[Mudlet] Starsys



  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    [1.3] With the help of @Olyvar the system now supports all classes for bashing! Nano might need a redo after their recent changes. If any Nano wants to get in touch we can do it up.
    Yes I'm aware it's ironic that I mentioned fixing typos, yet there's a typo in that first patchnote.

    And here's Scoundrel bashing! A bunch of similar options compared to the Fury release.

  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    All right, my thoughts after about an hour of use: 
    • Level(xp) should be in the sys_roomUpdate script to be added at the top with your name, race, class, etc. 
    • Map zoom by default is set a little close, changed mine to 15. 
    • Nowhere in the furybashing help does it mention needing FEVER in fulmination (I think it was mentioned in the thread, just not in the scripts). 
    • Not sure if this happens to others, but the Rage bar doesn't display correctly once rage goes down (either through use, or from being depleted) without updating gmcp.Room. Image (if forums doesn't eat it): https://snag.gy/5h0c7z.jpg
    Otherwise, I think this is a really good script, and a fairly decent GUI. Well done. 
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Tye said:
    All right, my thoughts after about an hour of use: 
    •  Not sure if this happens to others, but the Rage bar doesn't display correctly once rage goes down (either through use, or from being depleted) without updating gmcp.Room. Image (if forums doesn't eat it): https://snag.gy/5h0c7z.jpg
    Otherwise, I think this is a really good script, and a fairly decent GUI. Well done. 
    I had that issue with rage as well, was really jarring since it wasn't doing it to nanoseer nanites. As far as I know, doesn't do it with beast plasma either. Updates perfectly fine with scoundrel bullets, too. Not sure how to fix since it's updated the exact same way as those 3.
  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2018
    This is great! Playing with the Scoundrel stuff this morning. Nice work, and thanks for being a great community resource.

    Just a thought as you may or may not look to add stuff:
    - A way to have crashing override the next acton; thinking if someone wants to run from combat?
  • IllidaenIllidaen Member Posts: 40
    With nanoseers, I was wondering if you can include the healing check, as there is for fury's suffuse?  Nanoseers heal using NANO REPAIR-basically a mirror of kith suffuse to heal.
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Illidaen said:
    With nanoseers, I was wondering if you can include the healing check, as there is for fury's suffuse?  Nanoseers heal using NANO REPAIR-basically a mirror of kith suffuse to heal.
    Don't have the lines for beast/engineer/nanoseer when they use their heal / when they can use it again. If someone posts them, sure.
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭

    You feel a rush of vitality as your stimjector releases healing nanites into your bloodstream.

    Engineer Stimjector. 

    There is no recovery message when it is on automatic.

    If it is set to manual, the recovery line is: You can again use a stimjector.
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    Man, you guys can auto heal? Fury weak af. :(
  • SatomiSatomi Member Posts: 140 ✭✭✭

    Auto-inject makes it weaker, but yeah. Manual injection = 3s balance time.
  • secarosecaro Member Posts: 4
    B.E.A.S.T Suit Support

    You activate your emergency life support system, but it is ineffective as you are already healthy.

    Your HUD indicates that you may use your life support system once again.
  • IllidaenIllidaen Member Posts: 40
    https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/PdRIRxR0  <--- When there's something to heal

    https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/_7e0MTKh <--- When you're already healed up as a nanoseer
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Will post an update as soon as I'm finished writing these custom prompt tags. Probably in the morning. Don't think I'll add Engineer heal (yet) since most I've spoken to seem to just keep it on auto use, because it apparently doesn't heal much less than manual use. Would need to add a switch for it, and I'm kinda too lazy right now.

  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    sS 1.4
    List of current prompt tags (if you're too lazy to follow what the changelog says and check the folder) -- More will likely be added in the next update. Feel free to message if you have an idea of one you want.
    --SMCONFIG PROMPT <text> will set what you want your custom prompt to look like, following the guidelines below.
    --This setting is saved in the starsys.settings.customprompt variable. You can see the current prompt string by doing SMCONFIG PROMPT SHOW
    --An example smconfig prompt @health/@maxhealth @ww@bal @timestamp would show you 1234/2345 wx 12:23:32.213 or something similar.
    --For the most part, you can freely add text to the end of these tags, so @healthh would change that 1234 to a 1234h. @percenthealth would show
    --100 if at full health, @percenthealth%h would show 100%h. ]]--

    -- Prompt Tags:
    --@health: Your current health.
    --@maxhealth: Your maximum health.
    --@percenthealth: Your current health in percent form.

    --@bal: Will show a simple x if you have balance.
    --@ww: Will show a simple w if you have wetwiring balance
    --@exp: Shows current % experience into the next level.
    --@timestamp: Displays a timestamp of current time.
    --@affs: Shows what affs are affecting you.

    --@systems: Shows subsystem information, colour coded similar to affs.
        --red for muscular, purple for sensory, white for wetwiring, green for internal, yellow for mind.
    --@invsystems: Similar to the above, but will only show systems that are damaged.
        --colour-coded similarly to the above.   

    -- Prompt Color Tags:
    --#hcolour : Colours something  green if over 75% health, yellow if over 50% health, orange if over 25 and otherwise red if below 25% health.

    --More to come soon.

    eta: An example of it mending when a system drops low after a room's cleared. In this case, muscular's the only one damaged so, since it's <= 90%, it mends.

  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    I forgot to mention, with the #hcolour colour tag... That was shown specifically because it's a custom colouring, it's not the only available colour. Anything that shows up on 'colours 5' is an available colour. hcolour just matches your health percentage, is all.
  • IllidaenIllidaen Member Posts: 40
    https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/_7e0MTKh  <--when you are already full and:
    https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/PdRIRxR0  when there's something to actually heal
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    I already added those, my dude.
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    Pretty sure Illidaen's post was one of those late-approval comments.
  • AshordinAshordin Member Posts: 2
    the system seems pretty darn nice so far. any plans to move the spacemap/hacking to a different spot?
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Ashordin said:
    the system seems pretty darn nice so far. any plans to move the spacemap/hacking to a different spot?
    When I bother to do more of it, probably.

    [1.5] - The first version that'll require a restart after installing.

  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    Maruna said:

    [1.5] - The first version that'll require a restart after installing.

    seems like after installing and restarting the priority list isn't working properly (for me at least). It's attacking the mobs in BASH AREA in reverse order. 

    Reinstalled in a fresh profile and same thing. Not a huge deal since I just reversed it, but figured I'd offer that up.
  • KidoKido Member Posts: 6
    1.     If you're wanting to use the gui, take the guipics folder from the .zip and place it into your Mudlet profile folder.
    2.     This should be at c:/users/<your name>/.config/mudlet/profiles/<your starmourn profile>
    3.         Example: c:/users/steve/.config/mudlet/profiles/starmourn
    4.         -Put the guipics folder here. Not in any folder within that folder. Just the mudlet/profiles/starmourn folder.

    Followed these instructions, and GUI isn't popping up yet on restart. Any ideas? Thanks!
  • BeepBoopBeepBoop Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Kido said:
    1.     If you're wanting to use the gui, take the guipics folder from the .zip and place it into your Mudlet profile folder.
    2.     This should be at c:/users/<your name>/.config/mudlet/profiles/<your starmourn profile>
    3.         Example: c:/users/steve/.config/mudlet/profiles/starmourn
    4.         -Put the guipics folder here. Not in any folder within that folder. Just the mudlet/profiles/starmourn folder.

    Followed these instructions, and GUI isn't popping up yet on restart. Any ideas? Thanks!
    Instructions are a bit outdated. Use ss gui on
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Olyvar said:

    BeepBoop said:
    Instructions are a bit outdated. Use ss gui on
    I also fixed the instructions to clarify this, since I forgot I made it off by default.
  • KidoKido Member Posts: 6
    BeepBoop said:
    Kido said:
    1.     If you're wanting to use the gui, take the guipics folder from the .zip and place it into your Mudlet profile folder.
    2.     This should be at c:/users/<your name>/.config/mudlet/profiles/<your starmourn profile>
    3.         Example: c:/users/steve/.config/mudlet/profiles/starmourn
    4.         -Put the guipics folder here. Not in any folder within that folder. Just the mudlet/profiles/starmourn folder.

    Followed these instructions, and GUI isn't popping up yet on restart. Any ideas? Thanks!
    Instructions are a bit outdated. Use ss gui on
    That worked! First time using a GUI, best way to update and adjust window sizes? Map is too small for my taste. Other than that love it so far. Probably will look better on my bigger screen once I get back home.
  • KidoKido Member Posts: 6
    Anybody added Scoundrel bullets for custom prompt yet?
  • ArsentarArsentar Member Posts: 120 ✭✭✭
    I did, its pretty easy.

    Basically, add 
    ["bullets"] = function() return bulletOnSysPrompt() end,
    to the list of tags on the Prompt Functions script under starsysPromptTags.

    Then create said function:

    function bulletOnSysPrompt()
    	local b = sm_charStats.bullets
    	return b

    Afterwards just need to add @bullets to your custom prompt
  • KidoKido Member Posts: 6
    Another newbie question! https://ibb.co/RvB8YMZ

    How do I get my display back to normal after turning off the GUI and restarting mudlet? :(
  • MarunaMaruna Member Posts: 371 ✭✭✭
    Kido said:
    Another newbie question! https://ibb.co/RvB8YMZ

    How do I get my display back to normal after turning off the GUI and restarting mudlet? :(
    Open mudlet preferences. Change the borders back to 0.
  • OlyvarOlyvar Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2019
    Maruna said:
    Olyvar said:


    Pah who reads patchnotes! And it made sense the other way with the highest priority at the top of the list, not the bottom :-P. 

    EDIT:upon review I didn't realize 1.51 was out...this was on 1.5, Downloading now!
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    The constructing IEDs doesn't function properly if you're at a junk shop, probably due to the last line of JUNK LIST being "You can SELL JUNK here." instead of "Junk can be sold at designated locations."
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