Furious Squares

ChooliChooli Member Posts: 3
I've thought of a game of martial competition while I've been learning the Fury class. The basic version of the game I think could be enjoyed by everyone, but more in depth versions might be more class specific to Fury.

The general idea of the game is that there is a series of rooms designated as the play space, perhaps 16 or so. With the Nexus client room color it would greatly enhance the experience since the tiles could actually change as they are captured. The goal is to be the player with the most number of captured rooms either when all of the squares are captured or when a timer expires.

In order to capture a tile there is a target in each room which must be defeated. At the easiest difficulty it is only required to do a certain percent of damage to the target making it essentially a damage race. As the game difficulty is increased the capturing process gets more complicated.

Level 1 - Bash target to capture
Level 2 - Do a certain kind of subsystem damage (Not just hit points)
Level 3 - Subsystems are regenerating while you attack them
Level 4 - Certain afflictions are required to be able to damage the target
Level 5 - Specific afflictions required to damage the target AND a subsystem must be defeated

Fury Level 1 - The target can only be damaged by attacks from a certain stance (Symmetry, Ember, Flare)
Fury Level 2 - Includes more stances
Fury Level 3 - Includes all stances
Fury Level 4 - All attacks apply afflictions, but target is only damaged from combination bonuses
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