If you have roleplayed with me at all, whether in a room or across some channel or another, I've enjoyed the game so far and you've been a big reason why. In particular, shout-out to the Celestine Ascendancy - after the initial chaos of launch, the faction turned out to be pretty civilized.
Wish I could've made it! Unfortunately time zones exist. I've had a great time with the few Celestines I've interacted with so far. I think it's really cool of you to reach out to our faction too.
I had a great time, too! Thank you to @Viola and @Mattias for organizing it and to everyone who attended! As @Revelin said, too many to list but it was amazing fun.
Yes, timezones make things tricky. This time I managed to login when everyone was thanking each other for the great party, making my character feel like "Bloody cold storage door got stuck again!"
Nonetheless, it has been quite enjoyable so far, so thanks to the Celestine Ascendancy as a whole for the RP generated lately from all corners.
Not just for this party specifically, but in general: Celestine Ascendancy, I love you long time. Best faction. Super chill. CS 10 overall.
Shen players in general, I love how on point everyone is with the lore and cultural RP. It really helps my immersion and brings these characters to life for me. You're all great. Racial RP often seems optional in other games and among all the Shen character I've met so far, it rarely ever seems to be. And that makes me happy.
Special shout-out to @Viola and @Vaxis though because they're just fun players to be around. They never seem to act in any way that seems intended (or even unintended) to rain on anyone's parade, just super positive, upbeat, funny people, never ones to take themselves or their characters too seriously. (By which I mean, in their emotes they'll sometimes deliberately have their characters fucking up so others can laugh about it and don't do this whole glowing-I'm-always-perfect-worship-me-Mary-Sue.) These are qualities I admire. Mad respect. You're rainbow people.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty." — Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before." — Margaret Atwood
Thank you so much @Mykel for all the tells rp and messing around with the customizations for them!
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
To @Vaxis, who has been an utter delight and the best RP partner I could have asked for. I've been having a lot of fun with you. I hope it keeps being fun for a long time yet!
To @Zah - you're interesting! I can tell that you've put in the work and thought your backstory through, and the way it reflects out in the big and the little things your character does are touches that go neither unnoticed nor unappreciated. Please RP more with me! I welcome it!
To the Eyrlocks in general, but @Cal and @Mattias in particular - I am seriously impressed by how much you do with so little. The style of your RP is very laconic and fast-paced, and adjusting to it was a challenge that I enjoyed. You bring so much flavor to the game, and the fact that you swing it with the minimal presentation I've seen such far is a seriously admirable feat. I'd love more RP with you all.
(And @Revelin - you play such an adorable character and I'd include you above except for recent RP.)
To @Zhulkarn, who so far has balanced the difficult task of promoting interest in PK with making it feel like it's grounded in the world. I enjoyed the way you handled it. Thanks for making CA more combat-friendly!
To @Jerrax - we need to RP more! I love the way you threw the Redeemer security escort at me, and how it mutated into this entire running gag that comes up whenever we run into each other.
To the V'els - best dynasty. Best mood. Thanks for doing your collective thing.
To @Vaxis, who has been an utter delight and the best RP partner I could have asked for. I've been having a lot of fun with you. I hope it keeps being fun for a long time yet!
To @Zah - you're interesting! I can tell that you've put in the work and thought your backstory through, and the way it reflects out in the big and the little things your character does are touches that go neither unnoticed nor unappreciated. Please RP more with me! I welcome it!
To the Eyrlocks in general, but @Cal and @Mattias in particular - I am seriously impressed by how much you do with so little. The style of your RP is very laconic and fast-paced, and adjusting to it was a challenge that I enjoyed. You bring so much flavor to the game, and the fact that you swing it with the minimal presentation I've seen such far is a seriously admirable feat. I'd love more RP with you all.
(And @Revelin - you play such an adorable character and I'd include you above except for recent RP.)
To @Zhulkarn, who so far has balanced the difficult task of promoting interest in PK with making it feel like it's grounded in the world. I enjoyed the way you handled it. Thanks for making CA more combat-friendly!
To @Jerrax - we need to RP more! I love the way you threw the Redeemer security escort at me, and how it mutated into this entire running gag that comes up whenever we run into each other.
To the V'els - best dynasty. Best mood. Thanks for doing your collective thing.
WHO ARE YOU CALLING ADORABLE?!?!?! BITCH, I WILL CUT YOU!!!! Haha nah I'm just playing. Thanks @Viola! It's been a blast!
Thanks, @Mattias and @Zah (who isn't on the forums. Oh well.) - For the "Swanky club" RP - I stayed up way too late! Hopefully Zah wasn't too unimpressed and badly influenced, if she finally made it home!
I enjoyed it! Zah, you made me feel more inclined to "Do better".
Thanks, @Cise for the random rp and philosophical talks. One of the nicest rpwho encounters I've had thus far! Oh and @Mairon and @Victoria for hanging out as usual.
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
Well I was hesitant putting up two pro @Cise posts in a row lest you start thinking you're all hot shit (you are.) You've been a catalyst for deep introspection for my character. Realizing his flaws, wanting to fix them, and just do better. Conflict can often be so much more rewarding than just getting along and everything working out. So thanks for that. I'm looking forward to years from now when our characters can be like "Hey, remember that time you were a fucking asshole?" "Yeah, well you remember that time you were being a bitch?" Much love.
Also, in general, thanks to everyone who throws cool/fun events like this and invites people who exist outside their circle. Really cool of you. Great way to meet with and socialise with new people.
I always feel bad because I can't emote at everyone as much as I would like to, and I don't mean to ignore anyone IC but sometimes you kind of have to pick one or two people to target at once. So that sucks. I totally would have RPed with everyone at all these giant events if I could've. But still. I love you guys all.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty." — Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before." — Margaret Atwood
So, I said I would stay out of forum srs bsns but I'm glad to have met some people along the way and I feel like they deserve recognition. A special thank you to all @Lockwood members for making this a great and fun environment and being so awesome! I wish I kept that Lockwood party log with all the missiles and infernos and bullets, damn! xD
I've already listed a lot of names and a lot more should be here but I'd have to include largely the whole base of players I've met and this post would be insanely long!
For this past IC year I got to deal with a lot of people in character both positively and not so positively and overall OOC it's been great. So thank you all for that.
@Flipilaria you've been great, and I'm cheering for you. I look forward to seeing how your character turns out even if she is my least favorite alignment!
@Cise The amount of time and effort you put into roleplay and your character makes me feel so thankful that we've met. I'm really excited to see how our characters turn out as they grow, mature, and solidify in their philosophical approaches. Was not expecting such a great continual presence from RPWHO.
@Dakkis it is always so great to interact with you, we should do it more. @Vincent one of my favorite new additions to Song, hands down. @Mereas you are actually the most adorable space hamster.
@Sinturion and @Balthazar You are both great people, in character and out. The amount of patience I've seen you show towards me and others is honestly inspiring and it makes me want to try harder across the board to be more understanding and kind.
@Mavis and everyone else in the Dreya Dynasty (Especially Asteyr, Yara, and Alianna), you are all amazing.
@Digit and @Victoria I don't deserve either of you, it's a little sitcom trio between the three of us. Not a single interaction has gone by that I haven't been so thankful for you both. If I had to rate friendship on a scale of 1-10 you both are solid 15s.
@Mairon, @Hallen, and @Enn You both were my first close friends, the level of positivity you all exude is stupid high, please come back down to earth with the rest of us mortals. Thanks. You both are always looking out for other people. You three are so humble and giving.
And all the people who helped me with sparring, I still have a super long way to go, but thank you so much. Especially to @Zile we never really talked, never really interacted but the amount of time you've taken out to kick my ass and how positive and helpful you've been is mindblowing, so thank you. And I know you don't consider it as roleplaying, but at the end of the day, you helped my character develop whether you like it or not, so it counts!
This has been a long ass month, but we made it. And I missed people. So thanks for everyone who helped with anything at all or even just participated, thanks, all of you doing what you're doing, whether it involves me or not is what makes games fun and feel alive.
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
Not a specific instance of roleplay, but @Shulamit's desserts have given me the opportunity to meet a lot of random people and transform my character into big tukkav with a sweet tooth.
Mereas Eyrlock "They're excited, but poor." - Ilyos (August 2019)
@juno for our hunting trip and everything that followed. This was my first long bit of RP in Starmourn to date. Made me practice my emoting again, and clarified that I need to learn SM's emote syntax. @Cise for RP, even if we do most of it through tells. Sorry that I wasn't more proficient with my emoting when we interacted in person. You both rock.
[Cassandra]: Poet will be unsurprised to learn that she has unread news.
I'd like to thank Zeta and Viola for expressing interest in my character's statuary hobby. I like writing descriptions and I hope what I come out with lives up to your expectations.
@Viola my new cooking buddy may we never run out of nommy goodies
@Katherine you have been a real stabilizing force in helping me keep my cool in situations that caused me ooc anxiety
@Zhulkarn I absolutely adore you! I love the bits of roleplay we get, it makes me laugh and takes a lot of the stress away. You are truly a person that makes me look forward to every interaction.
Thanks everyone who had the time to come watch the holo show with Vega! It was great to have so many new faces.
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
Congrats on the SSN, @Katherine and @Vega . It is quite enjoyable to listen to! Today's trivia with Mereas was a blast to hear and generally everything is awesome about it. One of the few things that's cool to have in the background in SM!
Thanks @Katherine for being so enthusiastic about the project, it is really hard to find people who like working that much! You are always make a great work partner. Will miss you.
And thanks @Matlkael@Rhindara and @Nykara for always being so super supportive of everything going on. And thank you so much for all the other people who are very supportive behind the scenes, I am constantly floored by the amount of support you all give ooc and the understanding you have when I have to work slowly. So thank you for that!
(much overdo post, mostly cause I was so sad cause Katherine left me )
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
Been working on a case IC with the help of a handful of people in Song with the help of our Storyteller @Yimh and thanks @Rhindara for giving Vega approval to actively investigate! And thanks for everyone who is keeping an eye out.
Today @tasp gave me a chance to kidnap them and everything kinda clicked into place for making a breakthrough on the case! This neat little snippet was one of my favorite parts to see during the roleplay!
An Amaian peacekeeper nods.
An Amaian peacekeeper says, "We have a secure location arranged."
An Amaian peacekeeper says, "And may I say on an unrelated note."
Blushing slightly, An Amaian peacekeeper says to Tasp, "It's an honor to meet you, I'm a great admirer of your work."
The edges of your lips curve up briefly into the faintest semblance of a smirk as you settle your gaze upon Tasp.
Tasp glances over to the laundromat worker, one eye glinting as she consults her mindsim. She offers a thin smile at your assurance and, with a gesture toward the peacekeeper, says, "You are in good-- hands." The brief hesitation coincides with the compliment paid her, and she glances back to study the man a bit more intently, then offer another, slightly wider, smile.
After a moment, Tasp says, "The pleasure is mine."
Attention returning to you, posture just a hair straighter than ordinary, Tasp goes on, "Unless you need anything else immediately, I will return to my ship and submerge for a while. It has been a long day. But if you find anything tied to this you think I might help with, do not hesitate to reach out."
The two other Amaians start conversing slowly and lowly, the peacekeeper taking his time to set the laundromat worker at ease.
Vega turns to Tasp as she hears the other move, her gaze meets Tasp and her hand raises to offer a formal salute, "Thank you for your efforts and assistance. I could not have done it without you. I'll be sure to keep in touch as I have some genetic samples to go over."
Tasp takes time to return your salute, head inclining as she does so. "Of course," she replies, before setting off briskly.
Tasp steps away to the northeast.
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
I wanted to thank all the Lockwood's that stuck around for as long as that did. And of course special thanks out to Kew, Katherine, Kiara, and Desmond. Haven't seen you all in a while and hope all is well for you. It was fun.
Also thanks out to Vega and Ren, even the little amount I've spoken to them was still enjoyable and felt productive.
Character: Vega Faction: Song Dominion Class: Engineer
note: I am always up for RP, antagonistic or friendly. If she's being a bitch, it's because you're from Scatterhome or she's trying to meet a deadline and has nothing to do with whether I want to RP with you or not. Thanks in advance for the RP!
If you have roleplayed with me at all, whether in a room or across some channel or another, I've enjoyed the game so far and you've been a big reason why. In particular, shout-out to the Celestine Ascendancy - after the initial chaos of launch, the faction turned out to be pretty civilized.
So thank you all. Let's keep doing the thing.
Nonetheless, it has been quite enjoyable so far, so thanks to the Celestine Ascendancy as a whole for the RP generated lately from all corners.
Shen players in general, I love how on point everyone is with the lore and cultural RP. It really helps my immersion and brings these characters to life for me. You're all great. Racial RP often seems optional in other games and among all the Shen character I've met so far, it rarely ever seems to be. And that makes me happy.
Special shout-out to @Viola and @Vaxis though because they're just fun players to be around. They never seem to act in any way that seems intended (or even unintended) to rain on anyone's parade, just super positive, upbeat, funny people, never ones to take themselves or their characters too seriously. (By which I mean, in their emotes they'll sometimes deliberately have their characters fucking up so others can laugh about it and don't do this whole glowing-I'm-always-perfect-worship-me-Mary-Sue.) These are qualities I admire. Mad respect. You're rainbow people.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
To @Vaxis, who has been an utter delight and the best RP partner I could have asked for. I've been having a lot of fun with you. I hope it keeps being fun for a long time yet!
To @Zah - you're interesting! I can tell that you've put in the work and thought your backstory through, and the way it reflects out in the big and the little things your character does are touches that go neither unnoticed nor unappreciated. Please RP more with me! I welcome it!
To the Eyrlocks in general, but @Cal and @Mattias in particular - I am seriously impressed by how much you do with so little. The style of your RP is very laconic and fast-paced, and adjusting to it was a challenge that I enjoyed. You bring so much flavor to the game, and the fact that you swing it with the minimal presentation I've seen such far is a seriously admirable feat. I'd love more RP with you all.
(And @Revelin - you play such an adorable character and I'd include you above except for recent RP.)
To @Zhulkarn, who so far has balanced the difficult task of promoting interest in PK with making it feel like it's grounded in the world. I enjoyed the way you handled it. Thanks for making CA more combat-friendly!
To @Jerrax - we need to RP more! I love the way you threw the Redeemer security escort at me, and how it mutated into this entire running gag that comes up whenever we run into each other.
To the V'els - best dynasty. Best mood. Thanks for doing your collective thing.
I enjoyed it! Zah, you made me feel more inclined to "Do better".
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
Also, in general, thanks to everyone who throws cool/fun events like this and invites people who exist outside their circle. Really cool of you. Great way to meet with and socialise with new people.
I always feel bad because I can't emote at everyone as much as I would like to, and I don't mean to ignore anyone IC but sometimes you kind of have to pick one or two people to target at once. So that sucks. I totally would have RPed with everyone at all these giant events if I could've. But still. I love you guys all.
"They are elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty."
— Oscar Wilde
"I'll take care of it, Luke said. And because he said it instead of her, I knew he meant kill. That is what you have to do before you kill, I thought. You have to create an it, where none was before."
— Margaret Atwood
@Katherine and @Revelin for being interesting and fun to deal with.
@Flipilaria you've been great, and I'm cheering for you. I look forward to seeing how your character turns out even if she is my least favorite alignment!
@Cise The amount of time and effort you put into roleplay and your character makes me feel so thankful that we've met. I'm really excited to see how our characters turn out as they grow, mature, and solidify in their philosophical approaches. Was not expecting such a great continual presence from RPWHO.
@Mykel thanks for more tell rp, you're the man.
@Dakkis it is always so great to interact with you, we should do it more.
@Vincent one of my favorite new additions to Song, hands down.
@Mereas you are actually the most adorable space hamster.
@Sinturion and @Balthazar You are both great people, in character and out. The amount of patience I've seen you show towards me and others is honestly inspiring and it makes me want to try harder across the board to be more understanding and kind.
@Mavis and everyone else in the Dreya Dynasty (Especially Asteyr, Yara, and Alianna), you are all amazing.
@Digit and @Victoria I don't deserve either of you, it's a little sitcom trio between the three of us. Not a single interaction has gone by that I haven't been so thankful for you both. If I had to rate friendship on a scale of 1-10 you both are solid 15s.
@Mairon, @Hallen, and @Enn You both were my first close friends, the level of positivity you all exude is stupid high, please come back down to earth with the rest of us mortals. Thanks. You both are always looking out for other people. You three are so humble and giving.
And all the people who helped me with sparring, I still have a super long way to go, but thank you so much. Especially to @Zile we never really talked, never really interacted but the amount of time you've taken out to kick my ass and how positive and helpful you've been is mindblowing, so thank you. And I know you don't consider it as roleplaying, but at the end of the day, you helped my character develop whether you like it or not, so it counts!
This has been a long ass month, but we made it. And I missed people. So thanks for everyone who helped with anything at all or even just participated, thanks, all of you doing what you're doing, whether it involves me or not is what makes games fun and feel alive.
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
- Ilyos (August 2019)
@Viola my new cooking buddy may we never run out of nommy goodies
@Katherine you have been a real stabilizing force in helping me keep my cool in situations that caused me ooc anxiety
@Zhulkarn I absolutely adore you! I love the bits of roleplay we get, it makes me laugh and takes a lot of the stress away. You are truly a person that makes me look forward to every interaction.
@Desmond I honestly look forward to the bits of RP we get. It's comical the sass and snark we shoot off at each other. I will get a bird one day.
@Tanis You're the best!!!
@Nykara Three, two, one, bullets
@Soza my favorite food stealer
@Woodro I declare a cook off! No rolling it in dirt required. I am so glad I know you and Soza. You always brighten my days.
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
- Ilyos (August 2019)
And thanks @Matlkael @Rhindara and @Nykara for always being so super supportive of everything going on. And thank you so much for all the other people who are very supportive behind the scenes, I am constantly floored by the amount of support you all give ooc and the understanding you have when I have to work slowly. So thank you for that!
(much overdo post, mostly cause I was so sad cause Katherine left me
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
Today @tasp gave me a chance to kidnap them and everything kinda clicked into place for making a breakthrough on the case! This neat little snippet was one of my favorite parts to see during the roleplay!
An Amaian peacekeeper nods.
An Amaian peacekeeper says, "We have a secure location arranged."
An Amaian peacekeeper says, "And may I say on an unrelated note."
Blushing slightly, An Amaian peacekeeper says to Tasp, "It's an honor to meet you, I'm a great admirer of your work."
The edges of your lips curve up briefly into the faintest semblance of a smirk as you settle your gaze upon Tasp.
Tasp glances over to the laundromat worker, one eye glinting as she consults her mindsim. She offers a thin smile at your assurance and, with a gesture toward the peacekeeper, says, "You are in good-- hands." The brief hesitation coincides with the compliment paid her, and she glances back to study the man a bit more intently, then offer another, slightly wider, smile.
After a moment, Tasp says, "The pleasure is mine."
Attention returning to you, posture just a hair straighter than ordinary, Tasp goes on, "Unless you need anything else immediately, I will return to my ship and submerge for a while. It has been a long day. But if you find anything tied to this you think I might help with, do not hesitate to reach out."
The two other Amaians start conversing slowly and lowly, the peacekeeper taking his time to set the laundromat worker at ease.
Vega turns to Tasp as she hears the other move, her gaze meets Tasp and her hand raises to offer a formal salute, "Thank you for your efforts and assistance. I could not have done it without you. I'll be sure to keep in touch as I have some genetic samples to go over."
Tasp takes time to return your salute, head inclining as she does so. "Of course," she replies, before setting off briskly.
Tasp steps away to the northeast.
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer
are you saying good bye!?
Faction: Song Dominion
Class: Engineer