HELP files

TectonTecton Administrator Posts: 686 Starmourn staff
As you know, our HELP system is pretty vast, with HELP <whatever> letting you pull up information on pretty much any topic. There is always more we can do here, so if you find something that's not specifically listed in a helpfile, or the helpfile isn't 100% clear, let us know here and we'll get it fixed up at earliest opportunity.


  • NusrizanNusrizan Member Posts: 22
    There's Techcraft and Nanohacking. The AB Hacking doesn't have Nanohacking and I'm not sure what it really does. I'm guessing it's just a term for Nanoseers to use their nanites to modify stuff.
  • YalauYalau Member Posts: 68 ✭✭
    The Jamming in suittech syntax is listed wrong in the AB file.  The command seems to be JAMMING
  • EsheEshe Member Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    HELP CLONES/DEATH - Please include an explanation of the cost.
    *** Also please look into the cost. 720m at level 16 is still pretty painful, considering I only made 3k in the grind from 15-16. >>

    HELP ELECTIONS (13.1.5) is TBD but we have active ones going. Kind of.

    HELP <factionname> should have some more information about the faction and link to appropriate lore files or links (such as Martias and the Angel for CA).
    *** In particular, CA could use some future clarity on just what the status is on the Ascendancy. The physical state of the city is a different picture than what is left off at the end of the M/Ang story.

    HELP SHIPFORGE could use clarification on ship mass (and how/where to gauge it when loading your cart with things), for those of us that bought too many things and can't take off, and can't displace that mass at present.
    *** p.s. please give us a way to store repairkits and batteries if we have a surplus, or sell them back. 

    HELP 9.2 would be a good place to reinforce towing insured ships, since that is a more natural place to look for help. Similar to if your ship is destroyed. Alternatively, a HELP STRANDED for additional circumstances of getting stuck on a planet and not being able to RESCUEME, with your clone set in an area where you can't transport and don't have your ship.

    HELP NEWBIESHIP would be a good file to give a simpler focus on what new characters need to have for the level 10 quest, because 'be equipped' is very vague and there are a lot of options. 
  • TyeTye Member Posts: 127 ✭✭✭
    HELP DEATH or more specifically HELP INR should also better explain how to get INR from corpses. 
  • TextWenchTextWench Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
    What @tye said, the help files are not the place to get fancy with the wording. It should bluntly state the steps. 
  • TeotwaukiTeotwauki Member Posts: 13
    @Tecton would it be possible to add the help files to the website some time down the track?
  • OryxOryx Moderator Posts: 112 Moderator
    Typos or inaccurate/missing info in AB files - please submit a BUG in game about those!
  • panicavepanicave Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I'd like to suggest a change in the HELP FURY file in-game for the sake of clarity and to help primarily F2P players like myself who can't trans everything off the bat.
    As it stands, Starter Lessons and Important Abilities is bad and misleading.
    Though 'Basics' is great and should be followed, 'For later on' afterwards should be changed because most people reading will follow the guideline to mistakenly prioritize learning Fever 221 lessons into Fulmination and then Stun 133 lessons into Rage because it looks like the proper suggested learning order after the Basics.
    Learning 221 lessons into Fulmination for Fever leaves someone with Flameshape, Windshape, Burn, Ignite, Suffuse, Cure, Harden, Warmth, Balancing, and Fever. The priority of getting some of these utility skills past Cure are questionable at best but the biggest issue is Rage.
    Learning 133 lessons into Rage for Stun leaves you with, in order of Stance availability: 
    Symmetry - Strike; 
    Ember - Resistant, Upperlash, and Stun; 
    Flare - Reel, Flyinglash; 
    Inferno - Daze; 
    Spark - Grapple. 
    If someone learned only the suggested Basics of 15 lessons in Battleflow up to Assault, newbies will have literally no access to these suggested Rage abilities because Assault doesn't build or progress stance. If someone learns up to Gutrend 30 lessons into Battleflow to get to Ember to even USE the suggested Stun ability in Rage, newbies are still left with 5 skills (Strike, Reel, Flyinglash, Daze, and Grapple) they CAN'T USE.
    My suggestions are as follows:
    1. Add a line in 'For later on' that suggests learning 280 lessons into Battleflow for Concuss. This gives Furies access to ALL stances.
    (which is in the odd learning order of Symmetry, Ember, Flare, Eruption, Spark, Blaze, Inferno. Shouldn't we get to access these Battleflow skills in the order of Ember, Flare, Inferno, Spark, Eruption, Blaze, Symmetry. With the current order, I learn Symmetry which I can't use until I use an Inferno skill. I also learn Eruption, Spark, and Blaze skills that I ALL can't use until I learn that final Inferno skill gating me from even let me from getting to that stance.)
    2. Move learning Rage before Fulmination, which is a majority utility skill.
    This isn't just for Fury, actually. Before I went Fury I had a Scoundrel I bought a No-Brainer on, followed the suggested guidelines because I was so excited, then realized I can't do anything because that order was trash and I couldn't combo despite 1000 lessons in... but I heard you can't do complete lesson refunds if you go past 800 lessons so I just f***ed myself up and wasted money. LEL. 
  • panicavepanicave Member Posts: 3
    Editing takes forever, but I completely missed and was shown Target Stance and that you can move backwards from Stances, so ignore the musings about the access order of Stances . Will have to investigate that further, but other points still stand.
  • TextWenchTextWench Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
    HELP DIRECTIONS for some basic area info. I realize we can travel to stuff, but it'd be nice to see the basic connections. Save the poor administrative people a little effort for stuff that should be easy access info. 

    Also, HELP COMMSSPHERE should explain sorta what different communication systems -are-, precisely. Is it an audio feed? A text feed? Makes a big difference in how they are used. If it's a direct mind implant, then something like FT -an image of a cranky Jin flipping you off appears in your mind- would be perfectly legit. A text feed might have emoticons. An audio feed wouldn't have either of those. 
  • austereaustere Member Posts: 1
    HELP ARTEFACTS still isn't up, despite being referenced in HELP CREDITS.  I want to know what all I can throw money at before throwing money at stuff! 
  • TravelerTraveler Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    I don't know if I just didn't look in the right place, but I didn't see a clarification of ship PK rules under HELP 9. Is it the same as normal PK rules? How does piracy work?
  • FyrelFyrel Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    There's a list of damage types and a list of afflictions, but there's no explanation I can find of what they DO. I'd like the help files to contain that knowledge please.
  • SqueakumsSqueakums Member Posts: 230 ✭✭✭
    AFFLICTION SHOW HYPERTENSION or something like that was showing me details of the effects of everything. 
  • InsusurroInsusurro Member Posts: 3
    HELP STATS claims that you get 10 health for each effective stat point. You only get 5.
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