Make it so that you can see your last known INR in the list no matter what, including it's possessor at time of dissappearing. Maybe having the details fade after about a three hour span RL time.
Makes no sense from a logical standpoint why this wouldn't be built in. So you can only catch a thief while they've got physical hands on the product? Why can't I have some other way of tracking them down.
Dyslexic(Symbolic Dyslexia and Subtracting-Substitution Dyslexia according to a doctor I had at one point.) and have lost my glasses and lack the ability to pay for a new set.
Thank you for understanding.
Please, kindly explain in full your criticism or amusement.
Thank you for understanding.
You stole something of mine. I have right to recompense that item. The problem is when someone can grab an INR and scan it before you can even get to the cloning bay. Because the zones are so small and densely populated.
Thank you for understanding.
I'm not saying that INR jacking should be safe from PVP, but a three hour window is ludicrous, and laughable. Hence my initial "Lol".
So the only recourse at that point is PK. Or walk away, but then what's even the point of a 3hr timer. Someone's scanning it if you haven't come knocking for it in three hours.
Note: I know that in RL you'd just call the cops on the pawn shop, but there are no space cops that I know of in SM that will come fine me if I refuse to give back an INR.
ETA: I've argued my point here so I'll leave it at this: a three hour window for retaliation PK is too large to sustain without griefers taking advantage. If this idea gets implemented, that's cool, just please make the timer more reasonable and make it readily apparent what the constraints are for the retaliation PK so that people don't stack "cause" and just go on a rampage mercing people months after the fact.
Thank you for understanding.
That's certainly careless. And this is exactly what happened earlier today to me.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for understanding.
That's one rule that's remained the same IRE-wide, practically since IRE's inception. If something is on the ground, then it doesn't belong to anybody except the first person to pick it up.
The other one is that once a source of conflict is over, then it's over. Once your INR's been scanned, then the source is gone. 3 hours is definitely too long, by this metric. 5 minutes is more than enough time to get back, if you're cloning to an entirely different planet and it takes longer than 5 to get back then that's your own problem really.
Thank you for understanding.
You require a specific command to retrieve an INR off a corpse. This does not hold to the logic of it just being dropped on the floor for anyone to take.
And if it is dropped on the floor for anyone to take, why keep the persons name on it.
This is likely intended to be a conflict driver. It's not like losing your shit in other games. It does not follow the same mechanics. Thus it clearly cannot be held under the same rules.
More than that, where is this rule stated? Or is it player convention? Why would this rule follow if there's a different stircter set of PvP rules in this game than the other games.
Thank you for understanding.
If you're hurrying to get it pulled from the corpse and scanned before they can track you down, then you already know it's wrong.
Not to say you shouldn't, but actions should have consequences.
I had problems with mocking any suggestion, I would react the same in another persons thread as I have in my own, were I to see ANYONE respond to a genuine suggestion with, "Lol."
More than that, do try to counter my arguments and not imply I made personal attacks. That's a low path and is an attempt to discredit me and not my arguments.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for understanding.
It just makes someone stubborn.
Anyway I'll leave it at this, you posted a response in a public forum, and then expected to have the final word. That is literally not how the internet works. The free exchange of information, is basically a foundation of it's culture. Albeit one eroded by the facebooks and twitters and, I would say tumblr here, but it's currently dying. So instead I'll go with certain subreddits out there. This is something that unfortunately you don't get to choose. You posted an opinion to the wild. And it was open to observance and critique, I would hope I've kept that critique polite. I have endeavored too at very least.
Thank you for understanding.