I recently joined with no knowledge of MUDs so I'm feeling around, trying to make sense of things. I discovered how to talk on Scatterhome and introduced myself not knowing it was a roleplay channel. Needless to say, a lot of people in that channel got really upset. I felt pretty bad because I do roleplay but on WoW so I know how it feels when my immersion is ruined. I felt so bad in fact I suicided my character. I won't tell you his name. It doesn't matter. I didn't want to be associated with a character that messed up people's RP.
I'm starting over but now I'm gunshy to talk, and really, that is a state no new player should be. I'm asking you all in roleplay to please realize not everyone has played a MUD before, or have but do not understand how things work in Starmourne. In fact, I suggest someone write some HELP text on roleplaying so new players won't do what I did.
When I was playing my first MUD, RP was not inforced at all, but I joined a city that did enforce it themselves. Instead of berating me on the channel about it, I was kindly sent a tell letting me know how to talk on channels and even how to talk OOC in tells by using //. I think that was probably the best way things like this should have been handled. In my opinion.
(Scatterhome): You say, "Which by my calculations, it's your turn to pay."
(Scatterhome): Brantar says, "That's what my calculations have come to."
(Scatterhome): Paavo says, "My math adds up to that, yeah."
(Scatterhome): Cal says, "Bastards."
I hope you find a happy home here in the SM community. Welcome aboard.
EDIT TO ADD: Just want to mention, I'm not pointing fingers at you specifically.
It is getting better, but there are still remnants. I just hope this example helps people tone it down a little bit when it matters.
If I remember correctly I said something along the lines of "You should head to Marle and play in the mud with rockhoppers.". Dunno if that came off wrongly or it escalated past that but I do humbly apologize if I came off wrongly.
I honestly 100% wish there were emojis in faction comms. Nearly 90% of everything I say would have a