On B.E.A.S.T. pvp

NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
Let me preface this by saying that I am unsure if it goes here or in feedback, so I put it here. If possible and it's in the wrong place, someone with power and authority please move it. 

On B.E.A.S.T.,

  Some recent changes (most notably, the removal of limb damage) has left the B.E.A.S.T. class in an awkward place. It can do more internal  damage than it can muscular damage, but no matter what it has a slower potential for subsys damage than Scoundrel or Nanoseer, both of whom only have to push down a single subsystem to get to their instas AND who have several bursty mechanics available to them to make this happen.

 The removal of limb damage overall was a good thing, but it removed (solo) access to one of our most important skills for pushing down muscular damage: pound. It also removed our biggest source of muscular damage (a broken limb), but that was probably not a very bad thing overall. 

 Playing BEAST, since the changes, has felt a lot like a fighting game in PVP situations. I like this. I like this a LOT, actually. I enjoy fighting games and, whether intentional or not, whether I am playing the class well or not, a lot of its parts have felt like the fundamentals of one of my favorite genres; jousting etc thorugh the use of airshot and wallop, just to close the distance for an in-your-face damage combo (legclamp, armvice). Firing a projectile to defend your approach (airshot) to trade hits (armvices), or hitting them with a volley from afar (airshot into overclocked railgun hits), so on and so forth. It's exhilarating to play, from a fluff standpoint - but unrewarding right now. 

Along this same vein, I have two suggestions for the B.E.A.S.T. to both further our ability to compete as well as really hammer on that fighting game vibe, both applying to SUITTECH BOOT.

Currently, SUITTECH BOOT is basically just a weapon-agnostic (and slower) versiion of wallop. In practical use, it's not super useful, as our main focus should be on muscular damage, not internal regardless of whatever weapon we are wielding - if we get to the point we have the minigun, for example, we have a much better tool to push internal damage down. 

 * Change BOOT to afflict with VERTIGO instead of WINDED, providing us a chance at actually landing POUND in this century;
 * Add an effect to BOOT where, if the target already has Vertigo and the Weakknees affliction, it "launches them into the air" for 2.5 seconds. Realistically, this would be an affliction indicating that someone is vulnerable to being GRAPPLEd, without the other benefits/penalties to being caught in the air. You will note that BOOT takes 3 seconds, so this would not be usable normally; instead, it would mean that the BOOT needs to be OVERCLOCKed, which can only be done once every five minutes.

This kind of setup requires a big investment and some luck, not to mention risk/reward, but if it pays off then it would help bridge the gap between BEAST and other classes's regular subsys damage per second. 

I know this was long, and thank you for taking the time to read it. You may now flame me for being trash. 


  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    @Wuff there is no way in the game to keep your opponent prone for massive amounts of time anymore. The removal of limb damage removed this entirely, outside of prone and like, incredibly good luck on vertigo. 3 seconds or whatever isn't that long. 
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I think we agree with that, and I would actually also kind of like it if pound didn't rely on prone, just weakknees. 1% per second isn't really that extreme; scoundrel does about that with their basic attacks. 
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    I would love to see some other way to build muscular damage for BEASTs that isn't armvices or legclamps that could offer greater system damage with conditionals. Similar to how mindswap can give tons of system damage so long as the seer in question keeps pumping out affliction pressure.

    One thought I had was to have scorched give 3% or something muscular damage, instead of the measily 0.5% it does now. Would require we have already damaged their muscular system some, would sacrifice the hinder of armclamp/staggering, and couldn't be spammed because any scorch afflictions past the maximum they can hold would be resisted. Though, changing the scorched system damage would probably make Engi's flamethrower turret absolutely insane.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    All my comments are about 1v1:

    I agree with the general statement that the kit feels fun conceptually. For the most part it matches the visuals of how I imagine somebody fighting as a BEAST would look.

    The change to give Boot vertigo instead of winded is one I support. A big part of this class's kit is heavy muscular damage, and the best way to get that is Pound. Currently there is *almost no way to use pound, as nothing in our kit will leave an opponent prone long enough. Vertigo would help provide an opening for this key ability.

    I like the suggestion of boot launching airborne for grapple, but I think writing this in the way you suggested hardly ever leaves room for the ability to be used. It is good in concept, and would be very strong, but maybe we can think of some other limitation other than a 5 minute cooldown.

    I think an interaction I would like to see introduced is something that scales with afflictions on our target. The Boot launch-up-in-the-air suggestion was along those lines. Have certain attacks give additional effects if there is a combination of afflictions present. We have some simple interactions like this already: WB when daze/stagger, arm or leg damage with Airshot/Hobble debuffs respectively, plasmablade with scorch stacks.

    Other than airshot+Armvice though, these are not combos usually worth using right now for varying reasons, like prone not doing much currently, WB giving little subsys and no aff, scorch being bad, etc. However, these interactions are fun and if their effects are worthwhile, I think they provide more strategic and fun combat.

    Other than plasmablade/incin with multiple scorch stacks, I don't think there is anything that scales with raw number of afflictions in a subsystem. That could also be something to consider.

    *okay, if an opponent had Weakknees, we waited for them to do something that took more than 3 sec of balance, and immediately Legclamp and queue pound, we might make it in time. The stars have to align too much for this one IMO. 
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
    I've spoken at length about this on the discord, and in game, but I'll post it here too for posterity! I'm awful at cleaning stuff up, so...

    my basic idea was
    to make beast * F U N *
    you could, uh
    disorientation on headshot should be moved to boot, and give vertigo instead on >75% headshot instead. it'd still only give trauma when they have the low internals, meaning it'd only be useful for the muscular kill path/starting off a fight combo to fuck people up
    change Pound to be a channeled action similar to scoundrel pummel where you hulk out on them until they cure up/interrupt you, doing massive muscular per tic
    give it a long cooldown
    i want disorientation on boot because it'd give you an option for enemies who are crashing away while you don't have your netlauncher mounted
    a chance for them to run right back into you/through your firewall again
    and because char kick is awesome
    this would give beast an actual option to try and overload people with affs using overclock /vices/clamps etc at the start of a fight, then hit in vertigo/prone and hope it stays on for long enough for Pound to fuck someone up real good
    and would, incidentally
    just the mental image of making Pound channeled is sick.

    This could all work with Nykara's ideas, although putting vertigo on boot might be kinda crazy because Vertigo is a really strong aff! I think it'd be balanced by being on headshot. We both like the 'setup' idea, as evidenced by the grapple idea  Nykara has!
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Easiest way to make pound workable is to just make wetwiring not be able to cure prone with affliction curing, and only cure it by standing... Like it should be... Pound would be doable, then, I got a fair few in my spars with Ronin and Balthazar when wetwiring wasn't automatically curing prone.
    Giving Beast vertigo is probably not a good idea. Making pound channeled (and thus uninterruptable since they're prone, and can't interrupt) is also probably not a very good idea. I would probably up the subsystem damage slightly on damaged arms/legs, now that mangles are no longer a thing. Maybe an extra 0.25-0.5% each hit, to make up for the loss of mangle (albeit not an exact makeup, and it would have the double effect of giving Engineer back some pressure since they also lost mangles).
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Both Sunder and Incinerate have very similar requirements. Both require a large amount of muscular damage and then have it topped off with extra muscular or internal damage for Sunder, or even more muscular and a few balances to apply scorched. Because of how similar the conditions are, what will be most effective for building towards one will be most effective for building towards the other. This means that the Beast offence will almost always start with the same setup. With a relatively simple play style, this makes Beast kind of boring to play. I think this is where we should be looking first to get a clear idea of what we want the Beast kill path to be like and then work backwards from that once we have figured something out.

    Here are a couple of ideas that are still very rough:
    Sunder path
    Lower the requirements for a successful Sunder to 50% muscular damage and a total of 80% muscular and internal.
    This puts Beast somewhat closer to what the other classes have in terms of instakill requirements. This also cements the focus of the Sunder kill path on the muscular subsystem.

    Incinerate path
    Change scorched stacks to require 10% internal each.
    Change Incinerate to be a health-based instakill. Each stack of scorched increases the threshold 10%. So at 1 scorched stack they will die at 10% health. At 5 stacks they will die at 50% health.
    Tune (i.e. significantly buff) the formulas for skills that scale with scorched like plasmablade, incendiary, and conflagrate so they are actually worth using. Lower damage of most MWP/Suittech skills.
    This changes the incinerate kill path to firstly be internal subsystem focused while also consolidating the pseudo-kill path that Beasts have in damage overload into Plasmacasting as well. 
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Maruna said:
    Easiest way to make pound workable is to just make wetwiring not be able to cure prone with affliction curing, and only cure it by standing... Like it should be... Pound would be doable, then, I got a fair few in my spars with Ronin and Balthazar when wetwiring wasn't automatically curing prone.
    I have no idea how the heck you were doing that, except that they weren't queueing stand when they got prone, I guess? Because our prone attack is 3s, which also happens to be the VAST majority of attacks in the game. See @Squeakums 's edit 

    edit: Sorry, hit post too fast. For one, vertigo doesn't tick at all on the STAND command, or work right now; it's bugged; but when it does I can't imagine it ticks more than 50% of the time. 
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Hmm my post got deleted somehow so here it is again.

    Both Sunder and Incinerate have very similar requirements. Both require a large amount of muscular damage and then have it topped off with extra muscular or internal damage for Sunder, or even more muscular and a few balances to apply scorched. Because of how similar the conditions are, what will be most effective for building towards one will be most effective for building towards the other. This means that the Beast offence will almost always start with the same setup. With how straightforward Beast is to begin with, this makes Beast a bit boring

    I would like to propose the following changes:

    Sunder path
    Lower the requirements for a successful Sunder to 50% muscular damage and a total of 80% muscular and internal.
    Give a way for Beast to give tender.
    This brings the Beast instakill requirement closer to the other classes and cements this path as the muscular subsystem focused one.

    Incinerate path
    Change scorched stacks to require 10% internal each.
    Change Incinerate to be a health-based instakill. Each stack of scorched increases the threshold 10%. So at 1 scorched stack they will die at 10% health. At 5 stacks they will die at 50% health.
    Tune (i.e. significantly buff) the damage formulas of scorched-based skills such as Incendiary, Plasmablade, and Conflagrate. Lower damage of most MWP and Suittech skills.
    This changes the Incinerate path to focus on the internal subsystem and consolidates the damage of Beast into Plasmacasting. 
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    BeepBoop said:
    Change Incinerate to be a health-based instakill. Each stack of scorched increases the threshold 10%. So at 1 scorched stack they will die at 10% health. At 5 stacks they will die at 50% health.
    Damaged-based instakills are awful no matter which way you frame them. Throw is unique in that it also requires a special stance, also Fury does a lot less damage than a Beast does. Change the plasma cut-offs and Incinerate would be fine (<200 is 'low', 800-1000 is 'very high' etc). Rather than having 'very high' only be at 1000, which makes the route clunky and awkward. If it was 800-1000 then the route would work fine as is.
    Nykara said:
    I have no idea how the heck you were doing that, except that they weren't queueing stand when they got prone, I guess? Because our prone attack is 3s, which also happens to be the VAST majority of attacks in the game. See @Squeakums 's edit 
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One of my logs I posted should have it. Might've happened in one of the ones I didn't post, I don't remember. Other thing that needs to be fixed is broken limbs actually increasing the balance cost of attacks. That would also make pound very viable. Beast's kit as is, is already very good, they don't really need more afflictions. They sure as heck don't need a way to pressure mind subsystem (by slamming vertigo into people)... They just need a few things tweaked/fixed.

  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Maruna said:

     Other thing that needs to be fixed is broken limbs actually increasing the balance cost of attacks. That would also make pound very viable. 
    Even if you stick every single aff that's still only 3.6s an attack - enough to slow someone down, but to land a pound? Only when the stars align in a certain way, certainly not enough to make pound 'viable', and it doesn't negate the way that this class feels so awkward right now. 

    [edit] I do agree that dla/dra/dll/drl could use a bump to 250 sys damage, though, 100%. 

    [edit2 as I just saw boop's post]
    Sunder path 
    Lower the requirements for a successful Sunder to 50% muscular damage and a total of 80% muscular and internal.
    Give a way for Beast to give tender.
    This brings the Beast instakill requirement closer to the other classes and cements this path as the muscular subsystem focused one.
    I actually like this a lot. I haven't the faintest issue with us taking longer than other classes, because we do good health damage, but 100%+ is an exceptionally difficult number to get to, until you get there, and then it happens very suddenly. It feels WEIRD. 
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Maruna said:
    BeepBoop said:
    Change Incinerate to be a health-based instakill. Each stack of scorched increases the threshold 10%. So at 1 scorched stack they will die at 10% health. At 5 stacks they will die at 50% health.
    Damaged-based instakills are awful no matter which way you frame them. Throw is unique in that it also requires a special stance, also Fury does a lot less damage than a Beast does. Change the plasma cut-offs and Incinerate would be fine (<200 is 'low', 800-1000 is 'very high' etc). Rather than having 'very high' only be at 1000, which makes the route clunky and awkward. If it was 800-1000 then the route would work fine as is.

    I don't think you need to be as concerned about the general idea, even if the numbers might need tweaking. Effectively I'm saying you can get someone to 50% internal, spend 5 balances, plus make sure they're below 50% health. It's not a pure health instakill like in other games where you can just straight up kill someone as long as they are below a certain %.
  • DariosDarios Member Posts: 52 ✭✭
    The only way to really pound right now is to knock them prone when they've queued up their class heal instead of stand (class heals can be used while prone, and knock you off balance.) Its not as uncommon but I think its going to be more worthwhile to airshot and focus arms then to hobble and focus legs. Maybe if pound did more damage than an armvice.

    I would like to see the scorched synergies be more impactful, plasmablade is awful because its still a damage malus if they have one scorched stack, barely breaks even at 2 and only starts to get worth it at 3 stacks. By the time they can hold 3 scorch stacks, their muscular damage is almost low enough to switch to spoolup and sunder them instead. Conflagrate is such a joke, at -5- scorched stacks with douse, it does 600 damage and cannot be spammed due to the insane amount of plasma it consumes. Douse doesn't even increase plasmablades damage too, from what I found.

    Not to mention that you can't refresh scorched duration if they are at the maximum amount of stacks they can hold, because the effect gets resisted and doesn't refresh the 12s timer. And that even when adding up the damage ticks, combust does less damage then an armvice or legclamp and a pitiful 0.5% muscular damage. It is really hard to justify spending balance on any plasma stuff right now.

    I don't think BEAST is in that bad of shape, I honestly don't think any class is right now. Just a lot of classes, including BEAST, are narrowed down to fewer skills and have odd synergies or absolete kill paths. It'll take time to balance them out, but the combat will feel richer and more versatile once they are.
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    First comment is @Wuff going directly to scoundrel hate. 😂
  • NykaraNykara Member Posts: 118 ✭✭✭
    On the same vein as this thread, let's talk about QoL!
    Nanoseer just got a really cool QoL change with oblivion swap being usable off-balance; perhaps we could get the same thing for most self-buffs that don't do anything? For example, SUITTECH OVERCLOCK and MWP SWAP both don't do anything to our target & take no balance, but are really clunky to use with the way queueing is. 
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Edit: awful reading comprehension on my end. Disregard this.
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