Surprisingly, tear actually has a 0.5s faster time to kill then backhand + wristblade does at around level 75.
Douse + Burn isn't awful, but needing 3-4 more balances per mob is a big deal, and eventually you just put the flavor in the backseat and ride the grind out.
Going back to the stupid robots under Song is a fun time to AoE them down with Missiles and PinDown, but yeah, equal level stuff just doesn't have a ton of viable options.
Devil's Advocate: I can see a 'mech-suit brawler' class being several shades of awesome, link mechmonks or cyberninja whatever. I'd quite possibly invest in such a class, but yeah, that isn't what I expected from B.E.A.S.T. Looking forward to the changes.
@Squeakums probably, I honestly don't know the best places yet, but I did the math, I get about the same experience over time for a lot less risk. At least from the areas I've tried so far.
So all I'm going to say is this -- I stopped playing around January 1st and came back just a couple days ago after the BEAST tuning to find that I am now dying a lot more than before. I take more damage than I did. My damage seems fine. I'm using rail guns and it takes 4 shots to take down a creature in the Fields of Oranc. About 9 or so with Tear (rough estimate).
I wasn't aware we were god status back then and I understand if we needed to be toned down a bit, but it feels like you over corrected by just a tad.
So all I'm going to say is this -- I stopped playing around January 1st and came back just a couple days ago after the BEAST tuning to find that I am now dying a lot more than before. I take more damage than I did. My damage seems fine. I'm using rail guns and it takes 4 shots to take down a creature in the Fields of Oranc. About 9 or so with Tear (rough estimate).
I wasn't aware we were god status back then and I understand if we needed to be toned down a bit, but it feels like you over corrected by just a tad.
Think less Juan "Johnnie" Rico mobile infantry and more Flyguy the armored space pimp. You gotta pimp slap (backhand) then shank (wristblade) them hoes (mobs) repeatedly for the best results.
Yes, its boring as hell. That's the point of this entire thread. The current state of BEAST hunting is boring as hell. I can't think of a more watered down, boring way for the class to hunt. Event shield bashing something to death sounds more unique and entertaining. I hate that we have a shortsword. Why aren't we using power hammers? Or energy blades? Even rocket punching is more entertaining. There already is a sword class. We need to move away from being one.
To me you should be using a combination of a minigun, minirockets and flamethrowers. Based solely off my 5 thousand foot view of what I think the class should feel like.
Yes, its boring as hell. That's the point of this entire thread. The current state of BEAST hunting is boring as hell. I can't think of a more watered down, boring way for the class to hunt. Event shield bashing something to death sounds more unique and entertaining. I hate that we have a shortsword. Why aren't we using power hammers? Or energy blades? Even rocket punching is more entertaining. There already is a sword class. We need to move away from being one.
Fluff doesn't matter. If all you do is press the same hunting button over and over then it makes no difference if the action is fluffed as you stabbing with a dinky-ass dagger or flipping out and remaking reality in a 90 second cutscene - at the end of the day, all you do is spam one action, and that's boring.
Okay, two actions. Still boring though.
BEAST currently is the equivalent of dikumud + clones' fighter class. Super easy to play and relatively powerful but all you do is auto attack.
Bzzt! Wrong as usual. Only two classes have PvE on this level of mindless single action spam - beast and engineer. Even then the other thread proves engineers have other viable options, only why bother doing something more complex when BOT CLAW spam is simpler and has the same time to kill.
Engineers see tangible improvements when they incorporate sear, magnotron and turret control. It's more involved than scoundrel as the ideal 'rotation' changes with each mob.
Douse + Burn isn't awful, but needing 3-4 more balances per mob is a big deal, and eventually you just put the flavor in the backseat and ride the grind out.
- Ilyos (August 2019)
I wasn't aware we were god status back then and I understand if we needed to be toned down a bit, but it feels like you over corrected by just a tad.