Scatterhome News Log Entry One

RheaGhekRheaGhek Member Posts: 50 ✭✭
Every day I wake up, is a day Scatterhome posts another ten news posts.
Today is a day I wake up, and realize we're at 88 on what I believe is day 8 of the game*.
My only wish for Christmas, is that we reach 99 before boxing day, or even one hundred...

These are rookie numbers folks, we can push these numbers.

I firmly believe in the might of Scatterhomes complaining about Scatterhome, I know we can manage it,

And I know we are better than the rest of these factions, with song having 31. And Celestine having some number I haven't heard yet.

I know, I know this, because we have 50 people online, even when the server only has 100 people on it total.

We are the rabble rouser's, and we can do this.

Get us too one hundred. Make my Christmas please.

*I've honestly lost track, and some sleep to this game at times. So I may be wrong on the numbering here.
Dyslexic(Symbolic Dyslexia and Subtracting-Substitution Dyslexia according to a doctor I had at one point.) and have lost my glasses and lack the ability to pay for a new set.
Thank you for understanding.


  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    RheaGhek said:

    And I know we are better than the rest of these factions, with song having 31.
    We have 36, thank you very much.
  • RheaGhekRheaGhek Member Posts: 50 ✭✭
    Updated my journal.
    Dyslexic(Symbolic Dyslexia and Subtracting-Substitution Dyslexia according to a doctor I had at one point.) and have lost my glasses and lack the ability to pay for a new set.
    Thank you for understanding.
  • QuellQuell Member Posts: 96 ✭✭✭
    I think CA only recently reached the 30s, we're pathetic. Everyone being all happy and shit.
  • RheaGhekRheaGhek Member Posts: 50 ✭✭

    It has happened! YAY!

    Christmas is wonderful now!
    Dyslexic(Symbolic Dyslexia and Subtracting-Substitution Dyslexia according to a doctor I had at one point.) and have lost my glasses and lack the ability to pay for a new set.
    Thank you for understanding.
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
    We hit 100
  • RheaGhekRheaGhek Member Posts: 50 ✭✭
    Here is Christmas still being wonderful, we have 107 messages as I wake up.

    It's a joy! A simply pleasure to know we reached this number together everyone.
    Dyslexic(Symbolic Dyslexia and Subtracting-Substitution Dyslexia according to a doctor I had at one point.) and have lost my glasses and lack the ability to pay for a new set.
    Thank you for understanding.
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