Exploration sadness!

DesmondDesmond Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
Alright, so this is totally not a BIG deal, but there's a few super geeks out in the game who really really enjoy exploration and getting to see every nook and cranny in the game.
And I might be one of them although I'm by far not the best. And there's a few issues currently with the system:

1. If you miss rooms while exploring certain bits of story areas, you're SOL of ever exploring those rooms in the future since there doesn't seem to be any way of returning to areas you've completed as part of the story.
2. A LOT of areas have disconnected rooms or unfinished rooms that cannot be reached and are still linked to the area in question (many areas stop at 99%). This makes it very hard to tell if you're actually missing a room or more in an area or if a room is simply disconnected from mortal reach. (Take this point with a grain of salt since I might just really suck at exploring and systematically miss out rooms in a lot of areas....still a long way to go till SCOUTING)
3. The top explorer, which is currently @Zack , has around ~85% of the game explored (I could again be mistaken but maybe he'll chime in to correct me), so unless the Urbanity of Hox and the Ixodon Shipyards make up 15% of the game, see point 2. about how a lot of rooms are unlinked from what mortals can attain and it makes us really sad pandas that we can't get close to 97ish percent or whathaveyou from other games.
4. SEARCH from Exploration is currently useless...I hope someone else can correct me here but I don't remember a single room that I discovered with search. I did use search once to reveal an exit I already knew was there because I walked into said room but the exit wasn't visible to  get out again so I just used search for the flavor of saying, 'hey I used SEARCH!'

Will probably whine and bitch about other stuff here when I remember them. Thanks for reading!


  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    Desmond said:
    Alright, so this is totally not a BIG deal, but there's a few super geeks out in the game who really really enjoy exploration and getting to see every nook and cranny in the game.
    And I might be one of them although I'm by far not the best.
    I hit the 'agree' reaction just for this part.

    We both know I'm the best.

    <3 Dezzy

    (Although, also, valid points in general. A good example is Agog which has a large arena that cannot be accessed.)

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • JoscelinJoscelin Member Posts: 45
    We're in beta, so I'm not super upset by areas that simply aren't accessible yet. One time areas probably shouldn't count for explorers, though, and it would be really nice if there was a quicker and easier way to flag rooms as not counting for explorers so that areas that are currently inaccessible could be turned off until they are.
  • YaraYara Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019
    I have the same issue as your first concern - didn't search every area that is part of the storyline, in its entirety, and now I am doomed to a fate where I cannot get past being a sad 'lil 'Prime Voyager'.

    I use SCOUT to find UNEXPLORED rooms all the time and it always leads me to a room that has no access or terminal to hack, so I have a lot of 99% explored areas as well. The explorer in me made peace with accepting that I can't avoid these areas being 1% short of fully explored. :(
  • ZackZack Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2019
    I have noticed (thanks to Mereas in Discord for giving me a heads up) that several areas that used to be only 99% do actually show up on SCOUT UNEXPLORED now, but they're still inaccessible (locked doors with no terminal, etc)
    I agree with all of these points -- 1 and 2 and even combined because there are some story areas that you can only reach 97-99% in.
    At least they fixed the cosmpiercer/hacking bug... directories and cosmpiercers were counting for exploration until just recently.

    wandering star punk

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