Hey so I've only received a few messages now and I wanted to say for the record I want to hear from everyone in Song who has a opinion about the Faction!
Got an idea for how to make the Dominion supremo? Drop it here!
The Dominion is already tops? Tell me why! I want to know what people like most about the Dominion so we can play my favorite game ever, it's called: If you like_____, you'll love _____.
The Dominion sucks? Go (any non-Song group)? Wrong thread buddy! Love the enthusiasm, but take it elsewhere please and I'll gladly weigh in or refer you on to another helpful person!
I've really enjoyed being a part of Song so far. The atmosphere is positive and I enjoy how you all relate to each other! I'm still learning, but I think soon we're going to be making our mark in the stars!
Please feel free to contact me directly by using MSG YIMH if you have any questions or ideas that are more specific to you and you want to play your cards close to the vest!
- Ilyos (August 2019)
[a brief, but satisfying snippet earlier in the event...]
An agitated Ry'nari conspirator looks nervously at Digit.
You say to an agitated Ry'nari conspirator, "Where's Vega?"
You slap an agitated Ry'nari conspirator on the cheek.
An agitated Ry'nari conspirator shrugs meekly, scuttling away. "Just leave me alone! It wasn't my idea!".
You say, "Talk!"
Yimh - Came up with the idea in the first place and got the balls rolling to make it all happen.
Hroden - Pulled in other factions, layered on the intrigue, ran supportive animations, and built out Ostari with some extra rooms for the event.
Soren - Worked to keep his faction in the loop and was also an essential back-up animator during the event.
Tallulah - Lots of supportive building (those discontented Ry'nari were all her) and animation.
Iobai - Sadly unable to be there for the actual event (curse those time zones) but provided valuable feedback and support where he could.
Thanks everyone! And thank you players for rolling with the punches and just being all around a fun group of people to play with.
@Azlyn and her one liners.
And @Matlkael (Mereas) with the surprising cheek!
The NPCs were so responsive. The options that are now on the table and the topics that are relevant to discuss have blown wide open. I can wait to see what everyone, not just in Song manages to uncover.
I would also like to say that Vega's paranoia about the YOUKNOWWHAT'S is now totally justified.
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Things I am excited to find out:
• How the fallout settles with the Ry'nari.
• What connection does this have (if any) to the other disappearances from Song?
• What horrors lurk beyond the limits of our infantile perceptions.
And others, add your own!
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
- Ilyos (August 2019)
"True power is realizing that you are the only person who can hold you accountable."
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
But yes, apologies for the off-topic direction, this is Song thread after all.
(Song): You say, "Happy New Year everyone!"
(Song): Vega says, "Thirdly, for Flavia, they said, 'I've appreciated how she's taken a lot of piloting ideas from me and ran with them, and more recently investment into gathering resources and purchasing refineries for a soon-to-be unveiled project.' How mysterious."
(Song): Vega says, "And Lastly, for our winner, Yayeh. One person said, 'we need more QPCs.' and the second person said, 'I'd like to recommend Yayeh for merit scholarship, not only for his diligence and being the second person to become an Admiral (after our very own Rhindara), but also his willingness and helpfulness to work on station missions and to help those without autofactories to get the commodities needed for others to work on station missions as well.'."
(Song): Vega says, "Thank you to the people who sent in nominations. And thank you all for listening."
(Song): Mereas says, "Second, we have Flavia K'siphias, for her 1st Chromium Medal."
(Song): Mereas says, "We also have me, and I've earned my 1st Chromium, 1st Iron, and 1st Nickel Medals."
(Song): Mereas says, "And finally: Admiral Yayeh Dreya, who has earned not his 1st, nor his 2nd, but even his 3rd Nickel Medal in just one year!"
(Song): Mereas says, "Thank you, soldiers, for your service to the Dominion! We have had a stellar year, and I look forward for this new one to come. In unity and strength!"
(Song): You say, "As many of you know, there's been a resource gathering contest this past year, and I am happy to announce many things! We had 14 citizens in various capacities earn Nickel merits since Secretary Mereas created the program. This has included gathering resources for our faction's storage, manufacturing products for our station repairs, seeking out hard-to-find items for those repairs, and completing station missions."
(Song): You say, "In second place, earning 114 Nickel merits, Mairon!"
(Song): You say, "In third place, earning 78 Nickel merits, Lieutenant Reeloc!"
(Song): You say, "In fourth place, earning 63 Nickel merits, Elasyra!"
(Song): You say, "And in fifth place, earning 56 Nickel merits, Ninvahn!"
(Song): You say, "Be sure to congratulate all of the winners, who will be taking their picks of a Stalker corvette, a Tiravoa interceptor, and three auto factories of their choice!"
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Thank you to @Rhindara @tasp @Mogarche (Mairon?) @Victoria @Flipilaria @keanu @Sunny @kamin for attending!
Thank you @Mogarche for logging
And Congrats to @Victoria @Mogarche @Tasp @Elasyra @Yayeh and @vex for their title changes, appointments, and all the other stuff!
Now to the log!
Er, on second thought, it is too long for the forums, so Pastebin will have to do.
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
- Ilyos (August 2019)
If CA would like one of these threads I'm happy to set one up as well.
Edit: I don't want to imply that the Songites were neglectful or anything. Everyone gets busy!
- Ilyos (August 2019)
But on a more serious note, @Hroden has been quite helpful on furthering certain storylines we established prior to Storytellers and players of CA can approach him freely about their characters. There is a degree of healthy communication we established and naturally there was not a necessity for a forum thread.
Furthermore, Storytellers are RPers in the end and they do this because they enjoy RPing. And I am personally thankful for their presence. You people rock!
Now my invasion is over, Dominion can take the thread back!
You give an elegant glass to Jace Vitali.
You say, "Tsk."
Vianou takes a drink from a squat shotglass filled with vodka.
Asteyr jokingly says, "Now that's service with a smile."
With an eyebrow raised, Mereas says, "I suppose we clean our own glasses."
You give an elegant glass filled with hinkafruit cocktail to a crane-armed carrybot.
You say, "Well, my carrybot will hold empty glasses."
You say to a crane-armed carrybot, "Smart. Because you, are replaceable."
The edges of your lips curve up briefly into the faintest semblance of a smirk.
Mereas says, "The service of bots is not to be overlooked."
Vega nods at Mereas in agreement.
A crane-armed carrybot lets out a chirp of alarm and falls silent.
Thank you, @tallulah , you made my bot-bullying very satisfactory!
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
If anyone in song gets one of those new arties I want to see. I’m trying to wait for a super lucky day!
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer