Just what the title says, hoping for an update on fixing the bashing situation. Things are getting ridiculous in Thait now and the other areas are either way too difficult to be worth bashing or have an insane respawn time. I think the bashing situation easily qualifies for the biggest problem in the game right now, so I am just wondering if we could get an update on the status of a resolution.
Issues up there aren't just respawn timers though, but also things like certain mobs that can 2 shot you if RNG says they get to use their power attack back to back.
And I completely agree. The problem with Usum for example is not just respawn times but the uber hit by the worms that do 2.5K+ and the groups of two predators that I don't think anyone can tank.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
I agree that PVE here is miles ahead of any other IRE game I've experienced (dabbled in Achaea and Imperian until level 60 or 70ish, so it doesn't count as much experience really). Abilities working on mobs, the way curing works--it's all been expanded very well and I think we're moving in a great direction.
There is still work to be done though, and many agree with this point. It's good to have you voice a different opinion, but it doesn't at all negate the legitimate concerns others being up.
"CS:GO is harder than Overwatch so you shouldn't have any issues in Overwatch if you're high in CS." - Nope.
"FF14 has more punishing mechanics than WoW so if you raid savage you should do Mythic easily." - No sir.
As a counterpoint, though. You're still wrong. Imperian has literally zero penalty for dying, except losing 60 seconds of your time. Achaea you lose about the same experience comparatively, except there's no actual gold cost unless you were holding a lot when you died (your fault). Saying Starmourn has the 'easiest' and 'least harsh penalties' is objectively wrong. Not that I have an issue either way, but when you say stupid shit like this, it needs to be corrected.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
edit: I've been made aware that Engineers actually have a passive heal. That seems like worlds better than cooldown-having, nanite-costing Nanotech Repair! I'll try it out.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Otherwise it is 22% on a 3s balance every 10 seconds.
Also if you're going to use Multistrike, it makes more sense to cast it before Freeze. You won't get attacked as quickly and, if you're using queueing, Multistrike makes its first hit right after Freeze.