I've just reached 30s today, and I was expecting that there would be an increased in junk value when I moved to Gunurash or Saksar Jungle, but instead, I only got half of what I was getting before which is odd to me since It's always gone up since 1s then 10s and 20s. I see no reason why it would be different now, unless... it's nerfed down. I remember that when I reached level 30, it is around the time that an update was posted(news update 31). It's quite possible the admins decided that many of us are gaining too much and decided to slow down the faucet. If that is the truth, then I must tell the admins that this is just too punishing.
I'm Vianou, by the way.
Meanwhile they're insisting nothing has changed, while the economy is contracting at an alarming rate - before it even really had a chance to get off the ground. Well... if you have marks hoarded, it's a good time to buy credits at least.
Of course it's beta and all that; I wasn't expecting things to be fixed overnight, but I also wasn't expecting changes that would make it worse in the meantime...
All our graphs still show an overall positive growth in the mark economy (as in more is being produced than consumed), so there's nothing drastically different.
I’ll record my numbers for the next few visits to compare.
We do have diminishing returns for bashing things below your level (so you can't plow through things below your level for easy profit). This was probably a bit too tight considering our current level/area selections, so I've broadened this up so that you will get full junk value for a much wider range.
This is live as of about 30 seconds ago, so hopefully that will resolve the problem.
A. Open Beta
2. Admin are not out to getcha
D. While it is important to bring things to the attention of the admin and seek input from the community, it isn't valuable to lambaste the game and staff in doing so. There is going to be a lot of adjustment.
Thanks for the fix!
It is fixed now though! Let all rejoice as the marks fill our accounts so we can once again dream of our superhaulers filled with manufactured goods!
(Maybe that's just me...)
- Ilyos (August 2019)