Q+A Madness - Jan/Feb 2019



  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Tecton said:
    Cubey said:
    When are planets listed in HELP ASTRONOMY but not in game yet getting implemented? I'm talking Atheni, Ibyssian Brotherhood stuff, etc.
    Many of those are tied into the main questline, and you'll see them as the story unfolds further.
    Cool, in that case when can we expect more of the main storyline?
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    What's the reasoning behind not all classes being able to use their instakills on mobs?

    Do you intend to add a way to generate currency directly via hacking?

    Will different ship classes have different traits besides module and mass limits (for example, will freighters have some unique benefit, or are they just the next step up in the list of class sizes)
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Eshe said:
    Tecton said:
    Moar Stuff
    1-2) We can't forget designs we've submitted. We can't offload them anywhere if we're the ones who submitted them. Designating them Public or to an organization keeps them locked in our databanks unable to be forgotten. We're just stuck factoring that cost in to anything beyond 50. It leaves a really grubby feeling. Taking on commissions with that 10cr per cost is really unreasonable. It would be different if we had a better way to manage our design inventories.

    Will this be looked into?

    Idea: Allow designers to DESIGN DEACTIVATE <number> which makes it dormant, and then DESIGN ACTIVATE <design> with the same download cost as the public market to be able to work with it again?

    Idea: Allow designating designs to the public or an organization remove them from your active databank count. That is a reward for opening it up to others to use, and limit the need of duplicate design types. 

    Example: Say I have 5 shirts. I am not making use of 3 of those. I'm stuck with them. I cannot do anything with them. They are dead weight. Crafting is expensive and completely deleting them would suck if you want to remake them later. Allow me to turn off those 3 and free up those slots in my active design bank. Those 3 are not permanently lost, just unusable until I either expand my active bank, or deactivate something else and reactivate them. Otherwise, right now, you need to be clear that the crafting license only includes 50 designs. So crafting is 260cr + 10x however much your creativity allows, which is not incentivizing to buy-in.

    3) We can only have 3 shops in each station. With the fickle nature of enemy statuses, having all shirts in Reynolds, pants in Danica, etc, creates a messy situation to maintain (and annoying to hop around and not be able to search those other stations, without an AD directory to inform people). 

    Question: I've seen casinos and gambling dens around. What kinds of games are there? Humans would presumably have kept poker and craps alive, but what do the other homeworlds do?
    1-2) Yep, covered offloading stuff on the first page.

    3) I'm still in two minds whether to keep tradenets distinct between the factions, or just open everything up as one big trade network (and have permission sets on shopfronts for who can buy (so you can exclude enemies etc.)

    4) Goredog fights are still a popular past-time in less civilized areas of space!

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Cubey said:
    Tecton said:
    Cubey said:
    When are planets listed in HELP ASTRONOMY but not in game yet getting implemented? I'm talking Atheni, Ibyssian Brotherhood stuff, etc.
    Many of those are tied into the main questline, and you'll see them as the story unfolds further.
    Cool, in that case when can we expect more of the main storyline?
    We're doing some retrofits on the first 50 levels at the moment to try and resolve some further sticking issues, once that's all done, the next stages will be polished and released.
  • RkansasRkansas Member Posts: 136 ✭✭
    Are there plans to add an ability for Scoundrels to remove other Scoundrel's placed bugs?

    What I really want to see is the ability in the general skills for bug sweep to be removed.

    An ability added to the Guile Skill to remove other Scoundrel bugs and deactivate them and we can just toss them into an incinerator or reactivate them and place them somewhere else so the owner of the bug starts getting conversations (or silence) in locations he did not intend to bug (Which would be really funny).

    As an end result would be people hiring Scoundrels to sweep locations or entier areas for bugs and removing them. Since Nanoseers (I think) can better eavesdrop then Scoundrels, they already have an advantage over Scoundrels regarding getting paid for info. 

    On that note, maybe an ability for Scoundrel's (an maybe engineers) to maybe block a Nanoseer's eavesdropping ability and maybe even block bugs from transmitting info back to the Scoundrel. Like some tech that has a short lifespan, (1 IG month? or 1 or 2 IG days?). That way Nanoseer's and Scoundrel's can actually compete on the same level for jobs that might require gathering info through eavesdropping. Make it more competitive. 
    (Scatterhome): Cal says, "We're called Scatterhome after what everybody does at the end of the night when it's time for someone to pay the bar tab."
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Which by my calculations, it's your turn to pay."
    (Scatterhome): Brantar says, "That's what my calculations have come to."
    (Scatterhome): Paavo says, "My math adds up to that, yeah."
    (Scatterhome): Cal says, "Bastards."

  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    Are there plans to make it so people who don' presently have tradeskills can still check what designs are on public or maybe even on other designers' lists? Think NDS MATCH DESIGNER and NDS MATCH LIST PUBLIC from Achaea, which work whether you have any tradeskill or not. 
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Thessia said:
    What's the reasoning behind not all classes being able to use their instakills on mobs?

    Do you intend to add a way to generate currency directly via hacking?

    Will different ship classes have different traits besides module and mass limits (for example, will freighters have some unique benefit, or are they just the next step up in the list of class sizes)
    1) Forcefeed working on mobs was unintended (we'd just missed a check on that ability) - we'd changed that to bring it into line with the other classes in terms of instakill blocks.

    2) Yep, there's a lot of further changes involving hacking coming up in the future.

    3) Module/Mass limits are the main ones (alongside hull health, turning time, and some other smaller things). I can definitely see more differentiation in the future, regarding the different ship classes and models within the same class, as I agree the progression is pretty linear at the moment. Earlier in development, ships used fuel, and different engines used different fuel types and a bunch of other complex things that weighed into the balancing act of ships, but we scrapped that before launch as it wasn't a fun concept in reality. Adding more depth and decision-making in the process is definitely a desire on our part.

  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    Okay, what's the reasoning behind all classes not being able to use their instakills on mobs? :D
  • ZulahZulah Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    Have you considered GMCP for ships? Or is that not feasible with the current code?
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    Thessia said:
    Okay, what's the reasoning behind all classes not being able to use their instakills on mobs? :D
    Because it would make mob health an irrelevant statistic and limit design potential for future, tougher mobs.
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    Can we get lyposuction/reverse-lyposuction? I want to be fat, please!  :open_mouth:
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Darios said:
    Thessia said:
    Okay, what's the reasoning behind all classes not being able to use their instakills on mobs? :D
    Because it would make mob health an irrelevant statistic and limit design potential for future, tougher mobs.
    Darios pretty much hit the nail on the head here, would trivialize PVE content, especially when in a group. You could just prep and kill any mob in 1 - 2 balances.

    Saying that, the executive decision to disallow instakills was made before the classes were designed, based on the idea we didn't want a behead-like skill that you could walk into a room and start on a mob with 0 risk. With how the class design went, I could see a case for opening it up some more, since most of the instakills require a moderate amount of prep (we'd probably scale back the 4x subsystem damage modifier on mobs if we were to go this route)
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Matlkael said:
    Can we get lyposuction/reverse-lyposuction? I want to be fat, please!  :open_mouth:
    I think the build system is a bit to slow to change (it currently processes once per real-life week), I could definitely see scaling it back to run through every day or two
  • LhundrupLhundrup Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    Can we expect to see fun artifacts soon? Things that are purely cosmetic and/or for RP purposes.

    Any plans for pets? Either artifact or otherwise. 

    Will there ever be a 3rd skillset available for all classes? Like survival, or just a fun set of skills to impress your friends.

  • GeariahGeariah Member Posts: 4
    will chess be put in the game at some point like it was on Imperian?

    will there be some change to fury so they can stack bleeding like mentioned in the help file? since really the only way to stack it currently is the 1.2% chance that overwhelm double stacks bleeding.

    will there be artifact weapons that reset to the owner if so will it be a static power or somehow scale as the player levels?
  • VaughnVaughn Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    The numbers regarding ship speed and acceleration aren't exactly straight-forward.
    Would you be willing to share some of them? Particularly the amount speed is increased by each move.
    acceleration = floor(prev_speed * -0.05) + initial_speed) ???
    speed = prev_speed + acceleration
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Rkansas said:
    Are there plans to add an ability for Scoundrels to remove other Scoundrel's placed bugs?

    What I really want to see is the ability in the general skills for bug sweep to be removed.

    An ability added to the Guile Skill to remove other Scoundrel bugs and deactivate them and we can just toss them into an incinerator or reactivate them and place them somewhere else so the owner of the bug starts getting conversations (or silence) in locations he did not intend to bug (Which would be really funny).

    As an end result would be people hiring Scoundrels to sweep locations or entier areas for bugs and removing them. Since Nanoseers (I think) can better eavesdrop then Scoundrels, they already have an advantage over Scoundrels regarding getting paid for info. 

    On that note, maybe an ability for Scoundrel's (an maybe engineers) to maybe block a Nanoseer's eavesdropping ability and maybe even block bugs from transmitting info back to the Scoundrel. Like some tech that has a short lifespan, (1 IG month? or 1 or 2 IG days?). That way Nanoseer's and Scoundrel's can actually compete on the same level for jobs that might require gathering info through eavesdropping. Make it more competitive. 
    No immediate plans, but that's not to say it's not a bad idea, just not something we'd considered necessary. Probably something you'll want to submit via a classlead report when they open in the next couple of weeks.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Arsentar said:
    Are there plans to make it so people who don' presently have tradeskills can still check what designs are on public or maybe even on other designers' lists? Think NDS MATCH DESIGNER and NDS MATCH LIST PUBLIC from Achaea, which work whether you have any tradeskill or not. 
    I don't see any reason why not, file an IDEA if you haven't!
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Zulah said:
    Have you considered GMCP for ships? Or is that not feasible with the current code?
    Potentially, yeah - I'd like to do some changes in nexus to adjust the layout when you're on your ship (make the map more prominent etc) - so that would come with GMCP code to support it.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Lhundrup said:
    Can we expect to see fun artifacts soon? Things that are purely cosmetic and/or for RP purposes.

    Any plans for pets? Either artifact or otherwise. 

    Will there ever be a 3rd skillset available for all classes? Like survival, or just a fun set of skills to impress your friends.

    1) Fun artifacts - sure, we'll be adding more as time an opportunity present. If you've got specific ideas for things you'd like to see, submit them via IDEA in-game, or there was an artifact idea thread floating around that you could add to if you haven't already!

    2) Yeah, we're planning on adding pets and other customisation services more thoroughly once things die down a little.

    3) Ever? Most certainly! What it will be, I'm not sure!
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Geariah said:
    will chess be put in the game at some point like it was on Imperian?

    will there be some change to fury so they can stack bleeding like mentioned in the help file? since really the only way to stack it currently is the 1.2% chance that overwhelm double stacks bleeding.

    will there be artifact weapons that reset to the owner if so will it be a static power or somehow scale as the player levels?
    1) Chess - Technically, there's no reason for it to not get added, as the code is somewhat easy to port over from the other games that run it. Thematically, we'd likely theme things a bit different than earth chess.

    2) We tweaked bleeding in general for most classes, since it didn't work as well as we'd envisioned in many cases. We'll work on getting the HELP FURY file updates with some current information on the class (especially following the most recent class change pass).

    3) Artifact weapons, no. Artifact qualities will come in the form of mods at this stage.

  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Vaughn said:
    The numbers regarding ship speed and acceleration aren't exactly straight-forward.
    Would you be willing to share some of them? Particularly the amount speed is increased by each move.
    acceleration = floor(prev_speed * -0.05) + initial_speed) ???
    speed = prev_speed + acceleration
    We don't really give out much in the way of formulae, just to keep a bit of the mystery there (and not devolve everything into a numbers game) - sorry!
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    Do you have a favourite/funniest moment from the beta release that you would be willing to share? I'm sure in the chaos and confusion there must've been some gems.

    With the rising number of players gaining captaincy rank are you planning on increasing the number of medium/hard incursions there are at once? Even just bringing it up to 2 each would be lovely.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Darios said:
    Do you have a favourite/funniest moment from the beta release that you would be willing to share? I'm sure in the chaos and confusion there must've been some gems.

    With the rising number of players gaining captaincy rank are you planning on increasing the number of medium/hard incursions there are at once? Even just bringing it up to 2 each would be lovely.
    Favourite moments - Haha, there were many "HOW TF did they manage that" moments when players do what players do :) None immediately spring to mind, but that's probably more to do with the fact I haven't slept since December :p

    Incursions - Definitely! I'll look at the metrics there and adjust as needed!
  • ThessiaThessia Member Posts: 60
    Mod drops are painfully low. Is that intended at the moment, with players supplying all our mod needs once we get things going? How are low level modders supposed to get started? I'm at 3 mods after 15k kills here.
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Thessia said:
    Mod drops are painfully low. Is that intended at the moment, with players supplying all our mod needs once we get things going? How are low level modders supposed to get started? I'm at 3 mods after 15k kills here.
    Yeah, the modding system hasn't worked out as well as we'd envisioned, so we're adding some new mechanics in the near future to help modders get started and advance their research without relying strictly on drops.
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    Will there be a mortal builders system like in the other games for those people who want to help somehow but who don't really want to leave their characters behind?
  • TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
    Arsentar said:
    Will there be a mortal builders system like in the other games for those people who want to help somehow but who don't really want to leave their characters behind?
    Yep! Once things settle down a bit, we're planning on getting a system in for that!
  • VegaVega Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Is it possible to have some naming conventions for different races/planets/factions? 

    And are there plans of changing the way fashion is applied? It seems a bit odd to have so many different ribbon places, instead of being able to WEAR RIBBON NECK or WEAR RIBBON ANKLE so having to buy the same looking ribbon just to put it different places feels odd. It probably doesn't bother a lot of people, but it just really stood out to me when I ended up being able to craft 5 different types of ribbons at 500 lessons spent but not a single type of shoe. 

    Most of my questions about the Engineer Class I'll just leave until after the changes. 

    Are there any intentions to make it possible for Clans to be attached to factions so the ownership can be transferred easier? If someone was angry they could essentially just delete all the clans they are head of when they lose city leadership, and that seems like a loophole. While I do see how it is allowing people to roleplay out their demise, I would find that really annoying on an ooc level to deal with. 

    Finally, for questions and clarifications on conflicting information between things in game and on the wiki lore wise, what should be done about it? Does that fall under a typo or issue?

    Thank you for taking the time out to answer questions.
    Character: Vega
    Faction: Song Dominion
    Class: Engineer 

    note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!

  • tysandrtysandr Member Posts: 90 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    How do we avoid heat death?

    I guess I am a little worried about, as mentioned, players segregating into dynasties & FT becoming quiet-like.
    vote ∘ Explore Nexus mods for Starmourn & Achaeandb for Nexus

This discussion has been closed.