After reading the newly-minted HELP SHIP PK, I have a few questions. One of the things I specifically remember were mentioned while we waited for the release of SM (and that I and a few others most looked forward to) was that there would be ship piracy. Yet by the aforementioned file, it basically prohibits any piracy as such from happening. Did you guys change your minds, or is this something that is going to get re-visited once everything else falls into place?
@Tecton @Garryn @Eukelade
Yeah I dunno.
There's many elements of the game that require players to fly around, especially the main quest line. If free PK extended to everywhere, you'd have people just sitting in places that people on the main questline frequent - think Gallen, Wuntoklan, or the areas around Reshi station, picking off the lowbie characters who come to do that. What would that really achieve?
As it currently sits, you can freely pk in over a quarter of space, which people will frequent if they're doing incursions, hunting for gasses and asteroids, and we're going to make those activities more lucrative in terms of rewards if they're in a free pk area.
I'm sure there's going to be some refining and tweaking of these as time goes on, as we would definitely like to expand this into more zones, we'll see how this plays out first.
Then again, it could also be a terrible idea.
As somebody who can only play during the off hours, I'd prefer if no such restrictions were in place though. Just wanted to weigh in on that bit--many of us who play at weird times don't choose to do it that way, it's just our only available time. Unless I misunderstood what the suggestion for the timer was.
Also in our discussion: Space quests (cargo, combat, and collection). Illegal quests (eg carrying drugs or unsanctioned slaves). Team Space Police (cargo scanners for detecting contraband). NPC 'patrols' or activity (for random space activity and stuff for Space Police to do outside of incursions). Generated bashing zones outside of the normal ones that you have to fly to and land, with more valuable zones in more dangerous space.
- Ilyos (August 2019)