
SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
edited December 2018 in The Commsphere
I saw a Nanoseer thread and decided that Engineers need a place to congregate and throw ideas/talk about stuff.

Just from what I've seen, thus far, I'd like to be able to wear the goggles that the HUD gadget creates. Its description basically states that it is meant to be worn a lot, but it is unwearable.

I feel like the taser should be the same, since it also states that it can be worn over one's shoulder (but you'd have to be able to (balanced) wield it from a worn location if that were the case, or a balanceless wield with the quickdraw skill)

(Edit): Also, UAV not offering an area-wide scan is maybe a little weird? I mean, even if it requires that you have 5 UAV at once in order to use, and they are 'sent' out so you can't use them for 30 seconds to 1 minute after using the skill, it seems like it would make sense.


  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    I've got the goggles thing in the Ideas thread. Might have bugged it too.
    Didn't notice the shoulder thing in the taser text, nice catch.
    I agree that the UAV should offer something more than what the exploration skills give you.
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    I mentioned this in Starmourn discord: It'd be neat if we can get a turret mod that gives you cover, in case you ever need random cover.

    I'm sure friends would love you for it, since it could potentially provide some benefit to turrets for PvE. (Also, being able to pick turrets back up would be nice)
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Just noticed that the wormholer could also potentially be worn, based on its description, even though it is unable to be.
  • ErrantErrant Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    I really only want for the UAV to have some function. Otherwise I ciucould be happier with Engineers. 

    Please? :(
  • ShinonomeShinonome Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    - Login homeport should be optional (couldn't leave UAVs around to spy, even if you wanted to).
    - Buuut that said UAVs in general seem pretty useless. Surveil is just look with an 'ih' attached. Can't remote order them to move either. By the time you could 'order look' to maybe catch an enemy, they'll be gone or the drone will be dead.
    - Why does minitank's spike do so little damage? For a 20s CD I was expecting more than bot claw...
    - Just in general, it's kind of weird that the bot that's a tank is essentially useless in pve.
    - Why is the workstation capped at 30 parts, when it's far, far slower than airdrop already?
  • XeormXeorm Member Posts: 11
    So far the only thing I'd like is some variety while hunting. It was nice to see that abilities of all sorts worked on mobs, but claw being the only one worth using is kind of a let down.

    Small tip: workstations can be deployed in the ship and will give parts while you're piloting.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    I did quite a bit of testing on waterskippers and the like once I got the gadget attacks. Junk and Magno take at least 4 turns before they do the damage of 1 turn of claw. Why would you ever do that?
    Spike is on a long delay, and it can't be Repeated, so it can't help bump up the Magno damage.
    Burrow works on mobs, but mobs are dead or you are before you can really get the (somewhat complicated) combo to do a decent amount of damage.
    Really there is no reason do use anything other than harass and claw, IMHO. And that makes for a boring class. The idea of "you can use all your abilities on mobs" is wasted if you can't do it and survive.
  • XeormXeorm Member Posts: 11
    Spike at least does a good amount of initial damage over junk. Admittedly didn't have a chance to test on much. Anything died too quick to make claw anything but the best. 
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    This is probably silly, but I'd like toolbelts instead of toolkits, since I noticed Nanoseers get wearables that boost their power. Why carry things in your hands when you have a carrybot to do that! :pleased:
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    I don't exactly understand the toolkit needing to be wielded thing. I'd think we'd wield the magnotron and maybe taser. Have to have the toolkit and workstation in our inventory. If we need some kind of interface with our bots, the HUD would be a much more logical method than a toolkit in our hands.
    Of course, we can't wear the HUD...
  • ErrantErrant Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    bairloch said:
    I don't exactly understand the toolkit needing to be wielded thing. I'd think we'd wield the magnotron and maybe taser. Have to have the toolkit and workstation in our inventory. If we need some kind of interface with our bots, the HUD would be a much more logical method than a toolkit in our hands.
    Of course, we can't wear the HUD...
    These are really good points. It is a little odd all around.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    How can you be an engineer without tools i n hand? Come on guys...
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Tools don't make the engineer. Engineers make the tools.
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Indi said:
    How can you be an engineer without tools i n hand? Come on guys...
    When I'm constructing or repairing, yes, tools in hand. When I'm using my robots as makeshift combat robots, then I'd rather not be holding an amperage tester to deal with whatever gets by my bots.
    Actually, the way we fight, I should have a big flakking shield to cower behind while my carrybot beats on the mob.
    OK, add that to the QoL or Ideas thread. Engis need some sort of shield. I'd prefer something like projected energy rather than a medieval tower shield, but I'd settle for a riot shield.
    "Why don't you just use cover?" Oh, I've tried. Doesn't do dakka. So gimme a shield.
  • IndiIndi Member Posts: 213 ✭✭✭
    My "toolkit" irl includes a multimeter. What tools do you think your character is wielding? Mine certainly isn't waving a hammer around.
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Based on the style of fighting they do, I would agree with that. A riot shield with maybe a drone-control interface on their forearm or something (if it isn't all just managed via. mindsim)

    Cause lets be honest. If this were like WoW or EQ2, the mobs would be prioritizing the bots because the bots are actually a threat. Since everything seems to be aware that the Engineer is doing the controlling, it stands to reason that they would create a shield, maybe even a holo-projected shield, and go around like mobile fortresses so that they can survive the fights.

    So.. my suggestion, seconding Bairloch, is a holo-projected energy shield. (I'm not suggesting they get tankier or anything. I just think it'd be more cool than lugging around a toolkit like your life depended on it)
  • bairlochbairloch Member Posts: 373 ✭✭✭
    Indi said:
    My "toolkit" irl includes a multimeter. What tools do you think your character is wielding? Mine certainly isn't waving a hammer around.
    Agreed. Which is why I think wielding it in combat is a bit silly.
    "Look out! It's attacking!"
    "No worries, it's amperage is too low to do us any damage!"
    *gets punched in the face*
  • TravelerTraveler Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    So.. combining these ideas, how about the toolkit includes a holo-shield projector? Now there's a reason for wielding it. Gotta press that "shield" button.
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019

    -- Updates - #44 --------------------------------------------------------------

    Date:     01/02/2019 at 21:55

    Author:   Garryn, the Reshaper

    Subject:  Engineer changes and fixes, part 2.

    More Engineer changes! The biggest one from this batch is that turrets can now be used against mobs.



    - Spike damage increased, and it now consumes 1 part when used

    - Fixed Maintain

    - Fixed Relocate



    - Junkjet now does damage in addition to the shard, and consumes 1 part when used

    - Stimjectors are now disabled when you change class



    - Turrets now shoot at mobs. If you use the Focus ability to tune it against a single target, it'll

    shoot at it. If you place it into sentrymode (or don't configure it at all), it will shoot at mobs 

    that are currently attacking you.

    - Turret attacks are attributed to their owner - mobs will attack you, not the turret

    - Turrets will not attack mobs if their owner is not present; they'll still attack other players if

    configured to do that

    - ORDER TURRET PASSIVE now works - this will clear the turret's current target, but won't prevent it

    from picking up a new one

    - Forcewave turrets now also do regular damage

    - Damage boost from Control increased

    - Shardflingers now consume 1 part when then shoot, and do nothing if the Engineer runs out

    - QPCBoost effect doubled

    - Fixed Repairarm

    - Fixed a problem preventing you from picking up dropped (not deployed) turrets


    -- Updates - #46 --------------------------------------------------------------

    Date:     01/02/2019 at 22:12

    Author:   Garryn, the Reshaper

    Subject:  Engineer changes and fixes, part 3.

    Forgot to include one important change! Added AB BOTS TURRET - the carrybot can now cary a turret

    around for you, at the cost of reducing Claw damage some.


  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    engineers just became the op hunting class 
  • ShinonomeShinonome Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Engineer changes are awesome. Thanks @Garryn
  • ShinonomeShinonome Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    My TTK hasn't actually changed since before these changes, so I don't think it's really OP. It's a lot more fun, though.
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Shinonome said:
    My TTK hasn't actually changed since before these changes, so I don't think it's really OP. It's a lot more fun, though.
    your claw + passive damage coming from a turret will most likely outdamage any other class besides fury with berserk and unstoppable but those have to be triggered through combos 
  • ShinonomeShinonome Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Sagex said:
    Shinonome said:
    My TTK hasn't actually changed since before these changes, so I don't think it's really OP. It's a lot more fun, though.
    your claw + passive damage coming from a turret will most likely outdamage any other class besides fury with berserk and unstoppable but those have to be triggered through combos 
    It does not.

    Turrets have a spin up time and with bot claw's damage reduction taking effect immediately, even with bot spike helping it out, my TTK is exactly the same as before.

    At level 75 in 65+ areas, 16s before the changes, 16s after the changes.
  • MatlkaelMatlkael Member Posts: 347 ✭✭✭
    16s! I'm at around 23s as a nanoseer *drool*
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • ShinonomeShinonome Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Matlkael said:
    16s! I'm at around 23s as a nanoseer *drool*
    Keep in mind this is at 75. You'll get a pretty decent power spike with a level 75 weapon.

    (that said, I do feel like low level nanoseer could use just a tiny bit of love...)
  • SlanderSlander Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
    I'm going to be changing to check it out when I get to next level, as I found a stupidly cheap toolkit that was one level above me. For me it isn't that I'm desperate for better hunting (though obviously I won't complain about it) but that the reasons I dropped Engineer in the first place are no longer an issue. I was bored out of my mind before so I'm gonna see if it's worth sticking with and, if not, I'm only out the marks for that toolkit and can switch back to Nanoseer.
    I'm gone.
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    We lose roughly 1/3rd of our carrybot damage to have the carrybot lugging a turret around. The damage gain is maybe 30-40 damage on average, at Lv. 29 with 150 techcraft and 5389 power toolkit. (This line was made before I noticed turrets have a 6s per shot timer, which negates most of the damage gain)

    This is assuming you are using a QPC powered turret (otherwise you have to QPC boost every so often, or lose damage when the turret runs out of power on super long fights)

    It also appears as though I can do two claws for every one turret shot, which means that at best and if I stretch, I may be doing 30-ish more damage on average.

    It gives us more options, though, in case a mob is stronger to impact as opposed to thermal, and makes Turrets feel like something I can invest in. I love the changes.
  • SagexSagex Member Posts: 167 ✭✭✭
    Satomi said:
    We lose roughly 1/3rd of our carrybot damage to have the carrybot lugging a turret around. The damage gain is maybe 30-40 damage on average, at Lv. 29 with 150 techcraft and 5389 power toolkit.

    This is assuming you are using a QPC powered turret (otherwise you have to QPC boost every so often, or lose damage when the turret runs out of power on super long fights)

    considering techcraft is your primary damage booster 
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭
    Considering I did this working with base stats to see what the impact was, and I was operating under the false assumption that the turret was attacking at the same rate as my Robot claws.

    I fixed my assumption in the post with an edit. I mean, it's nothing like Nanoseer's current meta, but you don't hear me complaining about that.
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