Tried this out, and...
* So most of the attacks just bypass my shields? O..k. Leaves my shields feeling just a little useless.
* Holy sheet did my ship take a ton of hull damage. Is this thing made of paper?
* ...Repair kits only restore 2~3% hull per?
I feel like some tweaking needs to be done here. In particular, corvettes don't really feel tough enough to warrant shields getting bypassed so frequently. And taking just a few hits consumed all 30 repair packs I had on me, and still didn't fully repair my ship.
Easy and hard may seem relative in these early days of Starmourn, but I for one think you shouldn’t be able to handle medium incursions until you’ve obtained a Destroyer, and should need a Supehauler or higher class ship to handle hard incursions.
This may seem like a lot considering only ten people in the game can even pilot a Destroyer just yet, but bearing in mind that the game hasn’t even been out for a month, I think this is a good thing.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
- Ilyos (August 2019)
With the captaincy exp falloff from easy's, good luck grinding to destroyers from them....
But it doesn't matter when each kit is 2 or 3% repairs.
-- Updates - #52 --------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 01/07/2019 at 01:54
Author: Tecton, the Singularity
Subject: Small tweaks.
- The base chance for an attack to bypass shields has been lowered. This does not impact the size
differential element, just the static base chance.
- The Chion main quest elements will now correctly return you to the ship you flew in on, not your
first ship.
edit: Fought a few binaries. Shields at least absorbed a few hits, so that's an improvement. Would like to try more on some less twitchy enemies, also I suspect they would be some of the smaller enemies... But even if it's all at the same rate as binaries, that will still cut supply costs by a lot. (Thanks Tec!)
We need dry docks in stations that can repair broken components and hull for cheaper — just a time commitment.
That, or players can use repair kits inside the ship and astromechs work without repair kits?
21000 IEDs? This is my sad lha-ti face.