By now most of us have had time to get a feel for the game.
What kind of artifacts would you like to see?
Im leaving our weapons, mods and armor since PVP is not my area of expertise.
A few listed here:
a junk bot - sell junk automatically as it is collected. (Or on demand)
a hardwired kiosk - use the trade terminal from anywhere with this hard wired mindsim kiosk
a teleportation pass - instant transfers from stations, no more waiting for transport crafts
More serioisly, something that would let you convert your own INRs to marks to cut down on the clone costs at the expense of experience would be awesome.
21000 IEDs? This is my sad lha-ti face.
Workstation deploy is a 3s balance to drop and 3s to pack. 6 seconds in the middle of combat just to have a turret focus can be a problem for some people. Especially if you have a turret network and you're running around while your turrets plinck at your target.
Also, airdrop has a 3s balance and when Nanoseers can drain your parts (so I hear), it'd be one of those convenience things to not have to use a 3s balance or send your drone away when you might need them to harass or something.
Actually, my artis might be OP, now that I reason it out.
It means that artifacts can add a certain oompf, but they're not an immutable factor.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Maybe an arti that just gives you an unlimited IED that can just be modded on the fly.
Fury arti that increases the amount of time that Fury rage lasts.
Maybe an arti for BEAST related to Plasmacasting
Nanoseer arti for Sanity
That said, those could all potentially be devastatingly bad ideas because it would alter combat.
adrenaline shots - gain health points every time you kill a mob
The problem with the legenddeck is the RNG of it. If I'm buying an artefact, I want what I'm paying for, not a chance to get it. I have a good feeling that I'm not the only one that will be extremely disappointed if Starmourn joins the lootbox RNG craze.
- Ilyos (August 2019)