I am curious to know if anyone has an answer to about ship speeds and structures. What I'm asking is are ship structures limited in speed by design, or are their modules that increase their max speed. Like the interceptor, I noticed went at a max of 3k speed. What would a corvette max speed be?
(That's the corvette)
(That's the interceptor, and that runs at its max of 3k speed with -no- problem)
Are you sure that your ship max speed is set to 100% and thrust also set to 100%?
Edit: You said as much earlier in the thread, just confirming that. The 300-500 ton engines are for interceptors while the 800ish ones are for corvettes. I went with the corvette that has the 8000+ power capacity and slapped engine 22 on it to max out the available power so I could fit better other components. Granted it was also like 115k marks to fit it out, including buying cannons and a tractor beam which were the vast majority of cost over the superstructure cost. Ships aren’t cheap sadly.