1. Can we get project functionality? For those unaware, it's essentially F/DHELP files except you can designate a specific person to be able to edit it without giving them access to edit the entire list of files.
(that's all I have, but I'm sure people have more ideas!)
Mereas Eyrlock
"They're excited, but poor."- Ilyos (August 2019) 0
I like the idea of dynasties and the power gained by amount of membership but, I do think that instead it should have more of an influence system rather than pure amount of members. Certain perks should be earned by your activity score similar to (but certainly not identical to) Lusternia's family system. If you have 40 members but 2 active members you should have less influence on the universe than someone with 10 really active members.
Maybe things like:
- xp bonus
- hacking xp bonus
- captaincy xp bonus
- small stat bonuses
- etc.
The above might cost dynasty influence to activate and are limited time bonuses.
Also things like:
- increased dynasty design capacity
- discounts for ship components and superstructures
- increase power for shop listing investments (instead of that silly artifact)
These would be gated behind dynasty influence totals. The idea being that the more influencial your dynasty is, the more neutral organizations will want to pander to you.
Just some ideas, feel free to refine them.
EDIT TO ADD: Also, they are not doing guilds because they see the detrimental effects of spreading out the p-base more. As a whole, the game world gets smaller the more you spread opportunities for division.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
The bonuses are probably a bit much but I do think that dynasties should be able to purchase things with some sort of currency. Influence made more sense to me as we have a lot of mark sinks already.
You aren't really encouraged to play a small-knit family kind of thing, even to play a small business, since you need 15 members to unlock the marks account and 20 to unlock designs (which by the way still don't work, you can designate designs to a dynasty but nobody can access them), both of which I find to be really basic stuff. Clans have accounts from the get-go unless I'm mistaken.
While I can't deny I would like to have more mechanical perks to dynasties, if we get some of the stuff that @Minion suggested, I fear it would make Factions redundant. Faction chatter has -really- died down since most people have taken their day-to-day talks to their dynasty channels and I'm not sure how I feel about this really. Barring a few mechanics, I feel like I can accomplish so much more with the Dynasty than I can with the Faction and people tend to be more loyal to their dynasties than their faction. Currently, factions only have cosmpiercers as a hugely different mechanic, but considering the state cosmpiercers are in, we can easily do without them in dynasties.
Faction, particularly in the case of Scatterhome isn't as distinctly important to players right now as it might be in other IRE games. There is SO much more freedom to establish unique identities that you don't need them. Dynasties are naturally where you will put your loyalty whether as a family or business or something else.
This is really just nature taking its course.
Can we also get a SECRET setting for dynasties/clans?
For those unaware, it makes it so that most members, when speaking, will see this instead of your name:
(Clan): Someone says, "Blah blah."
Anonymity is cool! Maybe make it cost marks (mark drains are also cool).
- Ilyos (August 2019)
This is just my own observation based on my limited experience reading MUD forums over the years, but players tend to err on the familiar over the new, even if they vehemently state they want 'new', as 'new' is weird, unfamiliar and you may not be as effective as you once were because it is new territory, and that doesn't jive with the power fantasy of being in BEAST armor. Guilds for a number of players were the focus of a lot of their RP, which tended to spill out into the city they were part of but it was much easier/clearer to jumpstart that RP when it was clear what you were was based on your membership to whichever guild. So, yes. Tribalism is going to happen, it's human nature, I suppose.
I'm not knocking the idea of using one's dynasty as a guild, but I do want to suggest instead of making it a guild with clear lines of progression, rules, ceremonies, rituals, ranks and (space Cthulhu forbid) essays on what makes you a good [class name here], but more of a group of like minded individuals who pool their resources and try to make their fellow members the best [class name here] they can be. Not so they can rise in the guild and lord over the noobs in their ranks more like just 'I have a membership to this gym'.
Xenobiology: Studying racial traits and morphology of other races, NPC or otherwise.
Astrophysics: Science-ing the hell out of the science the devs have given us.
Culinary Science: Does it hypersquare? Should it hypersquare?
Void/Star Study: Could there be anything beyond what the devs say the kith is possible of doing?
Nanorobotics: Self explanatory I think
Alot of it is theorycrafting/lore-speculation or just seeing how hilariously broken the physics are of the game. I'm not one to take everything about a game as "It Just Works", I wanna see if i can find a reason, even if it turns out to be bonkers and shouldn't work. Like for example: how does Scatterhome life support work? What powers the thrusters that give the asteroid's gravity? Could Scatterhome use those thrusters to move?