Hello, Miscreants.
https://pastebin.com/raw/iPgdLkXC -> Right click this link, and then click 'save link as' -- Make sure to add .xml at the end, so it saves as an xml file. Then simply install it as per usual via the package manager. Had to host the file this way because Starmourn has 'suspicious link detection' on google drive files, which then require moderator approval before the thread is opened.
Install with sminstall. Name highlighting is on by default because I'm not going back to change it now.
As you honours people, it'll gradually add them to the database. If you wanna speed up the information gathering you can do qwp instead to parse everyone currently online. Even with ~300-odd people, with the lovely usage of Starmourn's API, this only takes about 5 seconds max to do. No this doesn't spam the game, because it doesn't actually ping the game server at all.
- smhl to toggle highlighting.
- smhl <org> <colour> to change highlight colours for that org.
- smss to show settings. Screwed up the pattern for that alias, can't be bothered changing it now that it's uploaded.
- whois <person> shows information on that person.
- sm recreate will recheck everyone in the database, essentially starting from scratch.
- sm classes shows how many people are using each class (of the tracked people).
- sm citymembers shows how many people are in each faction.
- smndb show <faction> shows who is tracked from the chosen faction.
- qwp will gather information of everyone online. If everyone is already tracked, will show something similar to the image below.
API for Coders
- smNDB_getColour(person) will return what colour they're being highlighted as. Dunno what I planned for it to be used for, but it's there! cecho("Maruna is coloured "..smNDB_getColour("Maruna")) for example.
- smNDB_getClass(person) will return their class. Useful I guess for defending and what not. if smNDB_getClass(target) == "Fury" then do something end for example.
- smNDB_Exists(person) checks if that person is currently in the database.
- smNDB_isCitizenOf(city, person) checks if someone is a member of <x> city. if not smNDB_isCitizenOf("Song", target) then send("say GET OUT!",false) end for example.
- smNDB_getCitizenship(target) checks what faction/city someone is a member of. if smNDB_getCitizenship(target) == "Scatterhome" then send("say lol more like scatterbrained haHaa", false) end for example.
ETA: Here's a log of a manual honours followed by a whois - https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/ChcklX2P
Sorry Adobe, you were first on the qw so you got honours.
Thanks @Maruna !
Since installing the package, HONORS <player> no longer returns any result. I can't find where that output is being gagged. Any ideas how to correct this?
Looks like access to the core page was taken down. Can still use www.starmourn.com./api/characters.json
(Please note that we don't fully support the news/orglogs endpoints in Starmourn right now)