
SecosSecos Member Posts: 28
Soooo...I'm sure this has been debated hundreds of times.  However, the gist of this post is the barrier of entry to be competitive in this game seems to be steep.  I'm currently an IRE member.  The $24.99 is a steep monthly fee.  On top of that you have the credit packages that you can spend literally thousands of dollars on.  The artifacts are very expensive.  Just to trans all your skills would take a lot of time for a FTP player.

In general I think the direction should be to attract more players.  With a larger player base you would get more revenue.  When trying to maximize the revenue earned per active player you tend to lean towards a smaller player base.  I think the cost ends up being a turnoff to a lot of potential players.

I'm having a lot of fun on the game itself.  However, I just typically don't throw this kind of money to one game.  There are so many ftp and cheaper options out there.  Even other MUDs that are less monetized.  

Is there a way that a small niche game can earn enough revenue to support the servers and development staff without bleeding the player base dry?  Or is this set-up the only real option?


  • JoscelinJoscelin Member Posts: 45
    We’ve had these conversations for 20 years now. Now that I think about it, I don’t remember IRE changing their prices in that time other than offering Elite and the no-brainer packages, and taking inflation into account, they’ve been getting cheaper over time.

    Secondly, the artifacts here so far are pretty great compared to the others, if the math I’ve seen is right. The gap between having a level 5 stats arti and not is smaller than usual for a top tier boost, afaik.
  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    Don't get distracted by artifacts.

    Work towards transing your class skills, and even there, it's worth taking a hard look and deciding if the trans skills are worth it. As I personally don't have an interest in PvP, I for example decided that shrapnel was the highest rank I needed in Improvisation, Conceal the highest rank I needed in Guile. I trans'd Gunslinging but since Unload got nerfed, I kind of wish I'd stuck to Eject. I will probably not increase my class skills any further until I reach max level, get bored of hacking/captaincy, and start taking an interest in PvP.

    The skills are what will really make or break your experience in any IRE game. Think of artifacts as fancy bonuses you get for being an extremely generous donor. Not something for normal people like you and me. You don't need them to have fun, trust me. If there is one specific one that catches your eye, save up for it long term. For me that's Ship Illusions. And if I get that as a reward for having been a member for 6 months, that's cool.

    (Consumerism, man. Always trying to get you to buy the latest, shiniest thing.)

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    Wuff said:
    I know I've spent more money on IRE stuff than I've spent on graphical games before, and I'm not as rich as half the people playing this appear to be.
    I don't think people spending lots of money on this game are necessarily rich, any more than someone spending all their savings on drugs and alochol is likely to be rich. Being fiscally responsible is pretty important if you wanna be rich(er).

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • VaughnVaughn Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I believe Matt Mihaly literally invented micro transactions.

    Starmourn looks to have less of an investment requirement than other IRE games. There's very few skillsets to spend lessons on. After that, I'm not sure what the sink is other than artifacts... I see the no brainer lesson plan x2 as equivalent to buying the game.
  • SecosSecos Member Posts: 28
    Kestrel said:
    Don't get distracted by artifacts.

    Work towards transing your class skills, and even there, it's worth taking a hard look and deciding if the trans skills are worth it. As I personally don't have an interest in PvP, I for example decided that shrapnel was the highest rank I needed in Improvisation, Conceal the highest rank I needed in Guile. I trans'd Gunslinging but since Unload got nerfed, I kind of wish I'd stuck to Eject. I will probably not increase my class skills any further until I reach max level, get bored of hacking/captaincy, and start taking an interest in PvP.

    The skills are what will really make or break your experience in any IRE game. Think of artifacts as fancy bonuses you get for being an extremely generous donor. Not something for normal people like you and me. You don't need them to have fun, trust me. If there is one specific one that catches your eye, save up for it long term. For me that's Ship Illusions. And if I get that as a reward for having been a member for 6 months, that's cool.

    (Consumerism, man. Always trying to get you to buy the latest, shiniest thing.)
    This was a really sensible post.  Appreciate it.  However, I will counter the above with this thought.

    Do you not think that whales get a distinctive power advantage in game?  Basically if I open my wallet and spend thousands of real life dollars.  I then get to lord around in game and poop on other players.  I just don't really like that concept.
  • MinionMinion Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    Of course they get an advantage. They are willing to spend thousands of dollars for words.

    Whether we like it or not, that is the IRE model. I come for the quality of game and people, not for the e-peen. I don't pvp a lot but I am willing to make friendsies with people who do. 

    It's been said already but the artifacts in SM are not nearly as game breaking as in other IRE.
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    It is notable that tri-trans is very achievable with just leveling up and the $70 investment into the game ($20 lessons, $50 for the 300cr package), and the subscription makes omni-trans reachable in a short time for Starmourn. $70 isn't a lot to spend on a game - new games usually drop for $60 without any DLC, and including DLC can sometimes be another $50-$100. As far as games go, I personally have found IRE's basic price to be very normal; not to say that the cost of things isn't sometimes insane (lol $500 weapons), but so far Starmourn's been extremely reasonable. 
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    There are multiple reason that we're the only company left in the world launching a new, traditional MUDs, and a large part of that is our business model. Were there a large market for MUDs in 2019, it would make sense to try to charge substantially lower prices and get more people playing, but alas, that's not the case. 

  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    Vaughn said:
    I believe Matt Mihaly literally invented micro transactions.

    Not invented, as I'm sure people had, ad hoc, sold things on MUDs before. No way some corrupt admin on a "free" MUD hadn't done it, for instance.

    But, we were the first business to make selling virtual items in online games our business model, and the first to implement a hard to soft (purchased credits to earned gold) exchange in a game too. 
  • KestrelKestrel Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Secos said:

    Do you not think that whales get a distinctive power advantage in game?  Basically if I open my wallet and spend thousands of real life dollars.  I then get to lord around in game and poop on other players.  I just don't really like that concept.

    But the advantage is small, and will never compensate for lack of skill. In a contest between two highly skilled, or two equally unskilled opponents, certainly the one with artifacts would have a higher chance of winning. A skilled player without artifacts however will always best an unskilled player with them.

    Let's look at the really expensive artifacts, for example: a level 5 lifeforce artifact for 1600 credits, which boosts your pre-scaled lifeforce stat by 16%. If your lifeforce is at the cap of 400 (300 effective), that'll turn it to 464 — giving you only 32 more effective points, which are worth an extra 160 HP. 160 HP. I don't know how things scale up at L75, but at my level (mid 50s), I have over 4k HP and another 160 is really not a lot. It's an extra 3% over my total pool, and that percentage will only further decrease as I near max level.

    For that, people are spending close to $500. Even if I were a billionaire, to me that's not worth it. It makes your e-dick look bigger in the mirror, nothing more.

    To me, the artifacts that are really worth something are fun utility/cosmetic things, like Ship Illusions, because I have plans to one day host events on my ship and this would facilitate the ability to do so. Way more worth it than gaining an extra 160 HP, or what, +2 DPS? 1% extra HP regen every 5 seconds? 3% damage reduction on successfully evaded hits? (Which are themselves rare.)

    You don't need this stuff to be good at combat, and you definitely don't need it to play the game.

    Don't get distracted by shiny things you don't need. Not only are they not worth buying, they're also not worth getting riled up about other people having.

    I don't like the monetisation system either, but it's the system we have. Best you can do is put your thoughts and energy elsewhere and focus on what's fun about the game.

    "They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
    — Oscar Wilde

    "I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
    — Margaret Atwood

  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Tri-trans, working on 4th trans skill. No credits bought, even the no brainer package. Okay, I got the lessons package, but if credits stayed under 1k for even a few weeks longer I wouldn't even need that.
    This is currently the easiest IRE game to level up skills in and has the lowest entry barrier for competetive whatever too. Let's hope things stay this way.
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Kestrel said:
    Secos said:

    Do you not think that whales get a distinctive power advantage in game?  Basically if I open my wallet and spend thousands of real life dollars.  I then get to lord around in game and poop on other players.  I just don't really like that concept.

    But the advantage is small, and will never compensate for lack of skill.
    False. Someone can be rather bad and still be unkillable for a more skilled opponent simply by virtue of having more health-themed artefacts and the like.
  • CubeyCubey Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    Arsentar said:
    False. Someone can be rather bad and still be unkillable for a more skilled opponent simply by virtue of having more health-themed artefacts and the like.
    Nobody who goes for a pure* HP kill in this game counts as a "more skilled" opponent.

    *pure = outdamaging your opponent's healing/hp pool. Lockdown due to afflictions/subsys damage = not pure
  • IndecisionIndecision Member Posts: 36
    There's competition in Starmourn? What are you trying to compete for?
  • AureliusAurelius Administrator Posts: 467 Starmourn staff
    There's competition in Starmourn? What are you trying to compete for?
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