagine Matt and the team have discussed which IRE game has had the 'best' pvp rule set and would be pulling ideas from there.

    I wonder how different the admin perspectives on that differs from players?
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    Another question. Is there any chance that we'll be able to set our age to a point? I know there's at least one ire game where this is possible. 

    Or will we have to start always at 18 years old?
  • KhargalKhargal Member Posts: 104 ✭✭
    As I remember age will be customisable
  • WilmerWilmer Member Posts: 28
    I very much prefer a system that makes lawless or lawful freedom to pk and mess stuff up accessible to those so minded. soley as an option even if it isn't rewarded as straightforwardly (understandable), and we live in strictly governed societies for a reason. But I play MUDs after a long day of work, to get away from it all. The excessive Rp of every faucet of normal everyday life, even everyday ethics make for excessive explanations and slow gameplay.  It feels like tv filler to me. Obviously Rp is important, so I hope I make my distinction clear enough.  I much prefer the least strict set of rules and will likely migrate to whatever player path allows for that pursuit. 

    In Midkemia I enjoyed playing as a rogue in the early days. 
    Pedagogical rumors of rumors fuel the cosmos
  • uric17uric17 Member Posts: 27
    do you think that if i will become very powerful in pvp and someone will say that it's hacks could i say to him that it is hacks? 
    There's too much blood in my caffeine system
  • DemarcusDemarcus Member Posts: 14
    Out of curiosity, what, if anything, is being planned to handle the glut of noob-tastic-ness at launch? I can't imagine having 50+ (Maybe I'm not giving Starmourn enough credit here... 500+!) n00bs taking on the n00b areas in the first week/months could lead to a lot of feelbads and frustration as there is super-fierce competition for what I imagine to be minimal resources.

    Say, for example, 50 noobs suddenly appeared with a fiery thirst of an unquenchable nature to play Aetolia for 72 hours straight. Minia/Lodi/Evaslu/Gheladon would be overrun and you'd be frantically running around trying to find something to kill or complete a quest before someone kills the turn in mob! If there isn't enough to go around for everyone to DO, and I would imagine most people would be interested in testing out mechanics and abilities more than roleplaying, that could be bad.

    I mean, the most obvious "solution" would be for newbie-land to be instanced, and you could SYNC with folks to go rampage through some holographic version of Minia and "killing" holo-projections of faeries. But it may not be viewed as a potential problem, either. Though if the lower levels are rapidly outgrown, it may not be horrible, either.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Man, reminds me of the first few weeks of EQ. Couldn't swing a dead rat without hitting another n00b. But, then, you were lucky if you could find a rat to kill so you could have one to swing!
  • JerichoJericho Member Posts: 65 ✭✭
    Dodger said:
    Another barrage of questions!
    1. The art of Maddox has got me thinking: How wide of a selection of firearms will we get? Does the Scoundrel's PIECE, for example, have to be a pistol, or could it be 'customized' as a rifle?
    2. Personal shields. Do we get personal shields? Or will it just be a 'health' system?
    3. Titles? Could I be "Dread Captain Dodger McScoundrel, Scourge of Starmourn Sector" or will we only get first/last names?
    4. Will there be admin-created player-run organizations other than the big three factions, such as guilds/houses/orders/companies/corporations/fleets? Will we get clans?
    5. Any idea what the PK rules will be like? Will it be "you need a valid in-character reason to kill someone" like the other IRE muds, or more complex (or lenient!) than that? Will there be "lawless" open PK planets/sections of space where we can basically be pirates and gank people UO-style to our hearts' content?
    #3 had me thinking of "DUCK DODGERS OF THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURY" 
  • QitorienQitorien Member Posts: 361 ✭✭✭
    New random question that I haven't found the answer to on the website, wiki, or forums, though it could very well be there somewhere...

    How does time work in Starmourn? Is it like the other IRE games where it's comparable to real time and can be calculated simply enough? Will time work differently while on ships or depending upon which planet your character is on? Will there be any sort of regular time anomalies like you see in some sci-fi movies?

    Actually, that makes me of another larger topic regarding the amount of the game spent on actual planets versus ships, but that'd probably be a better discussion for elsewhere.
    As T'rath has pierced the veil, so will I, and so will my life become complete in a good death.
    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
    GrootToday at 2:16 PM
      if there's no kittens in space
      I'm going on a rampage
    TectonToday at 2:17 PM
      They're called w'hoorn, Groot
      sets out a saucer of milk
  • uric17uric17 Member Posts: 27
    i am afraid that the abilities of each class will be more for the adventurers and less for the denizens, in achaea there are so much abilities but most of them are against other players which angered me very much cause i don't fight against other players nor someone fought me so the options for me are mostly for traveling and killing players so will it be different here? i noticed the abilities to every class but will i have a small selection against denizens like i have in achaea?     
    There's too much blood in my caffeine system
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