Shop Ideas!

MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
Just to collect them all under one banner.

1) Instead of having to open wholly different shops across trade networks, simply make it so you can make your shop accessible via another network's terminal.

So, you open your initial shop in, say, Song. For 100 mks, you can make that same shop accessible from the Scatterhome terminal.

2) There's currently a limit of 25 items per shop, and 3 shops per person per network. In addition to idea #1, make it so that the inventory space can just be expanded (maybe increase it in increments of 25, with a hard maximum of 150?).

3) If idea #1 is going in, open up the trade terminals on the outer stations, too! We salute our lord and master, Capitalism. (Maybe even add in taxes, too, adding shop activity to the overall local economy of a station).

Mereas Eyrlock
"They're excited, but poor."
- Ilyos (August 2019)


  • DesmondDesmond Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    And give us bins and faction/org discounts and things like that. That'd be cool!
  • MattiasMattias Member Posts: 9
    The ability for owners to tag a shop based on what it holds (Weapons, Armor, Fashion, etc.) And the ability to TT BROWSE <tag>
  • EsheEshe Member Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    It is here with shops and crafting I think more of a note should be taken from the old model. The limitations don't make me want to pick and choose, they just tell me I can keep my credits and go back to where I came from to create neat things. Which is maybe what is wanted, but expats love their stuff and expressing their character with less inconvenience. 

    A central shopping base with buy-to-unlock storefronts on the other networks would be nice. This could also allow for a new Faction power that has you submitting the request, and the faction then deciding to approve it (Chancellor/Trade crossover). This could be a small stream of faction marks as well, shifting where some of the tax goes. This gives some negotiation opportunities with economic diplomacy. 

    With this you could additionally have bins that only show up for specific factions or dynasties. 
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    If you're deciding to go elsewhere because of the current state of crafting/shops, which is in very early beta and will only be improved upon, you are being rather short-sighted. 

    An idea I would like to see is the ability to custom color my shop listing on TT BROWSE. I would like to see it become a bit garish like in a lot of the dystopian commercial centers. Lots of bells and whistles and colors all competing for your attention.
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