I'm unsure if a thread has been created for this yet, if there has, I'm sorry. If there hasn't, please read on.
Could we PRETTY please get some form of "letters" datashards that allow us to use the editor to write stuff to each other in a more formatted way?
At the moment, us special snowflake types are sending PASTEBIN LINKS to each other in a message akin to:
"Hi Sylt. I have uploaded a datashard for your review. ((OOC: pastebinlinkhere))."
Any indication that something is planned for this would be great, if there is no plan, could it please be added as one?
I want to send my ASCII invitations. Portfolios. Interviews. Contracts. CORPORATION THINGS.
Thank you.
I really am not a huge fan of going OOC with something most other games have IC, so I would very very very much be on board to have something like this in game, I have brought it up in the main discord and it seems to be a favourable discussion in the instances we have had, aside from some who have brought up using the MSG system, which for the most part is fine, save for the dreaded formatting.
PLUS: Some of us are huge fans of the MUDLET editor function for this kind of shiz.
So pretty please @Tecton
Thank you for considering this.
Feel free to charge us fees for sending e-mails and for keeping them stored in our inbox! Feel free to charge us fees for archival, too! But please please please something like this.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Here is an example of why we need something that allows for formatted communication between one another. Now, the creator of this message deserves credit for working with what we have available right now, but it shouldn't be this way, to be honest. This is a need, not a want. Though, I do want this need to be met for the sake of everyone.
Message form:
Formatted form:
Tl dr Pls 2 have datashards wit editor for pretty formatting
... yet.
P l e a s e
(Scatterhome): You say, "Which by my calculations, it's your turn to pay."
(Scatterhome): Brantar says, "That's what my calculations have come to."
(Scatterhome): Paavo says, "My math adds up to that, yeah."
(Scatterhome): Cal says, "Bastards."
p l e a s e
We need this more than combat.
Customisable Domains!
Dynasty e-mail domains. So, if the email option is implemented e-mails would display sort of like an IRL email when you review them and it would be cool if you could set your domain using the CUSTOMIZE command tree.
Example: CUSTOMIZE DOMAIN CELESTINE, CUSTOMIZE DOMAIN OMNI (omni being like a gmail equivalent - something everyone can use even if they don't have access to a faction or dynasty domain)
But dynasty's could unlock their own domain at certain amount of members. Overall, the emails would be something like this:
A proof-of-concept could be doable. My concern would be verifying that the content you receive is actually a CSS/HTML only Gist.
Initial concept (not end-to-end proof-of-concept):
This is the actual Gist on my Github used to pull->generate the above image.
As an outline of how this could work for the enterprising coders:
2. author generates a Gist externally
3. author generates an in-game "message" with embedded link & sends to recipient
4. recipient-side client intercepts clearly OOC link & "wraps" it in IC text, i.e. Tysandr pings your Mindsim with a message. Click here to read it!
5. recipient opens client-side link
6. recipient's client *verifies that sender/author is a trusted user
7. recipient's client retrieves Gist from Github
8. recipient's client verifies that received Gist is only CSS/HTML & namespaces it to avoid overriding other CSS rules & HTML elements
9. message is displayed
In terms of potential, this could potentially be vastly superior to an IG method for datasharding.
One could embed images using image urls like your faction's insignia or Dynasty's emblem, use custom fonts like the example above and even include a customised/templated signature. If you're really crazy, you could even potentially add in custom pure CSS animations inside your message.
To keep the message long-term, you would not copy/pasta the information, just clone the Gist from Github & you have your own copy then.
Just a thought.
(very big pictures)
Party time!
The markup for the party invitation.