The scoundrel interrupt ability, pointblank, takes one bullet. If a mob starts a wind-up attack, but I am at zero bullets when it starts, I do not have time to reload and then interrupt. Is this intended?
I have been dying frequently in the Ixsei Desert because the mobs charge-up attacks hit for 3k+, which means that I die fairly often over a period of time just to the randomness of when the charge-up attacks starts.
Given I can't reload early to avoid being at zero bullets, are there any workarounds for this that could avoid pointblank requiring a bullet or perhaps being based on a guile skill for interrupt instead? Perhaps the mobs could have a slightly longer wind-up period to allow for two balances for most classes? This would help fury as well given one of their interrupts is stance based.
Was it originally intended that knockdown/prone stuff interrupted? Because that would be a simple change that would let an already existing Scoundrel skill interrupt too.
I agree that your interrupt should never be gated behind two balances (for any class).
21000 IEDs? This is my sad lha-ti face.
I do use gun spin to reload rather than fling if they start a wind up and I'm at zero bullets (2 second balance vs 3 second balance). That usually allows me to get my interrupt off in time. However there have been a few times where I've failed (Rapidfire (3.5s balance) from 2 to 0 bullets and then they immediately start windup = GG)
Don't ever Rapidfire when at 2 bullets vs mobs that windup and you should usually survive... I think only once did I fail when I was at 1 bullet and the windup actually came probably milliseconds before a queued crackshot but due to latency couldn't change my queued attack.
Same thing I said to Wuff. Stop with the insults and get back on topic. Folks who keep jabbing each other like this needs to be forum banned for a few days.