Ranged Hunting

SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
edited December 2018 in Feedback
I was hoping for Starmourn we could see more adjacent room fighting in hunting. For some reason, in my mind, I was praying that the things we fought would have the ability to shoot blasters at us from another room and we could fire back at them while hiding behind cover. Maybe stick my head out from cover and lob a grenade but my cover gets blown apart and I shoulder rolled behind another. Sadly, my fantasy of this happening has been crushed...repeatedly.

At this point, taking cover is absolutely useless in hunting. Every denizen I've fought has been melee even though there are obscene amounts of props to hide behind in every room. Instead, we get punished for hiding behind cover by taking more melee damage as well as being knocked out from cover if we got hit with a melee attack. At this point, there isn't even a need to take cover and the whole concept is just pointless due to penalties and lack of ranged denizens to fight. (Hopefully, I just missed these and there are some out there)

Instead of making ranged attacks not work against mobs, my suggestion is to allow ranged attacks to work but it should be dependant on whether the denizen in question has the capability to attack in ranged or melee. If they cannot attack you in melee then allow them to walk over to your room and attack you and if they can attack in range allow them to take cover and start a shootout with you. Maybe even add a feature that if they start to think it's a losing battle they run or suicide attack you in melee range. Attacking from the sky becomes a problem though and those denizens who have no range capabilities should just flat out run away from you.

Adding to possible scenarios that folks could abuse or that just would be cool.

Drawing singular aggro abuse: You shouldn't be able to shoot one denizen in a room filled with their allies. If you engage in a shootout they should be able to all shoot at you or they all come storming into the room if they can't shoot back.

Anyways, I hope this suggestion gets a good looking. Tell me what you guys, ladies, and non-binaries think?

**edited for grammar**
(Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."


  • BobbtheBreakerBobbtheBreaker Member Posts: 34 ✭✭
    It would be nice if you could at least try to start fights from adjacent rooms. Make melee mobs pretty much immediately run in and start bashing heads, while mobs with ranged attacks tried to use those from the other room.

    I think the only way that works, though, is if ranged attacks aggro everything in the room. Otherwise it's just free pickin's on everything ever.
  • PollivarPollivar Member Posts: 115 ✭✭✭
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Pollivar said:
    What for? Apologies, hard to tell what context that's in with just one word.
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • IzrithIzrith Member Posts: 28
    Wait a minute, Solus doesn't just slip explosives on everything?

    Also, I've noticed as well that mobs are exclusively melee, even when they seem to have a ranged weapon (such as with the gang members in Haven's Oldtown). Doesn't make too much sense. I'm not so sure about fighting in adjacent rooms, but you'd think they could have a shoot out in the same room with both the player and mob using props for cover and so on.

    At least, until I destroy all the props with fulmination that is.
  • TravelerTraveler Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    Wait, taking cover makes you take more damage? I've been habitually taking cover every single time I enter a room. 
  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Traveler said:
    Wait, taking cover makes you take more damage? I've been habitually taking cover every single time I enter a room. 
    Aye, check out HELP COVER. I didn't realize it until much later as well. Some folks still don't know this though :confounded:
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • SolusSolus Member Posts: 72 ✭✭✭
    Izrith said:
    Wait a minute, Solus doesn't just slip explosives on everything?

    Also, I've noticed as well that mobs are exclusively melee, even when they seem to have a ranged weapon (such as with the gang members in Haven's Oldtown). Doesn't make too much sense. I'm not so sure about fighting in adjacent rooms, but you'd think they could have a shoot out in the same room with both the player and mob using props for cover and so on.

    At least, until I destroy all the props with fulmination that is.
    I do love exploding things but nope I don't. At this point, I would take even the same room shootouts over nothing. I just figured just like in real life you don't have to be in the same room to have a shootout. Also was excited about you mentioning the gang members but then you said they don't shoot as well. :sad:
    (Scatterhome): You say, "Do you like things up your ass? Is your record clean? Are you looking for a job in the near future but not right now? Smuggle drugs for Solus and get stuffed across the galaxy."

  • ScorpiaScorpia Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2018
    One thing that I might add to ranged hunting would basically be ripped from a different MUD I play - 

    When a mob gets hit with a ranged attack, it'll try to take cover immediately (thereby protecting it from more ranged attacks) or, depending on its personality/strength/etc., it'll charge the room that the attack came from in order to start busting heads. The only exception is if they get stunned or incapacitated from the ranged attack, making them unable to do either, but even then they'll do one or the other as soon as they're able (e.g. if you shoot them in the head with an arrow, they're stunned for ~a second before they can take action).

    So rather than being able to spam LOB from Improvisation for risk-free hunting, this would mean that you'd get maybe one cheap shot before the mobs dove for cover, rendering further bombs moot, or you'd have to suddenly deal with a very pissed off baddie ready to very literally interpret your battlecry of "Let's show them what we're made of!"

    Possibly, afflictions could affect likelihood of instant retaliation (similar to how stuns/incapacitations from OtherMUD keep all mobs from reacting with literally-inhuman reflexes to any given situation) - that is, you throw a piercer bomb first to give an affliction, then that opens you up to one more easy bomb from the next room over before vengeance comes thundering in. I dunno, I'm more of an ideas guy.

    Edit for clarity: 

    Presently scoundrels can just sit in one room and LOB improvisation bombs at mobs in adjacent rooms to damage them at 0 risk to themselves. I don't think this was intended and so I'm throwing in my 2 cents on what could be done about it.

    Believe me, as a Scoundrel myself, a greedy little part of me LOVES this little loophole, but I feel so filthy every time I do it, so I've made an ISSUE of it.
  • DPierreDPierre Member Posts: 24
    I agree with you. I feel like cover is broken somewhat for bashing. Especially for a scoundrel that comes with practically no active defenses, and only uses light armor. Cover should be our main form of protection, but it feels like it's useless when bashing. And I"m not entirely sure if melee is increased on those in cover, but if it is..that reeeally sucks for scoundrels. 

    Perhaps it can be made so that melee characters must either destroy the cover, or go behind the cover themselves to get full damage on a scoundrel. This way shoulder roll will actually have a point other than looking really cool. 

    TLDR, make cover actually mean something in bashing, and make it the scoundrel's primary way of protecting themselves with only being able to use light armor.
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