Like it says in the title, i think gas farming is getting a little out of hand. wild gas cloud spawns are getting rarer and rarer due to all the gas cloud farming going on around cosmpiercers.
I think we need a weekly or possibly daily on sync purging and replacing of gas clouds in the sector.
If defendable resources are a fun mechanic, we can have them (why not actual mining stations for example) without it being... gas farming.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
I'm leaning more toward the reset being daily at sync. Or, every other day. Weekly seems a little long... But that would be effective too.
basically, it is becoming a game of who has the biggest farm, which is not very fun and if you are in scatterhome i feel for you. and honestly, the clouds don't grow that fast so gas farming isn't helping as much as you think. what has helped more is it has become a little profitable and that has gotten people out and mining.
Being able to fill up a scoop in 5 minutes tops (because you don't have to go looking for 2-3 clouds of the same type, which could be 10+ zones apart) allows people to gather more of it. Time is a resource, not just raw spawn numbers.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Do similarly with gas clouds.
Introduce other methods of resource gathering for factions and clans to engage in. Larger rocks for permanent mines, the need to construct a mining station there and defend it.
Buuut in the meantime (as ideas like that will take time to implement) simply putting the mining back into the wild and increasing the spawn numbers would be a stopgap measure allowing the economy to chug along.
I only see Starmourn devolving into a game of king of the hill to see who controls all the resources if this keeps going the way it is.
Scatterhome still has a level 5 cosmpiercer, which should be sufficient enough to starting up your own farm.
For the record, I agree that farms are the undesirable way to fix the supply side of the economy, but it's the only method we have at the moment.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
higher overall amount
larger spawns in cp zones (pvp risk for higher resource gain)
occasional depot (structure which drops some cargo with resources when killed) spawns in npc territory with some swole guards/turrets [pve risk for resource gain]
allow storage and trading of raw resources (removes refinery trips, so less time sunk. Just farm where you want, then refine/produce/sell/ship after that)
Might need some production recipe tweaks as well, but I'm not comfortable enough to speak on that.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
- Ilyos (August 2019)
The game has an active dev team. It's slow at the moment because of the producer change, of course, but it is still active.
So there is no need for the playerbase to self-police in situations like this, and in fact it's not in the best interest of the game itself for us to self-police.
We're far better off playing the mechanics as they are, highlighting the problem mechanics in the process.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
While I agree that spawn rates of resources should be raised (and that a modifier be added so that it's possible to support a larger population, something that static rates don't allow), the problem that people really have isn't with farms themselves; rather, it's that one faction of the game (not theirs) figured it out first.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
We will avoid the us v. them mentality though. We're all working hard to make the game better. Thank you for the input!