Things I Like:
- Paperless
- Syntaxes are clear
- You can do it from anywhere
- No material collection, just calculated cost
- Zippers
- That trade terminals are cheap
Things I Do Not Like:
- 15k per submission.
- 15k is several hours of grinding in a lower level area for me, which is keeping others from bashing there
- Royalties are a neat idea but you need 60 of them to break even. That means 60 people spending 200cr+900 lessons in the same trade
** SUGGESTION: Change this to a 15k APPROVAL fee instead of submission. You could then limit how many designs we submit at once so that you are not flooded
- The inability to make alterations once it is submitted
- The inability to retract, adjust, and resubmit
- Design bloat for different wear positions
- Colour flexibility (some colour variables, 2-3). 15k+ is prohibative of giving buyers variety beyond always-popular black
- Modifiable designs (cowls you can RAISE into a hood and lower, instead of each being their own design)
- Allow DESIGN TYPES <trade> USABLE to collate available designs by what you can actually work with.
- Make trade terminals universal LANDMARKS (along with repairs/junk)
Questions I Have:
- Could the crafting documentation be updated with new rules that are being learned?
- Could we get a file with information on the unique materials to Starmourn? Properties of fibrisilk, what kinds of metals we can use, etc.
- Do we have to specify SmartCore every time? What is it?
- What does the process look like on the approver end?
- What are you, the admin, looking for in designs? I've seen comments for clear mistakes in grammar and spelling, but also for stylistic writing where there isn't a clear guideline other than personal preference. It is unclear where the line is from comments helping correct, and rejecting, forcing another 15k submission fee (which is not sustainable for the amount of work grinding marks + debt simulator + the variety of gaming time).
Date: 01/02/2019 at 21:06
Author: Tecton, the Singularity
Subject: Design tradeskill pricing.
Some minor change to tradeskill design pricing:
Designs are now priced at 5000 marks and 15000 marks for urgent.
Design downloads are now 2500 marks
A global market channel and advertisements.
With trade terminals scattered as independent shops, rather than storefronts to a central stock, it is difficult to communicate where others can go to find your goods.
And another!
Dynasty-linked shops, where one of the dynasty assignable privs is Shopkeeper.
Also, the ability to LOOK <person> <thing>.
This becomes tricky with designs not all having clear nouns (towel_(head), etc).
Could this please be lifted or fixed, @Tecton? Crafters are coming into a position where we cannot complete commissions.
Idea: Making designs Public releases them from your 10 design limit, encouraging more people to share their surplus.
Question: Does downloading and crafting a public design still show the original designer when probed? Example: Designed by BigOleDoorknob and fabricated by Regrette?
Please, please give us a fix for this cap!
-- Updates - #51 --------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 01/06/2019 at 05:31
Author: Tecton, the Singularity
Subject: Design tradeskills.
The default number of design/download slots was painfully low, I've raised this to 50 - enjoy!
50 is still too low. Why in the world would this be limited? This is a pretty significant investment. You don't cap anything else that people choose to do in the game?
This is a pretty gross cash grab, imo.
One completed custom outfit is at a minimum of 3 pieces and can easily go up to 10. So you are saying I have to either only do generic designs and stop doing custom orders or..what...forget stuff I spent 5k to design in the first place?
Just do like you do in Imperian and put a timer on the designs with a Mark upkeep and an artifact to lock down some designs as perm.
A hairpin/hairstick (jewelers)
Noodles (cuisine)
Googles to be fixed to goggles (will these interfere with Nanoseers?)
90 Lessons:
270 Lessons:
500 Lessons:
680 Lessons:
900 Lessons:
Great! Just a note, it costs 5k to submit. 15k is reserved for designs tagged urgent now, from what I remember.
You could also do commissions for other people, and charge maybe 6k? 5k for the submission, and 1k for you. Do enough commissions and then you can submit a design for yourself.
- Ilyos (August 2019)