IEDs are a pain.
I currently have 1500 IEDs. Add a mod to those and thats 8s per IED.
At 1500 that's 3h20min of non stop IED making action. I'm certain I'm not the only one making IEDs, and I could see this starting to be a problem not only from an inventory management perspective, but just increases the sheer number of items tracked serverside (I've heard this is a problem in other IRE's but dunno why).
Some solutions would be:
1. Make IEDs not an item, and it's just a thing that you do. IE: "Fling ripper shrapnel at critter" or "lob pusher wiring e"
2. Make IEDs way better but make them cost marks
3. Make IEDs better but limit the number you can own
Personally I prefer #1. Takes out all the QOL complaints for IEDs.
If the craft time is important for a reason we're all unaware of, please consider:
1. store them in a bag of some sort or have them form stacks. This solves the item tracking issue and cleans up our inventories
2. change the crafting process to create multiples per command. "You scrounge around and assemble 20 rippers.'
I have used 800 IEDs since this posting.
I can respect why they might want some time investment component involved in Improvisation given how hard some of the things hit, and also to encourage some sort of nascent economy later down the line for people who want to use IEDs as a primary.
Looking in your toolkit you find that you're missing some of the components needed for an explosive worthy of the name. Maybe once you've found more crap lying around...
(Scatterhome): You say, "Which by my calculations, it's your turn to pay."
(Scatterhome): Brantar says, "That's what my calculations have come to."
(Scatterhome): Paavo says, "My math adds up to that, yeah."
(Scatterhome): Cal says, "Bastards."