Scoundrel Rippers

ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
Firstly, I want to say thank you for the change to batching IED construction. That definitely saves a lot of time! 

Now on to the problem: shrapnel. Shrapnel covered rippers are a big part of scoundrel bashing, and to coat your rippers with shrapnel takes an absurd amount of time that we are stuck sitting around instead of bashing. I can blow through ~2K rippers in a day if I am off work and just bashing hard. So if I got win the lottery lucky and got nothing but batches of ten, then to make 2K rippers would take about 13 and a half minutes, not too bad. Now to cover each of those 2K rippers in shrapnel would take about 2 and a half HOURS with 4 sec balance per shrapnel. This is a very tedious thing and takes away valuable playing time since we are forced to sit there and do these. 

Now the proposed change: 

1) Allow batching of shrapnel like we can making the rippers, and give us a special target so we can drop the rippers with shrapnel to do the next batch or just force shrapneled rippers to the bottom of the table so that the unshrapneled rippers are at the top and are targetted first.

2) Allow us to construct the rippers with shrapnel already attached still able to be batched. Even if we could construct one at a time with shrapnel attached we are still looking at hours of making rippers to prepare for those long days of bashhing.

I know we are still in beta and you guys are swamped and really ARE doing a fantastic job with the game, but I wanted to give some feedback on a problem I am sure a lot of scoundrels out there are feeling.


  • ZiazapojiraZiazapojira Member Posts: 4
    It the issue is things done in combat, then why not just make it so scoundrels can make tons of things in the repair shop 'using robots'.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2018
    Ya as I had said in an IDEA I submitted like a week ago, the syntax should be something like IED CONSTRUCT 20 RIPPER WITH SHRAPNEL or IED CONSTRUCT 20 SHRIEKER WITH TIMER or whatever they feel is a suitable number to make at a time (I guess 5-10). Hell you could make that an ability in itself in the skill tree.
  • kaeuskaeus Member Posts: 14
    The only issue even if we batch shrapnel (and other mods) is how the hell we specify which mod we want to utilize when we do something with the IED. Maybe I'm missing the syntax, but if i prep some rippers with timer and some with shrapnel, how do I select which IED I want to use with a specific mod (short of tracking each IED id and what mod it has)
  • ArcherArcher Member Posts: 80 ✭✭✭
    kaeus said:
    The only issue even if we batch shrapnel (and other mods) is how the hell we specify which mod we want to utilize when we do something with the IED. Maybe I'm missing the syntax, but if i prep some rippers with timer and some with shrapnel, how do I select which IED I want to use with a specific mod (short of tracking each IED id and what mod it has)
    Have to track it. I think Ekary may have been modding and dropping on his ship. I track them though.
  • ekaryekary Member Posts: 85 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I just mod, drop, mod, drop, but that won't work for what Kaeus is talking about. If I have some timers, some shrapnel I would have to track them. A trigger gate for II RIPPER would be the way to go I guess and set them into tables.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2018
    Ya currently if you want to use a specific mod, you have to track them individually or just outfit all IED's of one type with the same mod.

    Or you could get like 6 bags and put specific mods in specific bags... and just pull them out of the correct bag as you need them. Only 50 item capacity on bags though so that's a pain.

    Ideally though having some other syntax like FLING RIPPER WITH SHRAPNEL AT TARGET would be nice.
  • kaeuskaeus Member Posts: 14
    At the least, IED SWEEP lists the ID, Type, and Mod it has once you have them all set.
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